Texas Tech University

Adobe Acrobat Accessibility Checker

The Adobe Accessibility Checker is a powerful tool for evaluating PDF documents. PDF accessibility involves many elements, sometimes becoming very complex. For this reason, when appropriate, it is much simpler to create an accessible Word document first, then convert it to a PDF.

This page will teach you to run the Accessibility Checker,  interpret the results, and fix issues. For any additional support regarding the Adobe Accessibility Checker or PDF accessibility, email elearning.oa@ttu.edu.

To use the Make Accessible action to create and verify accessibility it is important that you are using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, not just a PDF reader. Adobe Acrobat Pro DC is available free for TTU faculty and staff through the eRaider website

Using the Accessibility Checker

How to Run the Accessibility Checker


  1. Open your document in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC. Click the Tools tab.
    Box indicating the Tools tab in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC
  2. Find the Accessibility tool icon. Click Add
    Accessibility tool icon in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC with red box around Add button
  3. When you Open the Accessibility tool, select the Full Check option from the right-hand pane. 
    Accessibility tool right-hand pane with box around Full Check button
  4. When the Accessibility Checker Options box appears, select Start Checking to begin.
    Accessibility Check Options box with arrow pointing to Start Checking button
  5. The check may take a few moments. When it is complete the results will appear on the left-hand side of the screen. Continue to the following section to understand the results.


Interpreting the Accessibility Checker Results

The Accessibility Checker checks your document against a list of accessibility rules. The results include the full list of rules with one of the following states:

Passed: The item passed this accessible check.

Needs Manual Check: The item requires manual verification and is not included in the automatic check.

Failed: The item did not pass the accessibility check.

Skipped By User: The rule was not selected in the Accessibility Checker Options dialog box.

The items that require attention (Needs Manual Check or Failed) are bolded in the results to help draw your attention.

Fixing Accessibility Issues

To fix a failed item, right-click on the item and try one of the following options from the menu:

Fix: If this option is available, it is the easiest option. Acrobat either fixes the item automatically or displays a dialog box prompting you to fix the item manually.

Explain: Opens the online Help where you can get more details about the accessibility issue including some basic instructions for fixing the issue.

Check Again: Runs the checker again on all items. Choose this option after modifying one or more items to see if the issue has been resolved.

If you need assistance fixing an issue, we would love to help at elearning.oa@ttu.edu.

If you need any help using the Adobe Acrobat Pro DC Accessibility Checker, please contact us at elearning.oa@ttu.edu.

Online Accessibility at Texas Tech