Texas Tech University

Majors and Minors

Chapter 3

1) What College Hosts the Explored Major?

Universities normally have a number of colleges that host all the majors and degrees based on fields of study (College of Business, College of Education, etc.)

Colleges differ in their GPA and course requirements. They also have certain standards of what is accepted and what is expected from their students. Therefore, it is important for the exploring student to know what college hosts their explored major and to familiarize themselves with the culture of that college. For example: Majors in the College of Business require a GPA of 2.75, while the College of Engineering requires 3.0. The College of Arts & Sciences require its students to choose a minor with their major.

2) What Field of Study does this Major Cover

By the time students graduate from a university, they will have been exposed to multiple academic fields of study. A field of study is a branch of knowledge that is taught and researched as part of higher education. Fields of study can include Creative Arts, Social & Behavioral Sciences, Oral and Written Communication, Physical and Life Sciences, etc.

3) Under What Designation is it Listed?

Majors can be explored by what a student can do with them after graduation in the job market. Majors can be grouped based on the following career endorsements:

-Business and Industries

-Arts and Humanities

-Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math

-Public Service

-Social Sciences


What is a Minor?

A minor is a specialization or concentration that may complement your college major or may explore a completely unrelated field. For example, if you are majoring in biology, you may choose to minor in a related field, such as Chemistry, or an unrelated field, such as Spanish.

Students who elect to add a minor have to take at least 6 classes in the chosen subject.

Why do you Need a Minor?

Pursuing a minor allows you to enhance your major studies and develop a side passion. It gives you an edge intellectually by introducing you to new ideas and, depending on what you choose, it can give you a professional edge, too. If your minor is related to your field, it can show potential employers that you have a depth of knowledge that sets you apart from other recent graduates in your intended industry. While a minor unrelated to your field may show employers that you are curious and multi-faceted.

 At Texas Tech, only the College of Arts & Sciences requires its student to add a minor to their intended major.

 Student in ALL majors have the option to add a minor.


majors and minors


post grad

