Texas Tech University

For Faculty

eLearning Pilot Program image with plane and banner

Become an eLearning Pilot - Join eLearning's Pilot Program Today!

eLearning & Academic Partnerships would like to extend an invitation to all faculty/staff/administrators teaching online courses to join our Pilot Program initiative. The purpose of this program is to allow faculty/instructors to sign up to participate in future eLearning pilots. There is a need to create a database consisting of faculty/instructors teaching online courses, who would be willing to participate in one or more of the eLearning pilots. Pilots are the standard way in which we perform user acceptance testing before fully releasing a tool/feature in Blackboard production, or an educational technology (e.g. Clickers) to campus users. It is a robust way to resolve issues with the tool/feature, or educational technology before releasing the software campus-wide.

Additionally, as part of the program, faculty/instructors will be able to make recommendations for state-of-the-art educational technologies that will aid both students and faculty. We will review these recommendations and develop plans for adoption of approved technologies.

How the Program Works

  1. You fill out the eLearning Pilot Program request form. (The information collected in the request form will not be used for research).
  2. eLearning will send you an email when a new pilot is being launched.
  3. Respond to the email if you are interested in participating in the pilot.
  4. eLearning will send an email, which will include specific details about the pilot such as an overview of the tool/feature or educational technology, expectations, timeline for the pilot, instructional materials and resources, and person(s) to contact for questions or issues.


  1. You can sign up for multiple pilots, however only one pilot per course (in other words, you cannot sign up for two different pilots in the same course, in the same semester).
  2. You agree to provide feedback or complete a questionnaire after the pilot is complete.
  3. You agree to disclose to students about the pilot (guidance will be provided).

Key Benefits

  • Early access to Blackboard tools/features and educational technologies
  • Early adopters of tools that would improve your usability of Blackboard, along with exciting new educational technologies
  • A gift from the eLearning group for participating in a pilot

To join the program today, submit your request via the eLearning Pilot Program request form. For questions about the program, contact Ron Nail (ron.nail@ttu.edu).