Texas Tech University

The Blended Learning/Personalized Learning Framework

Learner Driven

Learner's Voice & Choice


Identify and communicate one's own learning interests, needs, aspirations, and academic and career goals.

Select and/or develop learning opportunities that address one's interests, needs, aspirations, and goals.

Consult with teachers to verify, articulate, and adjust one's own learning goals and pathways.


Write daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly action plans to map one's own learning path and pace.

Co-design with peers, teachers and community experts the activities and tools to acquire information and apply skill sets to achieve one's learning goals.

Co-design with peers, teachers and community experts the activities that enable collaboration with peers, teachers, and experts at local, national, and international levels.


Use self-regulation strategies (e.g., time check, read aloud, pacing, etc.) to facilitate one's own learning.

Discuss expectations for group work and demonstrate leadership by helping peers focus on learning objectives.

Ask questions or provide resources to peers in order to facilitate pair, group, or class activities and discussions.


Co-design learning space in and outside of classroom according to one's or group's needs with the help of teachers, parents, and communities.

Coordinate with peers and teachers for transitioning from one activity to another.

Communicate respectfully with peers and teachers by acknowledging differences in cultures, opinions, and experiences.


Keep personal records of learning activities and use different ways (e.g., data dashboards, online quizzes, drafting, checklists, etc.) to monitor one's learning progress.

Hold regular meetings with group members to monitor each other's progress, discuss accountability, and suggest improvements.

Consult with teachers when necessary to make immediate and effective adjustments to learning activities or learning pathways.


Conduct ongoing peer evaluation to provide and receive feedback to improve personal learning experiences.

Use different ways (e.g., tests, essays, worksheets, exhibitions, presentations, etc.) to showcase one's learning outcomes and demonstrate mastery.

Consult with teachers for feedback on a regular basis to identify ways to further improve, as well as to generate goals for future learning.

Teacher Redefined

Multiple Teacher Roles


Collect, integrate, analyze, and prioritize academic and nonacademic student data.

Discuss with each student his or her learning goals and learning pathways to provide multiple learning options and opportunities.

Align each student's learning goals and pathways to academic standards and expected learning outcomes to identify content, tasks, resources, and tools that need to be organized or developed in advance.


Design customized lessons and activities that accommodate each student's or a group of students' learning path and pace.

Design customized lessons using different learning modes (e.g., f2f, online, blended) to facilitate students' content mastery.

Design customized activities that enable each student to collaborate with peers, teachers, and experts at local, national and international levels.


Implement multiple activities simultaneously for individuals, small groups, large groups, and/or an entire class to accommodate each student's needs, interests, and goals.

Provide scaffoldings (e.g., questions, resources, technology tools, feedback) to address each student's immediate needs, interests, and goals.

Facilitate different activities and strategies that allow each student to make his or her own choices on how to learn.


Organize flexible and customizable learning space (e.g., supplies, resources, technology tools) to facilitate different activities for individuals, small groups, large groups, and/or an entire class.

Coordinate transitions between each student's or a group of students' activities.

Keep a safe and respectful classroom environment that promotes learning and creativity.


Document regularly each student's progress towards learning goals to further discuss learning pathways and pace.

Suggest self-regulation strategies to each student according to his or her documented learning progress and observed learning process.

Make immediate and effective adjustments using information gathered from monitoring processes to meet each student's needs.


Provide each student with ongoing and embedded feedback in a manner that supports learning.

Model differentiated assessment methods so that each student decides on the way(s) to evaluate his or her own learning process and outcomes.

Discuss with each student his or her learning achievements using data from multiple sources to generate goals for future learning.

Environment Enriched

Customized Settings & Technology


Software or systems are available to document and analyze students' academic and nonacademic data.

Software or systems are available to manage work of aligning students' learning goals with academic standards.

Software or procedures are in place to enable students to design their learning pathway.


Curriculum builder tools are available to design customized lessons and activities incorporating community-based, webbased, and curricularbased tools and resources.

Software or systems are available to design multimodal learning activities for content mastery and beyond.

Web conferencing tools are in place for collaborative design of lessons and activities with peers, teachers, and experts at local, national, and international levels.


A learning management system is available to enable simultaneous facilitation of multiple learning activities both inside and outside the classroom.

Technology tools are available to provide justin- time scaffolding for students' learning.

Multiple forms of resources (e.g., text-, multimedia-, and webbased) are available to assist individual and group learning activities.


Classroom environment (e.g., supplies, technologies, etc.) can be easily adapted to support individual or group learning activities.

Clear procedures are in place to enable efficient transitioning between learning activities.

Web-based tools are available to facilitate collaboration with other students, teachers, parents, and community experts.


Software or systems are available for regularly tracking and monitoring student growth in order to inform instructional decision-making.

Software or procedures are in place to support students' self-regulation of learning.

Software or procedures are in place that allow teachers to monitor student progress and to make immediate instructional adjustments.


Curriculum builder tools are available to embed feedback in advance to lessons and activities.

Systems or procedures are in place that permit ongoing assessment and provide just-in-time feedback.

Technology tools and systems are available to assist differentiation of assessment methods.



Model Growth Mindsets

Commitment to Integrity

Reshaping School Culture