Texas Tech University


M.S. Graduates in Chronological Order


Shwe-Yi Chi
Determination of Cloud Properties from Bispectral Satellite Measurements.
May, 1978

Dean R. Metcalf
Simulated Tornado Winds Fields and Damage Patterns.
August, 1978


Shih-Cheng Chao
A Study of Clouds Using Satellite Radiance Data in Comparison with Rain gauge Network and Radar Observation.
May 1980

Timothy P. Marshall
Topographic Influences on Amarillo Radar Echo Climatology.
August, 1980


Bruce D. Campbell
Mesoscale Dryline Features and Their Dependence on Network Density.
December, 1981

Michael F. Lepage
Mesoscale Analysis of a Mid-Latitude Convective System.
December, 1981


Eric Pani
Storm rainfall distributions in the Texas South Plains
May, 1982

Erik N. Rasmussen
The Tulia Outbreak Storm: Mesoscale Evolution and Photogrammetric Analysis.
May, 1982


Charles A. Clough
Diagnostic Modeling of Vertical Mass and Heat Fluxes in a Tropical Mesoscale Convective System.
December, 1983

Martin D. Solomon
A Mesoscale Study of Texas South Plains Convective Systems.
May, 1983


Richard A. Allard
A Climatology of the Characteristics of Tropical Cyclones in the Northeast Pacific During the Period 1966-1980
May, 1984

Mark A. Mickelson
A Study of the Radiative and Satellite-Observed Properties of the Dewpoint Front.
August, 1984

Christopher W. Ratley
Precipitation Mechanism in Summer Convective Clouds in West Texas.
December, 1984

Kevin D. Scro
The Use of 2-D Imagery to Classify the Precipitation Mechanism in West Texas Convective Clouds.
August, 1984

Kenneth A. Wigner
Dust Storms and Blowing Dust on the Texas South Plains.
May, 1984


Paul R. Desroches
A High Resolution Radar Analysis of a Tropical Cloud Cluster.
May, 1985

Robert D. Novia
Microcomputer Simulations of Mesoscale Precipitation Patterns.
May, 1985

David J. Smalley
A Cloud Shading Direct Solar Radiation Model.
December, 1985


John J. Waters
The Synoptic Climatology of the South Plains Dryline over the Period April-June, 1970-1979
May, 1987


Terrance J. Clark
The Lubbock Tornado: An Elevated Mixed Layer Case Study.
May, 1988

Robert P. Kleyla
The Derecho Storm of 28-29 July 1986
December, 1988

Steven D. McCauley
Dynamic Instability in the Planetary Boundary Layer Over Arid Land.
December, 1988


Peter F. Blottman
Case Study of a Tropical Cloud Cluster in the Trough of an Easterly Wave.
May, 1989

Derek S. Frey
Ice Multiplication Processes Occurring in West Texas Convective Clouds.
May, 1989

Joanna L. Green
Surface Pressure Patterns in Mesoscale Convective Systems.
May, 1989

Jeffrey S. Sites
A Climatology of Southwest Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones (1962-63 to 1986-87).
December 1989

Joel L. Tumbiolo
Analysis of Northeast Pacific Hurricane Tico and Its Associated Heavy Rain Event of the South Plains of Texas and Oklahoma.
May, 1989


Teresa M. Bals
Precipitation Structure and Airflow in a Mesoscale Convective System.
August, 1990

James A. Daining
Evaluation of a Randomized Rainfall Enhancement Program Over West Texas in 1987
December, 1990

Jeffrey R. Tesmer
Evolution of a Mesoscale Convective System.
December, 1990

Gregory M. Zarus
Analysis of Low-Level Stability for a Thunderstorm.
December, 1990


Steven D. Goldstein
Analysis of Peak Gust Versus Fastest-Mile Wind Statistics.
December, 1991

Shin-Rong Lin
A One Dimensional Radiation-PBL Model.
August, 1991

Mark Oberfield
An Examination of Inertial Instability in Pre-Storm.
May, 1991

Scott A. Wagaman
A Numerical Model Study of African Wave Disturbances.
December 1991


Arthur L. Doggett, IV
GATE Rainfall and its Relationship to Easterly Waves.
December, 1992                                                                                                                        

Martin T. Mullen
Satellite Imagery and the Dryline.
December, 1992

Eric T. Peterson
Radar Analysis of a Developing Mesoscale Convective System.
December 1992

Thomas E. Warner
Landfalling Northeast Pacific Tropical Cyclones and Associated Rainfall over the South Central United States, 1900-1991
December, 1992

Justin E. Weaver
Evaporation of Rainfall Below Convective Clouds.
May, 1992

Ji Zao
Analysis of Low-Level Thunderstorm Winds.
August, 1992


Paul A. Kucera
Intercomparison of Shipboard Radars Over the Pacific Warm Pool.
December, 1993

Barry C. Lambert
Synoptic Climatology of Heavy Snow in West Texas and Eastern New Mexico,1955-56 to 1987-88
May, 1993

George N. Mathews
A Climatological Analysis of Isentropic Fields.
December, 1993

David A. Spector
Investigation of Large Tornado Outbreaks in the United States.
December, 1993


Linda R. Galusha
Comparison of TOGA COARE Optical Raingauge Data with Radar Reflectivity.
December, 1994

Steven P. Maloney
The Effect of Atmospheric Stability on Characteristics of Surface Layer Flows.
December, 1994

J. Bryan Osborne
Diurnal Evolution of the Convectively Unstable Boundary Layer: A Computer Simulation.
August, 1994

Stephanie Seely
Trajectory Study of a Mesoscale Convective System.
December, 1994


Scott A. Bernier
Climatology of Blowing Dust and Triggering Mechanisms Across West Texas.
August, 1995

James R. Culhane
Meteorological Conditions at a Proposed Low-level Radioactive Site Near Sierra Blanca, Texas.
August, 1995

Steve J. Fano
Cold Frontal Passages Across the Texas High Plains: Characteristic Behavior and Possible Causes.
December, 1995

Matthew J. Kensey
Comparison of Raingage-Recorded and Radar-Derived Rainfall Amounts.
December, 1995

Patrick C. Miller
Development of an Index for Tropical Cyclone Formation for the Atlantic Basin.
December, 1995

Eric R. Sawdey
Numerical Case Study of a Major Flash Flood Event.
May, 1995


Wesley S. Burgett
Analysis of Level II Doppler Radar Data for an Episode of Severe Weather on 25-26 May 1994
August, 1996


David R. Deighan
PBL Mesoscale Perturbations over the Western United States during Summer Months
May, 1997

Joel K. Miller
Relationship between Rainfall, Temperature, and Dryland Cotton Production
August, 1997

John L. Schroeder
Examination of Hurricane Boundary Layer Winds
August, 1997

Stephen W. Weinbeck
Surface Layer Characteristics of Thunderstorm Winds
December, 1997


Todd R. Flanagan
Hurricane Wind Fields Derived from WSR-88D
May, 1998

Robert J. Boucher
Development of a New Winter Weather Forecast Technique for West Texas
August, 1998

Scott J. Carpenter
Inferring Circulations from a TOGA-COARE Mesoscale Convective System Using Single Doppler Radar Data
August, 1998

Andrew Jones
A Study of the Relation Between Surface Convergence and Convective Initiation Along the Dryline
December, 1998

Gary D. Skwira
Monte Carlo Simulations for the United States Atlantic and Gulf Coast
December, 1998

Jesse D. Kenyon
Impacts of Simulated Climate Change on West Texas
December, 1998


Mark R. Conder
Estimation of Roughness Lengths through Gust Factor Analysis
August, 1999


Seth R. Nagle
An Investigation into the Relationship Between ENSO and the United States Tornado Climatology
May, 2000

Richard R. Brandt
An Investigation of the 8 May 1998 Event Using Satellite Derived Parameters
July, 2000

Timothy E. Kasheta
Effects of Mountainous Terrain on Hurricane Boundary Layer Winds
July, 2000

Dan J. Grams
A WSR-88D Data Analysis of Cyclic Tornadic Mesocyclones associated with Tropical Cyclones
August, 2000

Mark D. Berteau
Forecasting Derecho Intensity Using Model Instability Parameters
December, 2000


David J. Marsalek
Doppler Radar Analysis of the 11-12 August 1999 Precipitation Event During KWAJEX
May, 2001

Albert E. Pietrycha
Fine-Scale Observations of Surface Boundaries Utilizing Mobile Mesonets
May 2001

Jason T. Branz
Analysis of the 30 April 2000 Supercell Event
August, 2001

Sam Ng
Case Study of the Relevant Synoptic Forcing Mechanisms in the 24-25 January 2000 East Coast Snowstorm
August, 2001

David B. Radell
Terrain Effects on Landfalling Tropical Cyclones: An MM5 Simulation of Super Typhoon Herb
August, 2001

Catherine Spooner
An Analysis of an Oceanic Tropical Mesoscale Convective System During the Kwajealein Experiment (KWAJEX)
August, 2001


Erin P. Shaw
The 3 May 1999 Tornado Outbreak: Radar Damage Analysis for Oklahoma County
May, 2002

Kevin Manross
Identifying Rear Flank Downdraft Signatures Using WSR-88D Radar Data
August, 2002


Jason Jordan
Fine-Scale Radar Studies With a New Mobile Doppler Radar
May, 2003

Caleb Midgley
Multiscale Study of a Convectively Driven High Wind Event
June, 2003

Kirsten Gast
A Comparison of Extreme Wind Events As Sampled in the 2002 Thunderstorm Outflow Experiment
July, 2003

Maribel Martinez
Lightning Signatures in Convective Storms on the High Plains
November, 2003


Felicia Evans
Visualization of Tornado Track Prediction with a GIS Base Computer Software

Matt Grzych
Analysis of Rear-Flank Downdrafts Observed During Project ANSWERS
March, 2004

Gabe Rothman
Saharan Air Layer Interaction with Hurricane Claudette (2003)
June, 2004

Shawn Liebl
Initiation, Evolution and Demise of Derecho Producing Mesocale Convective Systems
June, 2004

Jeff Beck
High-Resolution Dual-Doppler Analysis of the 29 May 2001 Kress, TX, Cyclic Supercell
November, 2004


Ian M. Giammanco
South Plains Low Level Jet
June, 2005

Brian D. Hirth
Analysis of Rear-Flank Downdraft: Evolution During Project WIRL
June, 2005

Bavuudorj Ovgor (Interdisciplinary Studies)
Wind Energy Assessment of West Texas Mesonet
August, 2005

Gregory Crabtree
Dustfall on the Southern High Plains of Texas
December, 2005

Stephen A. Latimer
Comparison of Wind Profiler Observations and Numerical Weather Prediction Model Forecasted Winds During Severe Weather Outbreaks
December, 2005


David Kook
The Effect of Rainfall Rate on Latent and Sensible Heat Fluxes in West Texas
May, 2006

Michael P. Griesinger
Statistical Analysis of Variables Associated with Convective Initiation along the Dryline
July, 2006


Ryan Oppermann
Low-Level Convergence and the Effects on Rainfall
June, 2007

Jaret Rogers
The Association of Thunderstorm Cell Mergers with Tornado Occurrence
June, 2007


Jennifer Huckabee
Gravity Waves and the Impact on Severe Storm Convection
April, 2008

Julie Phillipson
Bursting Events in the Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layer
May, 2008

Rachel Rogers-Van Nice
Forecast Verification: A Dispersion Modeling Perspective
May, 2008


Suraj Harshan
Modeling of the Antarctic Boundary Layer
March, 2009

Pat Skinner
Observations of the Surface Boundary Structure within Supercell Thunderstorms
April, 2009


Trevor Boucher
The Observed Effects of Mesoscale and Storm-Scale Rotations on West Texas Heat Bursts
December, 2010

Chris Burling
The Utility of Total Lightning Observations in Severe Weather Forecasting
December, 2010

Joel Dreesen
Morphology of Thermal and Kinematic Gradients and their Impacts On Subsequent Storm Evolution and Tornadogenesis in the Eden, TX StickNet Deployment of MOBILE 2008
May, 2010

Scott Gunter
Observations of Convective Cells in an Outer Rainband of Hurricane Frances
December, 2010

Dale Jameson
Synoptic Conditions of the Low-level Jet Over West Texas
December, 2010

Danielle Nagele
Analysis of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Within Tropical Cyclones
August, 2010

Amanda Thibault
Lightning in the Supercell Environment with Consideration for Tornadogenesis
August, 2010


Ryan Metzger
An Analysis of the Structure of Four Tornadoes Observed by Ka-band Radar During the VORTEX2 Project
December, 2011


Erin Kashawlic
Comparing Observation Impact on Low-level Wind Forecasts Between an Ensemble Kalman Filter and a 3DVAR Data Assimilation Scheme
August 2012

Natalie Gusack
Using EFM and Soundings to Examine Variation in Thunderstorm Thermodynamics
August, 2012

Padriac Fowler
Understanding the Strengths and Weaknesses of a New Generation Numerical Weather Prediction Model for Application to Short-term Wind Energy Prediction
December, 2012


Pat Hawbecker
A Comparison of 1-Way and 2-Way Nesting in the WRF-LES Framework
May, 2013

Chris Bednarczyk
Ensemble Sensitivity Analysis Applied to Southern Plains Convection
August, 2013

Camaron Plourde
An Investigation of Lightning Behavior during the Quasi-Linear Convective System in northwest Texas on March 19, 2012
August, 2013

Vanna Sullivan
Variations of the Vertical Electric Field and Wind Speed on Days with Airborne Dust in Lubbock, Texas
August, 2013

Michael Hollan
Ensemble Mean Storm-Scale Performance in the Presence of Nonlinearity and Best Member Techniques for Improved Prediction
December, 2013

Tim Sliwinski
Convective Cloud Development prior to Deep Moist Convection Initiation within WRF-LES
December, 2013


Timothy Cermak
Single-Doppler Analysis of Low-Level Tornado Structure
August, 2014

Aaron Hill
Mesoscale Data Assimilation and Ensemble Sensitivity Analysis Towards Improved Predictability of Dryline Convection
December 2014

Paul Prososki
Radar Observations and Analysis of Misocyclones along Spring 2012 West Texas Drylines
August, 2014


Casey Griffin
In Situ and Radar Observations of the Low Reflectivity Ribbon
August, 2015

Christian Nauert
Quantifying the Effect of Irrigation on Non-local Aspects of the Atmosphere
August, 2015

Nick Smith
Ensemble Sensitivity Analysis of Wind Ramp Events with Applications to Targeted Observations
May, 2015

Aaron Hardin
Assessment of Urban Heat Islands During Hot Weather in the U.S. Northeast and Linkages to Microscale Thermal and Radiational Properties
August, 2015

Matt Lauridsen
Nonlocal Inadvertent Weather Modification Associated with Wind Farms in the Central United States
Ausust, 2015

Matt Mahalik
Characteristics and Importance of Objectively Identified Horizontal Momentum Surges in Simulated Supercells
August, 2015

Dan Vecellio
An Assessment of Short-term Synoptic Air Mass Modification through Land-Atmosphere Interactions
May, 2015

Phillip Ware
Thunderstorm Electrification and Kinematics as seen through Ensemble Lightning Flash Properties
August, 2015


Abby Kenyon
Using Mobile Doppler Radar Observations to Infer Buoyancy Deficits within Thunderstorm Outflow and Rear flank Guest Fronts
March, 2016

Vicente Salinas
Quantification and Geometrical Evaluation of the Electrostatics of Lightning Flashes
April, 2016

Andrew Vande Guchte
Sensitivities of Near-Ground Parcel Trajectories
June, 2016

Jennifer Daniel
A Study of Inferred Charge Advection in Mesoscale Convection Systems on the South Plains Utilizing the West Texas Lightning Mapping Array
June, 2016

Grant McKercher
Low-cost Mobile Air Pollution Monitoring in Urban Environments: A Pilot Study in Lubbock, TX
June, 2016

Kelly Neely
The Impact of Climate on the Current and Future Prevalance of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito vector in Brownsville, Texas
June, 2016

Samantha Berkseth
Quantitative Analysis of the Turbulent Structure of Convection
October, 2016


Allison Bogusz
Modeling the Nonlocal Effects of Summer Growing Season Irrigation in the Great Plains
December, 2017

Matthew Brothers
Investigating the Relative Contribution of Charge Deposition in Organizing Charge within a Thunderstorm
June, 2017

Alexandria Herdt
A Multi-Index Invstigation of the Spatiotemporal Relationships Between Heat and EMS Calls During the 2015 Pan American Games in Toronto, Canada
June, 2017

Megan Mitchell
Development of Statistical Posting-Processing Techniques for Improved Low-level Wind Speed Forecasts in West Texas
December, 2017

Shelby Robertson
Intensification of Low-Level Updraft in Supercells Preceding Tornadogenesis
June, 2017

Kaitlin Rutt
Investigating the Convergence of Boundary Layer Properties as a Function of Grid Spacing within WRF-LES
June, 2017

Candace Wood
Horizontal Channel Lengths of Cloud to Ground Lightning Flashes
December, 2017


Alexander J. Schueth
Comparing Observations and Simulations of the Streamwise Vorticity Current in Tornadic Supercell Storms
Augusut, 2018

Kelley Murphy
Assessing Lightning Risk in Vulnerable Outdoor Environments
December, 2018

Jake Vancil
Identification of Downdraft Generated Near-Surface Vertical Vortisity Using TTU-Ka Radar and Idealized Numerical Simulations
December, 2018


Tyler Wixtrom
Precipitation Forecasting with Adaptive Parameterization Selection
June, 2019

Christian Boyer
Origin of Near-Surface Vertical Vorticity of Mesovortices in a Quasi-Linear Convection System
June, 2019

Austin Coleman
Convective-scale Ensemble Subsetting with Ensemble Sensitivity Analysis
June, 2019


Russell Manser
TTU WRF Ensemble Modeling Techniques and Their Application to the Home Utility Management System
May, 2020

Taylor Adams
Evaluating the Impacts of the Lower Boundary Condition on Low-Level Supercell Structure in an Idealized Cloud Model
June, 2020

Mary (Cece) Kelley
Variations of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) and Blowing Dust Days in Lubbock, TX
June, 2020

Samantha Walley
Exploring XCOSpatial Variability Across Frontal Boundaries Using Airborne Lidar Observations and Numerical
June, 2020

Aaron Mehner
Extrapolating Surface Winds from an Elevated Dual-Doppler Wind Profile
June, 2020

Jake Williams
Influence of Ice Nuclei Particle Parameterization on Cloud Formation and Electrification Using the COMMAS 3-D Model
August, 2020

Jessica Souza
Assessing Turbulence in Different Spots of Lightning Flash Propagation
October, 2020

Jordan Didio
Extracting Turbulence Parameters from Second-by-Second Wind Speed Projections of Dual-Doppler Sector Scans
October, 2020

David Newbern
Dynamical Processes Associated with Winter Lightning Events in Iowa
December, 2020


Roberto Espinoza
Re-evaluating the Boundary Conditions of the Perturbation Pressure Poisson Equation and an Iterative Solution on a Non-Uniform Grid
June, 2021

Isaac Arseneau
Demonstrating the Value of Targeted Upper-Air Observations for Assimilation Into the TTU WRF Ensemble Using Ensemble Sensitivity Analysis in Convection Scenarios
June, 2021

Zyanya Ramirez-Diaz
The Impact of Clay Particles on Lung Cells: An Analysis at the Single-Cell Level
June, 2021

David PeQueen
GLM Flash Data Trends during Tropical Cyclone Intensification Changes
October, 2021

















Ph.D Graduates in Geosciences - Chronological

Eric A. Pani
The Design and Protocol of a Summertime Rainfall Enhancement Program for West Texas
Dr. G. M. Jurica, Supervisor. December 1987

Edward N. Rappaport
Mesoscale Convective Systems: Structure, Development, and Storm-Environment Interactions
Dr. C. A. Leary, Supervisor. May 1988

Arthur L. Doggett, IV
Analysis of Rainwater Flux in the IFA During TOGA COARE Using Shipboard Radar Rainfall Estimates
Dr. C.A. Leary, Supervisor. May 1996

Gary Skwira
Surface Observations of Landfalling Hurricane Rainbands: Case Studies of Hurricane Bonnie (1998) and Dennis (1999)
Dr. Richard Peterson, Supervisor. March 2003

James Robert Howard
Coastal Transition within the Boundary Layer of Tropical Cyclones at Landfall
Dr. Richard Peterson, Co-chair, Dr. Arthur L. Doggett, Co-chair. December 2004

Mark Raymond Conder
Characteristics of the Quiescent Dryline From a Case Study Perspective
Dr. Richard Peterson, Supervisor. December, 2004

Stephen W. Weinbeck
Development of West Texas Mesonet and Supporting Instrumentation
Dr. Richard Peterson, Supervisor. May, 2005

Ibrahim Sonmez
Determination of the Proper Site Spacing Density Over Texas
Dr. John Schroeder, Supervisor. August, 2005

Tanveerul Islam
Integrated Approach to Cyclone Wind ,Analysis and Disaster Planning for the Bangladesh Coast
Dr. Richard Peterson, Supervisor. December, 2006

Sylvie S. Lorsolo
Observational Study of Small-Scale Features Present in the Hurricane Boundary Layer
Dr. John Schroeder, Supervisor. December, 2006

Brandon A. Storm
Modeling of Low-Level Jets over the Great Plains: Implications for Wind Energy
Dr. Sukanta Basu, Supervisor. May, 2008

Archie Ruiz-Columbie
Atmospheric Boundary Layer Evening Transitions over West Texas
Dr. Sukanta Basu, Supervisor. December 2008

Becca Paulsen Edwards
Characterization of Hurricane Gust Factors Using Observed and Analytical Data
Dr. John Schroeder, Supervisor. March, 2009

Jeff Beck
The Effect of Environmental and Microphysical Thermodynamic Variability on Low-Level Baroclinity and Vorticity Within Numerically-Simulated Supercell Thunderstorms
Dr. Christopher Weiss, Supervisor. August, 2009

Kirsten D. Orwig
Examining Strong Winds from a Time-Varying Perspective
Dr. John Schroeder, Supervisor. March, 2010

Ian Giammanco
An Observational Study of Tropical Cyclone Low-Level Wind Maxima
Dr. John Schroeder, Supervisor. August, 2010

Brian Hirth
Examination of the Coastal Transition Zone in Hurricane Frances (2004)
Dr. John Schroeder, Supervisor. May, 2011

Patrick Skinner
Observations and Ensemble Kalman Filter Analyses of Multiple Internal Rear-Flank Downdraft Momentum Surges within the 18 May 2010, Dumas, Texas Supercell
Dr. Chriss Weiss, Supervisor. December, 2013

Scott Gunter
Thunderstorm Outflow Winds as Measured by the TTUKa Mobile Doppler Radars and StickNet with Applications to Wind Engineering
Dr. John Schroeder, Supervisor. August, 2015

Richard Krupar III
Improving Surface Wind Estimates in Tropical Cyclones Using WSR-88D Derived Wind Profiles
Dr. John Schroeder, Supervisor. May, 2015

Anthony Reinhart
Effects of Microphysical Parameterizations and Drop Breakup on Supercells and Supercell Cold Pools
Dr. Chris Weiss, Supervisor. May, 2016

Brock Burghardt
Performance Characteristics of Convection-Allowing Ensemble Forecasts with Varied Physics Parameterizations
Dr. Brian Ancell, Supervisor May, 2017

Timothy S. Sliwinski
Applications of High Performance Computing to the Analysis of Large Eddy Simulation of the Convective Boundary Layer
Dr. Song-Lak Kang, Supervisor. May, 2017

Vanna Chmielewski
Understanding the Surprising Variation in Storm Charge Structures on 4 June 2012 over West Texas
Dr. Eric Bruning, Supervisor. June, 2017

Aaron Hill
Demonstration of Ensemble Sensitivity-based Targeted Observing for Convective-Scale Applications: Perfect-model Experiments
Dr. Chris Weiss, Supervisor. June, 2019

Vicente Salinas
Examining Thunderstorm Kinematics in which Lightning Flashes Initiate and Their Influence on the Microphysics and Electrostatics
Dr. Eric Bruning, Supervisor. September, 2020

Abby Hutson
Using Ensemble Sensitivity Analysis to Identify Storm-Scale Characteristics Associated with Tornadogensis in High Resolution Simulated Supercells
Dr. Chris Weiss, Supervisor.  May, 2021




M.S. Graduates in Alphabetical Order

Taylor Adams
Evaluating the Impacts of the Lower Boundary Condition on Low-Level Supercell Structure in an Idealized Cloud Model
June, 2020

Richard A. Allard
A Climatology of the Characteristics of Tropical Cyclones in the Northeast Pacific
During the Period 1966-1980
May, 1984

Isaac Arseneau
Demonstrating the Value of Targeted Upper-Air Observations for Assimilation Into the TTU WRF Ensemble Using Ensemble Sensitivity Analysis in Convection Scenarios
June, 2021

Teresa M. Bals
Precipitation Structure and Airflow in a Mesoscale Convective System
August, 1990

Jeff Beck
High-Resolution Dual-Doppler Analysis of the 29 May 2001 Kress, TX, Cyclic Supercell
November, 2004

Chris Bednarczyk
Ensemble Sensitivity Analysis Applied to Southern Plains Convection
August, 2013

Scott A. Bernier
Climatology of Blowing Dust and Triggering Mechanisms Across West Texas
August, 1995

Mark D. Berteau
Forecasting Derecho Intensity Using Model Instability Parameters
December, 2000

Peter F. Blottman
Case Study of a Tropical Cloud Cluster in the Trough of an Easterly Wave
May, 1990

Allison Bogusz
Modeling the Nonlocal Effects of Summer Growing Season Irrigation in the Great Plains
December, 2017

Robert J. Boucher
Development of a New Winter Weather Forecast Technique for West Texas
August, 1998

Trevor Boucher
The Observed Effects of Mesoscale and Storm-scale Rotations on West Texas Heat Bursts
December, 2010

Christian Boyer
Origin of Near-Surface Vertical Vorticity of Mesovortices in a Quasi-Linear Convective System
June, 2019

Richard R. Brandt
An Investigation of the 8 May 1998 Event Using Satellite Derived Parameters
July, 2000

Jason T. Branz
Analysis of the 30 April 2000 Supercell Event
August, 2001

Matthew Brothers
Investigating the Relative Contribution of Charge Deposition in Organizing Charge within a Thunderstorm
June, 2017

Wesley S. Burgett
Analysis of Level II Doppler Radar Data for an Episode of Severe Weather on 25-26 May 1994

Chris Burling
The Utility of Total Lightning Observations in Severe Weather Forecasting
December, 2010

Bruce D. Campbell
Mesoscale Dryline Features and Their Dependence on Network Density
December, 1981

Scott J. Carpenter
Inferring Circulations from a TOGA-COARE Mesoscale Convective System Using Single Doppler Radar Data
August, 1998

Timothy Cermak
Single-Doppler Analysis of Low-Level Tornado Structure
August, 2014

Shih-Cheng Chao
A Study of Clouds Using Satellite Radiance Data in Comparison with Rain gauge Network and Radar Observation
May, 1980

Shwe-Yi Chi
Determination of Cloud Properties From Bispectral Satellite Measurements
May, 1978

Terrance J. Clark
The Lubbock Tornado: An Elevated Mixed Layer Case Study
May, 1988

Charles A. Clough
Diagnostic Modeling of Vertical Mass and Heat Fluxes in a Tropical Mesoscale Convective System
December, 1983

Austin Coleman
Convective-scale Ensemble Subsetting with Ensemble Sensitivity Analysis
June, 2019

Mark R. Conder
Estimation of Roughness Lengths through Gust Factor Analysis
August, 1999

Gregory Crabtree
Dustfall on the Southern High Plains of Texas
December, 2005

James R. Culhane
Meteorological Conditions at a Proposed Low-level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site
Near Sierra Blanca, Texas
August, 1995

James A. Daining
Evaluation of a Randomized Rainfall Enhancement Program Over West Texas in 1987

David R. Deighan
PBL Mesoscale Perturbations over the Western United States during Summer Months
May, 1997

Paul R. Desrochers
A High Resolution Radar Analysis of a Tropical Cloud Cluster
May, 1985

Jordan Didio
Extracting Turbulence Parameters from Second-by-Second Wind Speed Projections of Dual-Doppler Sector Scans
October, 2020

Arthur L. Doggett, IV
GATE Rainfall and its Relationship to Easterly Waves
December, 1992

Joel Dreesen
Morphology of Thermal and Kinematic Gradients and their Impacts on Subsequent Storm Evolution and Tornadogenesis in the Eden, TX StickNet Deployment of MOBILE 2008
May, 2010

Roberto Espinoza
Reevaluating the Boundary Conditions of the Perturbation Pressure Poisson Equation and an Iterative Solution on a Non-Uniform Grid
June, 2021

Felicia Evans
Visualization of Tornado Track Prediction with a GIS Base Computer Software
March, 2004

Steve J. Fano
Cold Frontal Passages Across the Texas High Plains: Characteristic Behavior and Possible Causes
December, 1995

Todd R. Flanagan
Hurricane Wind Fields Derived from WSR-88D
May, 1998

Padriac Fowler
Understanding the Strengths and Weaknesses of a New Generation Numerical Weather Prediction Model for Application to Short-term Wind Energy Prediction
December, 2012

Derek S. Frey
Ice Multiplication Processes Occuring in West Texas Convective Clouds
May, 1989

Linda R. Galusha
Comparison of TOGA COARE Optical Rainguage Data with Radar Reflectivity
December, 1994

Kirsten Gast
A Comparison of Extreme Wind Events As Sampled in the 2002 Thunderstorm Outflow Experiment
July, 2003

Ian M. Giammanco
South Plains Low Level Jet
June, 2005

Steven D. Goldstein
Analysis of Peak Gust Versus Fastest-Mile Wind Statistics
December, 1991

Dan J. Grams
A WSR-88D Data Analysis of Cyclic Tornadic Mesocyclones associated with Tropical Cyclones
August, 2000

Joanna L. Green
Surface Pressure Patterns in Mesoscale Convective Systems
May, 1989

Michael P. Griesinger
Statistical Analysis of Variables Associated with Convective Initiation along the Dryline
July, 2006

Casey Griffin
In Situ and Radar Observations of the Low Reflectivity Ribbon
August, 2015

Matt Grzych
Analysis of Rear-Flank Downdrafts Observed During Project ANSWERS
March, 2004

Scott Gunter
Observations of Convective Cells in an Outer Rainband of Hurricane Frances
December, 2010

Natalie Gusack
Using EFM and Soundings to Examine Variation in Thunderstorm Thermodynamics
August, 2012

Aaron Hardin
Assessment of Urban Heat Islands During Hot Weather in the U.S. Northeast and Linkages to Microscale Thermal and Radiational Properties
August, 2015

Suraj Harshan
Modeling of the Antarctic Boundary Layer
March, 2009

Pat Hawbecker
A Comparison of 1-Way and 2-Way Nesting in the WRF-LES Framework
May, 2013

Alexandria Herdt
A Multi-Index Invstigation of the Spatiotemporal Relationships Between Heat and EMS Calls During the 2015 Pan American Games in Toronto, Canada
June, 2017

Aaron Hill
Mesoscale Data Assimilation and Ensemble Sensitivity Analysis Towards Improved Predictability of Dryline Convection
December, 2014

Brian D. Hirth
Analysis of Rear-Flank Downdraft: Evolution During Project WIRL
June, 2005

Michael Hollan
Ensemble Mean Storm-Scale Performance in the Presence of Nonlinearity and Best Member Techniques for Improved Prediction
December, 2013

Jennifer Huckabee
Gravity Waves and the Impact on Severe Storm Convection
April, 2008

Dale Jameson
Synoptic Conditions of the Low-Level Jet Over West Texas
December, 2010

Andrew Jones
A Study of the Relation Between Surface Convergence and Convective Initiation Along the Dryline
December, 1998

Jason Jordan
Fine-Scale Radar Studies With a New Mobile Doppler Radar
May, 2003

Erin Kashawlic
Comparing Observation Impact on Low-level Wind Forecasts Between an Ensemble Kalman Filter and a 3DVAR Data Assimilation Scheme
August, 2012

Timothy E. Kasheta
Effects of Mountainous Terrain on Hurricane Boundary Layer Winds
July 2000

Mary (Cece) Kelley
Variations of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) and Blowing Dust Days in Lubbock, TX 
June, 2020

Matthew J. Kensey
Comparison of Rainguage-Recorded and Radar-Derived Rainfall Amounts
December, 1995

Jesse D. Kenyon
Impacts of Simulated Climate Change on West Texas
December, 1998

Robert P. Kleyla
The Derecho Storm of 28-29 July 1986
December 1988

David Richard Kook
The Effect of Rainfall Rate on Latent and Sensible Heat Fluxes in West Texas
May, 2006

Paul A. Kucera
Intercomparison of Shipboard Radars over the Pacific Warm Pool
December, 1993

Barry C. Lambert
Synoptic Climatology of Heavy Snow in West Texas and Eastern New Mexico, 1955-56 to 1987-88
May, 1993

Stephen A. Latimer
Comparison of Wind Profiler Observations and Numerical Weather Prediction Model Forecasted Winds During Severe Weather Outbreaks
December, 2005

Matt Lauridsen
Nonlocal Inadvertent Weather Modification Associated with Wind Farms in the Central United States
August, 2015

Michael F. Lepage
Mesoscale Analysis of a Mid-Latitude Convective System
December, 1981

Shawn Liebl
Initiation, Evolution and Demise of Derecho Producing Mesocale Convective Systems
June, 2004

Shin-Rong Lin
A One-Dimensional Radiation-PBL Model
August, 1991

Matt Mahalik
Characteristics and Importance of Objectively Identified Horizontal Momentum Surges in Simulated Supercells
August, 2015

Steven P. Maloney
The Effect of Atmospheric Stability on Characteristics of Surface Layer Flows
December, 1994

Kevin Manross
Identifying Rear Flank Downdraft Signatures Using WSR-88D Radar Data
August, 2002

Russell Manser
TTU WRF Ensemble Modeling Techniques and Their Application to the Home Utility Management System
May, 2020

David J. Marsalek
Doppler Radar Analysis of the 11-12 August 1999 Precipitation Event During KWAJEX
May, 2001

Timothy P. Marshall
Topographic Influences of Amarillo Radar Echo Climatology
August, 1980

Maribel Martinez
Lightning Signatures in Convective Storms on the High Plains
November, 2003

George N. Mathews
A Climatological Analysis of Isentropic Fields
December, 1993

Steven D. McCauley
Dynamic Instability in the Planetary Boundary Layer over Arid Land
December, 1988

Aaron Mehner
Extrapolating Surface Winds from an Elevated Dual-Doppler Wind Profile
June, 2020

Dean R. Metcalf
Simulated Tornado Wind Fields and Damage Patterns
August, 1978

Ryan Metzger
An Analysis of the Structure of Four Tornadoes Observed by Ka-band Radar During the VORTEX2 Project
December, 2011

Mark A. Mickelson
A Study of the Radiative and Satellite-Observed Properties of the Dewpoint Front
August, 1984

Caleb Midgley
Multiscale Study of a Convectively Driven High Wind Event
June, 2003

Joel K. Miller
Relationship between Rainfall, Temperature, and Dryland Cotton Production
August, 1997

Patrick C. Miller
Development of an Index for Tropical Cyclone Formation for the Atlantic Basin
December, 1995

Megan Mitchell
Development of Statistical Posting-Processing Techniques for Improved Low-level Wind Speed Forecasts in West Texas
December, 2017

Martin T. Mullen
Satellite Imagery and the Dryline
December, 1992

Danielle Nagele
Analysis of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Within Tropical Cyclones
August, 2010

Seth R. Nagle
An Investigation into the Relationship Between ENSO and the United States Tornado Climatology
May, 2000

Christian Nauert
Quantifying the Effect of Irrigation on Non-local Aspects of the Atmosphere
August, 2015

David Newbern
Dynamical Processes Associated with Winter Lightning Events in Iowa
December, 2020

Sam Ng
Case Study of the Relevant Synoptic Forcing Mechanisms in the 24-25 January 2000 East Coast Snowstorm
August, 2001

Robert D. Novia
Microcomputer Simulations of Mesoscale Precipitation Patterns
May, 1985

Mark Oberfield
An Examination of Inertial Instability in Pre-Storm
May, 1991

Ryan Oppermann
Low-Level Convergence and the Effects on Rainfall
June, 2007

J. Bryan Osborne
Diurnal Evolution of the Convectively Unstable Boundary Layer: A Computer Simulation
August, 1994

Bavuudorj Ovgor (Interdisciplinary Studies)
Wind Energy Assessment of West Texas Mesonet
August, 2005

Eric A. Pani
Storm Rainfall Distributions in the Texas South Plains
May, 1982

Eric T. Peterson
Radar Analysis of a Developing Mesoscale Convective System
December, 1992

David PeQueen
GLM Flash Data Trends During Tropical Cyclone Intensification Changes
October, 2021

Julie Phillipson
Bursting Events in the Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layer
May, 2008

Albert E. Pietrycha
Fine-Scale Observations of Surface Boundaries Utilizing Mobile Mesonets
May, 2001

Camaron Plourde
An Investigation of Lightning Behavior during the Quasi-Linear Convective System in northwest Texas on March 19, 2012
August, 2013

Paul Prososki
Radar Observations and Analysis of Misocyclones along Spring 2012 West Texas Drylines
August, 2014

David B. Radell
Terrain Effects on Landfalling Tropical Cyclones: An MM5 Simulation of Super Typhoon Herb
August, 2001

Erik N. Rasmussen
The Tulia Outbreak Storm: Mesoscale Evolution and Photogrammetric Analysis
May, 1982

Christopher W. Ratley
Precipitation Mechanism in Summer Convective Clouds in West Texas
December, 1984

Shelby Robertson
Intensification of Low-Level Updraft in Supercells Preceding Tornadogenesis
June, 2017

Jaret Rogers
The Association of Thunderstorm Cell Mergers with Tornado Occurrence
June, 2007

Rachel Rogers-Van Nice
Forecast Verification: A Dispersion Modeling Perspective
May, 2008

Gabe Rothman
Saharan Air Layer Interaction with Hurricane Claudette (2003)
June, 2004

Kaitlin Rutt
Investigating the Convergence of Boundary Layer Properties as a Function of Grid Spacing within WRF-LES
June, 2017

Eric R. Sawdey
Numerical Case Study of a Major Flash Flood Event
May, 1995

John L. Schroeder
Examination of Hurricane Boundary Layer Winds
August, 1997

Kevin D. Scro
The Use of 2-D Imagery to Classify the Precipitation Mechanism in West Texas Convective Clouds
August, 1984

Stephanie Seely
Trajectory Study of a Mesoscale Convective System
December, 1994

Erin P. Shaw
The 3 May 1999 Tornado Outbreak: Radar Damage Analysis for Oklahoma County
May, 2002

Jeffrey S. Sites
A Climatology of Southwest Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones (1962-63 to 1986-87)
December, 1989

Pat Skinner
Observations of the Surface Boundary Structure within Supercell Thunderstorms
April, 2009

Gary D. Skwira
Monte Carlo Simulations for the United States Atlantic and Gulf Coast
December, 1998

Tim Sliwinski
Convective Cloud Development prior to Deep Moist Convection Initiation within WRF-LES
December, 2013

David J. Smalley
A Cloud Shading Direct Solar Radiation Model
December, 1985

Nick Smith
Ensemble Sensitivity Analysis of Wind Ramp Events with Applications to Targeted Observations
May, 2015

Martin D. Solomon
A Mesoscale Study of Texas South Plains Convective Systems
May, 1983

Jessica Souza
Assessing Turbulence in Different Spots of Lightning Flash Propagation
October, 2020

David A. Spector
Investigation of Large Tornado Outbreaks in the United States
December, 1993

Catherine Spooner
An Analysis of an Oceanic Tropical Mesoscale Convective System During the Kwajealein Experiment (KWAJEX)
August, 2001

Vanna Sullivan
Variations of the Vertical Electric Field and Wind Speed on Days with Airborne Dust in Lubbock, Texas
August, 2013

Jeffrey R. Tesmer
Evolution of a Mesoscale Convective System
December, 1990

Amanda Thibault
Lightning in the Supercell Environment with Consideration for Tornadogenesis
August, 2010

Joel L. Tumbiolo
Analysis of Northeast Pacific Hurricane Tico and Its Associated Heavy Rain Event of the South Plains of Texas and Oklahoma
May, 1989

Rachel Rogers-Van Nice
Forecast Verification: A Dispersion Modeling Perspective
May, 2008

Dan Vecellio
An Assessment of Short-term Synoptic Air Mass Modification through Land-Atmosphere Interactions
May, 2015

Scott A. Wagaman
A Numerical Model Study of African Wave Disturbances
December, 1991

Samantha Walley
Exploring XCO2  Spatial Variability Across Frontal Boundaries Using Airborne Lidar Observations and Numerical Simulations
June, 2020

Phillip Ware
Thunderstorm Electrification and Kinematics as seen through Ensemble Lightning Flash Properties
August, 2015

Thomas E. Warner
Landfalling Northeast Pacific Tropical Cyclones and Associated Rainfall over the South Central United States, 1900-1991
December, 1992

John J. Waters
The Synoptic Climatology of the South Plains Dryline over the Period April-June, 1970-1979
May, 1987

Justin E. Weaver
Evaporation of Rainfall Below Convective Clouds
May, 1992

Stephen W. Weinbeck
Surface Layer Characteristics of Thunderstorm Winds
December, 1997

Kenneth A. Wigner
Dust Storms and Blowing Dust on the Texas South Plains
May, 1984

Jake Williams
Influence of Ice Nuclei Particle Parameterization on Cloud Formation and Electrification Using the COMMAS 3-D Model
August, 2020

Tyler Wixtrom
Precipitation Forecasting with Adaptive Parameterization Selection
June, 2019

Candace Wood
Horizontal Channel Lengths of Cloud to Ground Lightning Flashes
December, 2017

Ji Zao
Analysis of Low-Level Thunderstorm Winds
August, 1992

Gregory M. Zarus
Analysis of Low-Level Stability for a Thunderstorm
December, 1990

Ph.D Graduates in Geosciences - Alphabetical

Jeff Beck
The Effect of Environmental and Microphysical Thermodynamic Variability on Low-Level Baroclinity and Vorticity Within Numerically-Simulated Supercell Thunderstorms
Dr. Christopher Weiss, Supervisor. August, 2009|

Brock Burghardt
Performance Characteristics of Convection-Allowing Ensemble Forecasts with Varied Physics Parameterizations
Dr. Brian Ancell, Supervisor February, 2017

Vanna Chmielewski
Understanding the Surprising Variation in Storm Charge Structures on 4 June 2012 over West Texas
Dr. Eric Bruning, Supervisor. June, 2017

Mark Raymond Conder
Characteristics of the Quiescent Dryline From a Case Study Perspective
Dr. Richard Peterson, Supervisor. December, 2004

Arthur L. Doggett, IV
Analysis of Rainwater Flux in the IFA During TOGA COARE Using Shipboard Radar Rainfall Estimates
Dr. C.A. Leary, Supervisor. May 1996

Becca Paulsen Edwards
Characterization of Hurricane Gust Factors Using Observed and Analytical Data
Dr. John Schroeder, Supervisor. March, 2009

Ian Giammanco
An Observational Study of Tropical Cyclone Low-Level Wind Maxima
Dr. John Schroeder, Supervisor. August, 2010

Scott Gunter
Thunderstorm Outflow Winds as Measured by the TTUKa Mobile Doppler Radars and StickNet with Applications to Wind Engineering
Dr. John Schroeder, Supervisor. August, 2015

Aaron Hill
Demonstration of Ensemble Sensitivity-based Targeted Observing for Convective-scale Applications: Perfect-model Experiments
Dr. Chris Weiss, Supervisor. June, 2019

Brian Hirth
Examination of the Coastal Transition Zone in Hurricane Frances (2004)
Dr. John Schroeder, Supervisor. May, 2011

James Robert Howard
Coastal Transition within the Boundary Layer of Tropical Cyclones at Landfall
Dr. Richard Peterson, Co-chair, Dr. Arthur L. Doggett, Co-chair. December, 2004

Abby Hutson
Using Ensemble Sensitivity Analysis to Identify Storm-Scale Characteristics Associated with Tornadogenesis in High Resolution Simulated Supercells
Dr. Chris Weiss, Supervisor. May, 2021

Tanveerul Islam
Integrated Approach to Cyclone Wind ,Analysis and Disaster Planning for the Bangladesh Coast
Dr. Richard Peterson, Supervisor. December, 2006

Richard Krupar III
Improving Surface Wind Estimates in Tropical Cyclones Using WSR-88D Derived Wind Profiles
Dr. John Schroder, Supervisor. May, 2015

Sylvie S. Lorsolo
Observational Study of Small-Scale Features Present in the Hurricane Boundary Layer
Dr. John Schroeder, Supervisor. December, 2006

Kirsten D. Orwig
Examining Strong Winds from a Time-Varying Perspective
Dr. John Schroeder, Supervisor. March, 2010

Eric A. Pani
The Design and Protocol of a Summertime Rainfall Enhancement Program for West Texas
Dr. G. M. Jurica, Supervisor. December, 1987

Edward N. Rappaport
Mesoscale Convective Systems: Structure, Development, and Storm-Environment Interactions
Dr. C. A. Leary, Supervisor. May, 1988

Anthony Reinhart
Effects of Microphysical Parameterizations and Drop Breakup on Supercells and Supercell Cold Pools
Dr. Christopher Weiss, Supervisor. March, 2016

Archie Ruiz-Columbie
Atmospheric Boundary Layer Evening Transitions over West Texas
Dr. Sukanta Basu, Supervisor. December, 2008

Vicente Salinas
Examining Thunderstorm Kinematics in which Lightning Flashes Initiate and Their Influence on the Microphysics and Electrostatics
Dr. Eric Bruning, Supervisor. September, 2020

Patrick Skinner
Observations and Ensemble Kalman Filter Analyses of Multiple Internal Rear-Flank Downdraft Momentum Surges within the 18 May 2010, Dumas, Texas Supercell
Dr. Chriss Weiss, Supervisor. December, 2013

Gary Skwira
Surface Observations of Landfalling Hurricane Rainbands: Case Studies of Hurricane Bonnie (1998) and Dennis (1999)
Dr. Richard Peterson, Supervisor. March, 2003

Timothy S. Sliwinski
Applications of High Performance Computing to the Analysis of Large Eddy Simulation of the Convective Boundary Layer
Dr. Song-Lak Kang, Supervisor. March, 2017
Ibrahim Sonmez
Determination of the Proper Site Spacing Density Over Texas
Dr. John Schroeder, Supervisor. August, 2005

Brandon A. Storm
Modeling of Low-Level Jets over the Great Plains: Implications for Wind Energy
Dr. Sukanta Basu, Supervisor. May, 2008

Stephen W. Weinbeck
Development of West Texas Mesonet and Supporting Instrumentation
Dr. Richard Peterson, Supervisor. May, 2005