Tissue Engineering and Mechanotransduction Lab



for Lubbock Homeschoolers


Do you have a passion for Biology, Physics, or Chemistry?

Do you know what you can do with those tools as an engineer?




 We are recruiting homeschool students to spend two weeks in our laboratories every summer! Our goals are to help you decide on potential STEM careers based on hands-on experience that you will gain in the lab and to continuously deliver and refine your scientific knowledge as you advance through K-12 education.

We will teach you basics of molecular and cell biology, tissue assembly, organ function as well as experimental techniques!

We will explore how basic concepts of physics apply in fluid dynamics through simple experiments and “slow-mo” imaging!

You will gain experience designing solar cells, polymer hydrogels and water remediation systems for environmental applications!



If you are interested in engineering as a career,

we ask that you fill out an application to our program and/or contact us:

 Dr. Lacerda (Carla.Lacerda@ttu.edu)

 Dr. Marston (Jeremy.Marston@ttu.edu)

 Dr. Nuraje (Nurxat.Nuraje@ttu.edu)




Summer 2016
Summer 2017






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