Texas Tech University

Faculty Book Publications


Dr. John Beusterien: Canines in Cervantes and Velázquez, An Animal Studies Reading of Early Modern Spain


  • Publisher: Ashgate (April 2013)
  • Hardback: 162 pages
  • Other editions: ebook PDF, ebook ePUB
  • ISBN: 978-1-4094-5713-8
  • ISBN Short: 9781409457138
  • Series : New Hispanisms: Cultural and Literary Studies


The study of the creation of canine breeds in early modern Europe, especially Spain, illustrates the different constructs against which notions of human identity were forged. This book is the first comprehensive history of early modern Spanish dogs and it evaluates how two of Spain's most celebrated and canonical cultural figures of this period, the artist Diego Velázquez and the author Miguel de Cervantes, radically question humankind's sixteenth-century anthropocentric self-fashioning. In general, this study illuminates how Animal Studies can offer new perspectives to understanding Hispanism, giving readers a fresh approach to the historical, literary and artistic complexity of early modern Spain.

Dr. Carole Edwards: Le Sacrifice dans les littératures francophones


  • Series: Francopolyphonies
  • Paperback: 194 pages
  • Publisher: Rodopi (April 17, 2014)
  • Language: French
  • ISBN-10: 9042038403
  • ISBN-13: 978-9042038400

Les littératures francophones postcoloniales portent l'empreinte de la douleur, du compromis ou encore de l'oubli, notions qui transparaissent dans celle du sacrifice. Dans ce collectif, les auteurs se penchent sur différentes représentations et fonctions du sacrifice dans le roman, le théâtre, la nouvelle, et le film antillais, haïtien, africain et québécois. L'étude déploie la diversité, tant dans le ton que la forme, du sacrifice dans des régions géographiques diverses et selon des esthétiques variées. Qu'il s'agisse du sacrifice au sens propre ou de l'artifice, la notion demeure riche en interprétations et traduit le caractère unique des littératures francophones. Don de soi ou don de l'autre, l'étude du sacrifice nous permet de comprendre l'Histoire d'hommes et de femmes pris dans le tourbillon de leur culture respective face au destin.

Dr. Carmen Perira-Muro: Culturas de España


  • ISBN-13: 9781285053646
  • Publisher: Cengage Learning
  • Publication date: 1/1/2014
  • Edition description: New Edition
  • Edition number: 2
  • Pages: 416

Developed for Spanish students at the fifth-semester level or higher, this reader can be used as the main text in a civilization, culture, or reading course. A departure from traditional texts, which present Spanish civilization as a neutral recounting of historical facts, events and data, Culturas de España develops the notion that history, culture, and civilization are concepts under constant construction. The student-centered approach of this reader puts students in direct contact with authentic texts and visual materials from throughout Spain's history and promotes critical thinking through engaging activities.

  • Accessible, comprehensive coverage is presented in 13 chapters that illuminate the major historical periods and cultural movements of Spain from prehistoric times to the present day.
  • A chronological, cultural history of Spain unfolds in the first eight chapters of the text, along with the introductory chapter. Each of these chapters opens with a brief overview and a comprehensive timeline that alerts students to themes and unites historical facts and cultural achievements of the time period under study.
  • An engaging, thematic focus in the remaining four thematic chapters explores various aspects of Spain in the 20th and 21st centuries, focusing on the shaping of national identity and including topics such as family and religion, popular culture, and the European community.
  • Activities throughout the text encourage interaction and critical thinking by promoting conversation, analysis, and comparisons.
  • Real-world connections on the Culturas de España Web Site include links to a variety of Spain-related sites, providing students with additional opportunities for exploration and research.

Classical & Modern Languages & Literatures

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