Texas Tech University

Undergraduate Research Scholars Program (URS) FAQ


What steps do I need to follow to apply to URS?

1. Complete the student portion of the URS Application, then submit.

2. Send the link generated by the form to your mentor so they can submit a Mentor's Pledge.

3. After your Mentor submits their pledge, the URS committee will review your application and inform you if are accepted into the URS program. If you have not been employed by the university, we will send you the hiring documents so that you may receive a stipend for your research involvement.

How do I find a Mentor?

1. Google TTU and the department of interest. (Example: TTU Biology)

2. Select the faculty page

3. Review each faculty member and see what they are researching. Once you find a topic or area of interest reach out to the faculty. 

4. Once you find a professor, email them (sample email) to see if they are willing to be your faculty member for URS.


Other ways to find a mentor:

  • Teaching assistants (TA) and fellow students are also very helpful in finding a mentor. You also might be sitting next to someone in class doing similar research who could help with introductions or provide insights on a professor who might love to work with, so start talking to people

  • Professors you have taken a course from and have a good relationship with are also a valuable resource when it comes to finding a faculty mentor. You may also ask your departmental advisor for suggestions

  • It is common for students to do research in their major or field, ex. pre-med. However, if you have another passion, say history or dance, this may be your last chance to explore that topic before you focus on your major of career. Many students have successfully gained admittance to professional programs with research outside of their major.

I want to be a URS Faculty Mentor, what do I need to know?

All faculty mentors need to complete the Mentor's Pledge. This will be shared with their Scholars so they can complete their application.


URS should be viewed as an opportunity for the student to learn from your expertise, guidance, and support. Part of this program requires student scholars to present a poster or paper during Spring semester. To assist with this requirement faculty mentors will provide their expertise and time as the Scholar prepares for this event.

Faculty mentors will also:

  • provide clear guidelines to the Scholar regarding their expectations for this research,
  • provide information about the safety trainings required to the URS Coordinator and Scholar,

  • give recognition to their Scholar when possible, on publications and presentations

  • assist the Honors College with publicity of the URS program by providing information to the URS Coordinator about any publications/presentations resulting from research done with their Undergraduate Research Scholar

  • ensure that the Scholar is able to submit their timesheets on time to the Honors College every two weeks.

  • notify the Honors URS Program Coordinator if questions arise regarding the hours the Scholar has reported. (A timesheet is a legal document and subject to audit. Falsification of hours reported will result in termination of the Scholar's position and possible legal action.)

I'm an FYE Mentor, can I be in URS at the same time? OR What if I already have a job elsewhere on campus?

Yes. Students may work more than one job on campus. However, University rules state that students may not work more than 20 hours total between their jobs. This rule in enforced. And remember, URS only pays for up to 10 hours a week.


What hiring documents do I need?

To help facilitate your hiring paperwork you will receive a copy of the URS Hiring Instructions (included below). This document will have a checklist with the employment forms and steps you will need to complete prior to beginning work. Each checkbox/step is linked to the forms that you will need to review/complete.


Once you have completed your forms you will need to schedule an appointment with Ashlie Crawford, Associate Director of Systems and Administration, (806) 834-5284, ashlie.crawford@ttu.edu, to deliver your forms in person and verify your I-9 information. All the forms and links are included below.


URS Hiring Instructions

•  I‐9 Form with identification documents 

•  eVerify (this will be done in person) 

•  W‐4 

•  Employee Biographical Data form 

•  Employee Acknowledgement form 

•  Proof of Selective Service Registration (male U.S. citizens and male aliens living in the U.S. who are 18‐25 years of age are required to register with the U.S. Selective Service System) Selective Service System

•  Voluntary Self‐Identification of Disability form 

•  Veteran's Self‐Identification form 

•  TTUS Confidentiality Agreement 

•  TTU Student Records Confidentiality Agreement 

•  Read TTU System Community Conduct, Intellectual Property Rights, Excerpts from the State Government Code, and Excerpts from the General Appropriations Act



Can I be in URS and write an Honors Thesis at the same time?

Yes. Students writing an Honors Thesis will receive guidelines on how to report their time to be paid.


Can I attend other academic conferences?

Yes. The Honors College tries to support, as funds are available and in conjunction with the mentor's home department, students traveling to present at field specific conferences. URS students may apply for Conference travel funding.


Do I have to do research in my major?

No. Many students choose to explore other topics that interest them. Your undergraduate years are the best time to investigate; you never know where something might lead!



Please email honors.urs@ttu.edu with any questions.