Upcoming Events


Sept. 13-14

The Energy Sustainability Summit, hosted by the College of Engineering, will address technical and scientific challenges and opportunities facing the region’s energy industry. Issues include fossil-based fuels, biofuels and other energy technologies, such as wind, solar and nuclear power.

Registration is available through Sept. 13. To register, or for more information, visit http://www.depts.ttu.edu/coe/energysummit/ or contact Martha Carrizales at 806-742-3451.

Sept. 25–29

Texas Tech University will host the Taylor 2 dancers as part of the new Presidential Performance and Lecture Series. Taylor 2 was created by Paul Taylor, who at 75 is described as the most sought-after choreographer working today. He established Taylor 2 in 1993 to ensure that his works could be seen by audiences all over the world, unhindered by economic or technical limitations.

For more information and a schedule of events, visit http://www.ttu.edu/administration/president/lecture/

Sept. 29-30

The Texas Tech College of Visual and Performing Arts will host "Schumann Perspectives: A View Across The Disciplines” as part of its International Symposium and Music Festival.

For more information, visit http://www.schumann.vpa.ttu.edu/

Oct. 10-11

Texas Tech University will host a panel discussion on “Truth in Nonfiction” featuring the 2005 National Book Award judges. The event is part of the Texas Tech Presidential Lecture/Performance Series. The panelists will also perform readings form their works on Oct. 10 and 11. All events are free and open to the public.

For more information, visit http://www.ttu.edu/administration/president/lecture/

Oct. 20-21

The Vietnam Center at Texas Tech and the Center for the Study of Intelligence will co-host a conference titled “Intelligence in the Vietnam War.” This conference will examine intelligence activities, operations and analysis during the Vietnam War with an eye toward learning appropriate lessons that may be applicable to contemporary operations in the War on Terror.

For more information, visit http://www.vietnam.ttu.edu/vietnamcenter/

Nov. 15–17

Texas Tech will host an International Conference on Water in Arid and Semiarid Lands. The conference is designed to provide policymakers, educators, researchers, students and practitioners with information about state-of-the-art dryland research, advances in technology and new field practices applicable to arid and semiarid lands with an emphasis on water resource management.

For a complete list of conference themes, visit http://www.iaff.ttu.edu/home/icasals/conference/



Jan 15, 2020