Texas Tech University


Instructional Design is the process by which instruction is improved through the analysis of learning needs and systematic development of learning experiences (instructionaldesign.org)

Design Services

The eLearning Instructional Design team consults on full course development and help with complex course design issues. We consult on fully online, hybrid, and courses delivered via the TTU regional sites including Costa Rica. You will be guided through best practices and standards for quality online courses and using the Course Design Rubric to ensure quality learning experiences for your students. To request design services, contact us at elearning.id@ttu.edu.

Course Design Resources

Faculty Short Courses

TTU eLearning has created two short courses in Blackboard to introduce faculty to online course design and instruction best practices:

ELRN 100: Building Quality Online Courses ELRN 101: Teaching Quality Online Courses ELRN 102: Creating Accessible Courses

Each short course should take approximately three to four hours to complete. Any faculty member can request to be enrolled by contacting Blackboard Support.


Understanding and complying with copyright laws can be challenging, especially in an online environment. The ID team supports copyright in online courses by recommending the correct use of media and documents posted online. Let us help you locate a legal and accessible (ADA compliant) version of your journal articles to share in your online course.

Copyright Resources