Texas Tech University

Ally for Instructors

Blackboard Ally is a powerful tool that will result in more accessible content for the students at Texas Tech. Below you will find support and instruction from Ally's Quick Start for Instructors.

If you need any additional support in using Blackboard Ally please contact us at elearning.oa@ttu.edu. 

What does Ally do?

Generates alternative formats for students to download

Ally uses original documents to create alternative formats that are made available to students. The best part is that you don't have to do anything! 

More on alternative formats.

Provides accessibility scores

Ally measures the accessibility of some files uploaded into Blackboard and provides a score from Low to Perfect based on how accessible the content is.

  • Red gauge indicating low accessibility scoreLow: File is not accessible and needs immediate attention.
  • orange gauge indicating a medium accessibility scoreMedium: File is somewhat accessible and could use improvement.
  • green gauge indicating high accessibility scoreHigh: File is accessible but could be improved.
  • green gauge indicating perfect accessibility scorePerfect: File is accessible. No improvement needed.

More about Ally accessibility scores.

Gives instructor feedback on how to improve accessibility scores

Ally provides you detailed feedback and support to help you become an accessibility pro. Learn about accessibility issues, why they matter, and how to fix them. Green is the goal!

More on instructor feedback.

View the full Ally Quick Start for Instructors page.

Online Accessibility at Texas Tech