Texas Tech University

Blackboard @ TTU

Dr. Justin Louder

Dr. Justin Louder

Blackboard Building Blocks

In an effort to maintain optimal performance in Texas Tech University's Blackboard 9.1 Learning Management System during the 2014-2015 Academic Year, TTU Worldwide eLearning, in partnership with the IT Division, has centralized all Blackboard Building Block requests.

Before a new Building Block is added to our Blackboard environment, TTU Worldwide eLearning and the IT Division need to test the Building Block for security, stability and pedagogy. If a faculty member is using a product that requires a new Building Block to be added to Blackboard, they need to go to the eLearning website and submit the Blackboard Building Block Request Form at least 6 weeks prior to the start of the academic term in which the Building Block is needed. Last minute requests and requests made less than 6 weeks in advance may make it impossible to get the Building Block installed before the start of the academic term.

By evaluating all requests in this manner, we will maintain a high-quality, robust and secure Blackboard learning environment.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at justin.louder@ttu.edu or (806) 834-1740.