

Thumbnail Not Available

Texas, Aquifers


This layer contains the minor underground aquifers found in Texas. This polygon file was designed for medium to small scale thematic mapping and analysis.



The spatial data were obtained from the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) and are current as of 2007. Attributes were modified to include only aquifer name, code, and area information. The coordinate system of this data is WGS 1984.

"Lines were digitized from the Bureau of Economic Geology's Geologic Atlas Sheets (GAT) at 1:250,000 scale. Work started in January 1990 and was completed in May 1990. All digitizing was done at the USGS office in Austin, Texas using Arc/Info. REVISIONS MADE TO THE MAJOR AQUIFERS FOR THE 2007 STATE WATER PLAN: The Edwards aquifer southern boundary has been updated based on new geochemical data. The boundary of the 1,000-mg/L line of equal dissolved solids concentration has been revised and moved both to the north and south of the previous boundary. More information on the new aquifer boundary can be found in the Texas 2007 State Water plan at http://www.twdb.state.tx.us/home/index.asp. In general, the Pecos Valley aquifer is defined by: (1) the occurrence of structural highs that have the potential to form barriers to groundwater flow and (2) the spatial extent of the Pecos Valley sediment. The Pecos Valley aquifer boundary differs from its former boundary in two ways. First, we revised the aquifer boundary, extending the aquifer into New Mexico to coincide with perceived hydrologic boundaries. Second, the old aquifer boundary excluded parts of Loving, Winkler, Ward, Pecos, and Crane counties where the alluvium is thin. This presents a problem to modeling groundwater flow because it incorrectly restricts access to the Pecos River, the main discharge zone. The new aquifer boundary better represent the geology as indicated by the 1:250,000 maps of the Geologic Atlas of Texas by including these areas of thinner alluvium. More information on the new aquifer boundary can be found in the Texas 2007 State Water plan at http://www.twdb.state.tx.us/home/index.asp. Aware of reports that not all of the mapped Seymour Aquifer held water, TWDB reviewed well information to determine which parts of the aquifer hold water and which parts do not. This review was done prior to developing the groundwater availability model for the Seymour Aquifer.

In the process of developing the model, additional changes were made to the aquifer’s extent. Therefore, TWDB has changed the boundary so that only those sediments that are known to hold groundwater are part of the Seymour Aquifer More information on the new aquifer boundary can be found in the Texas 2007 State Water plan at http://www.twdb.state.tx.us/home/index.asp. The Trinity Aquifer extends beneath the Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone) Aquifer ending in the subsurface toward the west in eastern Uvalde County. This subsurface boundary in Uvalde County appears to coincide with the Sabinal River and, therefore, has a great amount of sinuosity and detail. Groundwater in the Trinity Aquifer in Uvalde County presumably flows beneath the Edwards (Balcones Fault Zone) Aquifer toward the south, in the same direction of the Sabinal River, which is probably why TWDB chose the river as the subsurface boundary of the aquifer. However, the boundary has much greater detail than what is known about the groundwater flow line. Therefore, TWDB has smoothed the shape of this line to better reflect the knowledge of its position. More information on the new aquifer boundary can be found in the Texas 2007 State Water plan at http://www.twdb.state.tx.us/home/index.asp. * The Edwards-Trinity Aquifer (outcrop) lines in West Texas were adjusted to lie adjacent to the updated Pecos Valley aquifer lines. Also, a small part of the outcrop was reclassified to subcrop in order to show the adjusted outcrop of the Pecos Valley aquifer which lies on top of the Edwards-Trinity in northern Pecos County. Also, a small part of the Ogallala aquifer in West Texas (specifically Andrews and Ector counties) was adjusted to lie adjacent to the updated Pecos Valley and Edwards-Trinity aquifer lines." - TWDB


Center for Geospatial Technology, Texas Tech University
Texas Water Development Board

Use limitations

<DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>This data was prepared for inclusion in the TPWD Base SDE database by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department GIS Lab. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, its employees, and personnel, make no warranty as to its accuracy. The Texas Parks &amp; Wildlife Department, its employees, and personnel MAKE NO WARRANTY FOR FITNESS OF USE FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WITH RESPECT TO THIS DATA. THIS IS NOT A SURVEYED PRODUCT. Title 1 Part 10 Chapter 201 Rule §201.6 of the Texas Administrative Code suggests data showing the full extent of Texas be projected in the Texas State Mapping System. This feature class as provided by TPWD is unprojected.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>


West  -105.849214    East  -93.609396
North  36.501238    South  26.352271

Scale Range
Maximum (zoomed in)  1:5,000
Minimum (zoomed out)  1:150,000,000

ArcGIS Metadata 

Topics and Keywords 

*Content type  Downloadable Data

Place keywords  Texas, TX, State of Texas

Theme keywords  subcrop, outcrop, Minor aquifers, Aquifers


*Title Tx_AquifersMinor_TWDB
Publication date 1997-01-01

Presentation formats* digital map

Resource Details 

Dataset languages  English (UNITED STATES)

Status  completed
Spatial representation type* vector

Supplemental information
Lines were digitized from the Bureau of Economic Geology's Geologic Atlas Sheets (GAT) at 1:250,000 scale. Work started in January 1990 and was completed in May 1990. All digitizing was done at the USGS office in Austin, Texas using Arc/Info. The Yegua Jackson aquifer was digitized and added to the original dataset in 2001. REVISIONS MADE TO THE MINOR AQUIFERS FOR THE 2007 STATE WATER PLAN: The boundary of the Blaine aquifer was revised based on current information from well yields, groundwater levels, and groundwater chemistry. It was extended farther south to include most of the larger outcrops of the Blaine Formation. The boundaries of the Blaine Formation are based on the digital Geological Atlas of Texas (see TNRIS). The downdip extent of the aquifer, west of the exposure of the Blaine Formation, includes wells that produce groundwater with total dissolved solids of 10,000 ppm or less. The subsurface boundary along parts of the aquifer to the east includes all wells that draw water from the aquifer, and is not defined in terms of groundwater salinity. More information on the new aquifer boundary can be found in the Texas 2007 State Water plan at http://www.twdb.state.tx.us/home/index.asp. The Bone Springs–Victorio Peak aquifer is defined on the east by the center line of the Salt Basin, the original, pre-development discharge for groundwater flow in the area. Its southern boundary coincides with the Bitterwell Break, a Tertiary normal fault, out of the Salt Basin. This feature reportedly corresponds to a groundwater divide. Moving westward, the southern boundary transfers from the Bitterwell Break to the Babb Flexure, a structural hinge or bend in the rocks. To the northwest, the boundary follows a flow line based on the area’s potentiometric surface. The northern extent of the aquifer in Texas is defined by the state line with New Mexico. More information on the new aquifer boundary can be found in the Texas 2007 State Water plan at http://www.twdb.state.tx.us/home/index.asp. The revised boundary for the Igneous aquifer encloses contiguous Tertiary igneous rocks. Large exposures of pre-Tertiary, mainly Cretaceous, age rocks were kept outside of the boundary. It is defined to include the majority of wells drawing from Tertiary igneous rocks. For the most part, the boundary follows that defined by the USGS. However, the revised boundary excludes the northernmost extension of the USGS boundary in Culberson County since that area consists of mostly Permian rocks, and includes areas of Tertiary rocks that are within a LBG-Guyton boundary in the northeast part of the study area. We included an area in the southwest part of the proposed boundary because that area appears to contain Tertiary igneous rocks overlain by Quaternary sediments. More information on the new aquifer boundary can be found in the Texas 2007 State Water plan at http://www.twdb.state.tx.us/home/index.asp. The revised boundary for the Lipan aquifer includes Quaternary alluvium, mainly Qau, outside the present boundary. By including more alluvium the Lipan aquifer is coincident with the boundary for the Edwards-Trinity Plateau aquifer to the north, west, and south. To the east the boundary remains essentially unchanged, occurring at the boundary between the Leona Formation and the Permian Clear Fork Group or Lueders Formation. The boundary of the GAM model, defined by the groundwater divide, is used to determine a subsurface limit for the Lipan aquifer to the south. The northern edge of the Edwards-Trinity Plateau aquifer defines the northern subsurface boundary. The contact between the Permian Clear Fork Group and the Lueders Formation is extended along strike to the south to delineate an eastern subsurface limit. More information on the new aquifer boundary can be found in the Texas 2007 State Water plan at http://www.twdb.state.tx.us/home/index.asp. Minor adjustments to the eastern boundary of the 'Presidio-Redford' portion of the West Texas Bolsons aquifer were done to show the contact with the new Igneous aquifer boundary. Minor adjustments were also made to show the contact with a smaller portion of the 'bolsons'/Igneous boundary in western Jeff Davis and southern Culberson county. (Editing was done in ArcGIS 9.1) Original contact information for this dataset: Mark Hayes TWDB mailing and physical address: 1700 North Congress Avenue PO Box 13231 Austin, Texas 78711-3231 USA (512)936-0828 (voice) (512)463-8423 (fax) mark.hayes@twdb.state.tx.us

*Processing environment Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; Esri ArcGIS

Center for Geospatial Technology, Texas Tech University
Texas Water Development Board

ArcGIS item properties
*Name Tx_AquifersMinor_TWDB
*Size 0.000
*Location file://\\cgstdb\CGSTGeognet\Geognet\Geognet2014\TxStateLayers2014\Tx_Aquifers\Tx_Aquifers_TWDB\Tx_AquifersMinor_TWDB.shp
*Access protocol Local Area Network


publication date

Geographic extent
Bounding rectangle
Extent type  Extent used for searching
*West longitude -105.849214
*East longitude -93.609396
*North latitude 36.501238
*South latitude 26.352271
*Extent contains the resource Yes

Extent in the item's coordinate system
*West longitude -105.849214
*East longitude -93.609396
*South latitude 26.352271
*North latitude 36.501238
*Extent contains the resource Yes

Resource Points of Contact 

Point of contact
Organization's name Texas Parks and Wildlife Department GIS Lab
Contact's role  point of contact

Contact information
Voice 512-389-8070
Fax 512-389-8300

Type both
Delivery point 4200 Smith School Road
City Austin
Administrative area TX
Postal code 78744-3292
Country US
e-mail addressgislab@tpwd.state.tx.us

Hours of service
8 am - 5 pm, Mon - Fri

Resource Maintenance 

Resource maintenance
Update frequency  as needed

Resource Constraints 

Limitations of use
<DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>This data was prepared for inclusion in the TPWD Base SDE database by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department GIS Lab. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, its employees, and personnel, make no warranty as to its accuracy. The Texas Parks &amp; Wildlife Department, its employees, and personnel MAKE NO WARRANTY FOR FITNESS OF USE FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WITH RESPECT TO THIS DATA. THIS IS NOT A SURVEYED PRODUCT. Title 1 Part 10 Chapter 201 Rule §201.6 of the Texas Administrative Code suggests data showing the full extent of Texas be projected in the Texas State Mapping System. This feature class as provided by TPWD is unprojected.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>

Spatial Reference 

ArcGIS coordinate system
*Type Geographic
*Geographic coordinate reference GCS_WGS_1984
*Coordinate reference details
Geographic coordinate system
Well-known identifier 4326
X origin -400
Y origin -400
XY scale 11258999068426.238
Z origin -100000
Z scale 10000
M origin -100000
M scale 10000
XY tolerance 8.983152841195215e-009
Z tolerance 0.001
M tolerance 0.001
High precision true
Left longitude -180
Latest well-known identifier 4326
Well-known text GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433],METADATA["World",-180.0,-90.0,180.0,90.0,0.0,0.0174532925199433,0.0,1262],AUTHORITY["EPSG",4326]]

Reference system identifier
*Value 4326
*Codespace EPSG
*Version 8.2.6

Spatial Data Properties 

*Level of topology for this dataset  geometry only

Geometric objects
Feature class name Tx_AquifersMinor_TWDB
*Object type  composite
*Object count 0

ArcGIS Feature Class Properties
Feature class name Tx_AquifersMinor_TWDB
*Feature type Simple
*Geometry type Polygon
*Has topology FALSE
*Feature count 0
*Spatial index FALSE
*Linear referencing FALSE

Data Quality 


Contact information
Individual's name Marian O'Brien
Organization's name Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Contact's position GIS Analyst
Contact's role  distributor

Contact information
Voice 512-389-8315
Fax 512-389-8300

Type both
Delivery point 4200 Smith School Road
City Austin
Administrative area TX
Postal code 78744-3292
Country US
e-mail addressmarian.obrien@tpwd.state.tx.us

Hours of service
8 am - 5 pm, Mon - Fri

Distribution format
*Name Shapefile

Transfer options
*Transfer size 0.000


Details for object Tx_AquifersMinor_TWDB 
*Type Feature Class
*Row count 0

Field FID
*Alias FID
*Data type OID
*Width 4
*Precision 0
*Scale 0
*Field description
Internal feature number.

*Description source

*Description of values
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

Field Shape
*Alias Shape
*Data type Geometry
*Width 0
*Precision 0
*Scale 0
*Field description
Feature geometry.

*Description source

Description of values
Coordinates defining the features.

Field Name
*Alias NAME
*Data type String
*Width 30
*Precision 0
*Scale 0
Field description
Aquifer Name

Description source

Field Code
*Alias CODE
*Data type String
*Width 2
*Precision 0
*Scale 0
Field description
The number '0' refers to a hole in the aquifer (no outcrop or subcrop/downdip). The number '1' refers to the outcrop (at the surface). The number '2', refers to the subcrop or downdip (below the surface).

Description source

*Data type Double
*Width 19
*Precision 0
*Scale 0

*Data type Double
*Width 19
*Precision 0
*Scale 0

Field Shape_Leng
*Alias Shape_Leng
*Data type Double
*Width 19
*Precision 0
*Scale 0

Field Shape_Area
*Alias Shape_Area
*Data type Double
*Width 19
*Precision 0
*Scale 0
*Field description
Area of feature in internal units squared.

*Description source

*Description of values
Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.

Metadata Details 

Metadata language English (UNITED STATES)

Scope of the data described by the metadata  dataset
Scope name* dataset

*Last update 2015-01-05

ArcGIS metadata properties
Metadata format ArcGIS 1.0
Standard or profile used to edit metadata ItemDescription

Created in ArcGIS for the item 2014-07-18 14:50:20
Last modified in ArcGIS for the item 2015-01-05 12:39:33

Automatic updates
Have been performed Yes
Last update 2015-01-05 12:39:33

Metadata Contacts 

Metadata contact
Organization's name Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Contact's role  point of contact

Contact information
Voice 512-389-8070
Fax 512-389-8300

Type both
Delivery point 4200 Smith School Road
City Austin
Administrative area TX
Postal code 78744-3292
Country US
e-mail addressgislab@tpwd.state.tx.us

Hours of service
8 am - 5 pm, Mon - Fri

Metadata Constraints 

Security constraints
Classification  unclassified

Thumbnail and Enclosures 


Enclosure type  File
Description of enclosure original metadata
Original metadata document, which was translated yes
Source metadata format fgdc

FGDC Metadata (read-only) 


Citation Information
Publication Date1997
Geospatial Data Presentation Formvector digital data
Online LinkageService=sde:sqlserver:GIS-DBBETA\tpwd_gisdev; Database=Base; User=Hydro; Version=sde.DEFAULT

                            This is a dataset containing what the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) in Austin, Texas considers the 21 Minor aquifers of Texas.
                            To update the delineations for the minor aquifers of Texas for the purpose of adding them to the 1991 Water Plan.

This feature class is a component of TPWD 'base' data. 
'Base' data includes current, statewide geospatial information intended to provide context for mapping purposes.
Supplemental Information
                            Lines were digitized from the Bureau of Economic Geology's Geologic Atlas Sheets (GAT) at 1:250,000 scale.   Work started in January 1990 and was completed in May 1990. All digitizing was done at the USGS office in Austin, Texas using Arc/Info.
The Yegua Jackson aquifer was digitized and added to the original dataset in 2001.

REVISIONS MADE TO THE MINOR AQUIFERS FOR THE 2007 STATE WATER PLAN:  The boundary of the Blaine aquifer was revised based on current information from well yields, groundwater levels, and groundwater chemistry. It was extended farther south to include most of the larger outcrops of the Blaine Formation. The boundaries of the Blaine Formation are based on the digital Geological Atlas of Texas (see TNRIS). The downdip extent of the aquifer, west of the exposure of the Blaine Formation, includes wells that produce groundwater with total dissolved solids of 10,000 ppm or less. The subsurface boundary along parts of the aquifer to the east includes all wells that draw water from the aquifer, and is not defined in terms of groundwater salinity. More information on the new aquifer boundary can be found in the Texas 2007 State Water plan at http://www.twdb.state.tx.us/home/index.asp.
The Bone Springs–Victorio Peak aquifer is defined on the east by the center line of the Salt Basin, the original, pre-development discharge for groundwater flow in the area. Its southern boundary coincides with the Bitterwell Break, a Tertiary normal fault, out of the Salt Basin. This feature reportedly corresponds to a groundwater divide. Moving westward, the southern boundary transfers from the Bitterwell Break to the Babb Flexure, a structural hinge or bend in the rocks. To the northwest, the boundary follows a flow line based on the area’s potentiometric surface. The northern extent of the aquifer in Texas is defined by the state line with New Mexico. More information on the new aquifer boundary can be found in the Texas 2007 State Water plan at http://www.twdb.state.tx.us/home/index.asp.
The revised boundary for the Igneous aquifer encloses contiguous Tertiary igneous rocks. Large exposures of pre-Tertiary, mainly Cretaceous, age rocks were kept outside of the boundary. It is defined to include the majority of wells drawing from Tertiary igneous rocks. For the most part, the boundary follows that defined by the USGS. However, the revised boundary excludes the northernmost extension of the USGS boundary in Culberson County since that area consists of mostly Permian rocks, and includes areas of Tertiary rocks that are within a LBG-Guyton boundary in the northeast part of the study area. We included an area in the southwest part of the proposed boundary because that area appears to contain Tertiary igneous rocks overlain by Quaternary sediments. More information on the new aquifer boundary can be found in the Texas 2007 State Water plan at http://www.twdb.state.tx.us/home/index.asp.
The revised boundary for the Lipan aquifer includes Quaternary alluvium, mainly Qau, outside the present boundary. By including more alluvium the Lipan aquifer is coincident with the boundary for the Edwards-Trinity Plateau aquifer to the north, west, and south. To the east the boundary remains essentially unchanged, occurring at the boundary between the Leona Formation and the Permian Clear Fork Group or Lueders Formation. The boundary of the GAM model, defined by the groundwater divide, is used to determine a subsurface limit for the Lipan aquifer to the south. The northern edge of the Edwards-Trinity Plateau aquifer defines the northern subsurface boundary. The contact between the Permian Clear Fork Group and the Lueders Formation is extended along strike to the south to delineate an eastern subsurface limit. More information on the new aquifer boundary can be found in the Texas 2007 State Water plan at http://www.twdb.state.tx.us/home/index.asp.
Minor adjustments to the eastern boundary of the 'Presidio-Redford' portion of the West Texas Bolsons aquifer were done to show the contact with the new Igneous aquifer boundary.
Minor adjustments were also made to show the contact with a smaller portion of the 'bolsons'/Igneous boundary in western Jeff Davis and southern Culberson county.
(Editing was done in ArcGIS 9.1)

Original contact information for this dataset:

Mark Hayes
mailing and physical address:

1700 North Congress Avenue
PO Box 13231
Austin, Texas 78711-3231

(512)936-0828 (voice)
(512)463-8423 (fax)
Time Period of Content
Time Period Information
Multiple Dates/Times
Single Date/Time
Calendar DateGeometry: 1997
Single Date/Time
Calendar DateAttributes: 05/17/2010
Currentness Reference
                            publication date
Maintenance and Update FrequencyAs needed

Spatial Domain
Bounding Coordinates
West Bounding Coordinate-105.849205
East Bounding Coordinate-93.609390
North Bounding Coordinate36.501232
South Bounding Coordinate26.352266

Theme KeywordAquifers
Theme KeywordMinor aquifers
Theme Keywordoutcrop
Theme Keywordsubcrop

Place KeywordTexas
Place KeywordTX
Place KeywordState of Texas

Access Constraints
Use Constraints
                        This data was prepared for inclusion in the TPWD Base SDE database by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department GIS Lab.  The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, its employees, and personnel, make no warranty as to its accuracy. The Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, its employees, and personnel MAKE NO WARRANTY FOR FITNESS OF USE FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WITH RESPECT TO THIS DATA. THIS IS NOT A SURVEYED PRODUCT. 

Title 1 Part 10 Chapter 201 Rule §201.6 of the Texas Administrative Code suggests data showing the full extent of Texas be projected in the Texas State Mapping System. This feature class as provided by TPWD is unprojected.
Point of Contact
Contact Information
Contact Organization Primary
Contact OrganizationTexas Parks and Wildlife Department GIS Lab
Contact Address
Address Typemailing and physical address
Address4200 Smith School Road
State or ProvinceTX
Postal Code78744-3292

Contact Voice Telephone512-389-8070
Contact Facsimile Telephone512-389-8300
Contact Electronic Mail Addressgislab@tpwd.state.tx.us
Hours of Service8 am - 5 pm, Mon - Fri

Native Data Set Environment
Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 3; ESRI ArcCatalog

Data Quality 

Process Step
Process Description
                                Dataset copied.
Process Date20100122 16021600

Process Step
Process Description
                                Dataset copied.
Source Used Citation Abbreviation
Process Date20100122 16041700

Process Step
Process Description
                                Dataset copied.
Process Date20100205 09083300

Process Step
Process Description
                                Dataset copied.
Source Used Citation Abbreviation
Process Date2010-02-11
Process Time11:14:43

Process Step
Process Description
                                Metadata imported.
Source Used Citation Abbreviation
Process Date2010-05-17
Process Time10:19:34

Process Step
Process Description
                                Dataset copied.
Source Used Citation Abbreviation
Process Date2010-05-17
Process Time10:27:40

Spatial Reference 

Horizontal Coordinate System Definition
Latitude Resolution0.000000
Longitude Resolution0.000000
Geographic Coordinate UnitsDecimal degrees

Geodetic Model
Horizontal Datum NameNorth American Datum of 1983
Ellipsoid NameGeodetic Reference System 80
Semi-major Axis6378137.000000
Denominator of Flattening Ratio298.257222

Vertical Coordinate System Definition
Altitude System Definition
Altitude Resolution1.000000
Altitude Encoding MethodExplicit elevation coordinate included with horizontal coordinates

Entities and Attributes 

Distribution Information 

Contact Information
Contact Organization Primary
Contact OrganizationTexas Parks and Wildlife Department
Contact PersonCynthia R. Banks
Contact PositionGIS Data Librarian
Contact Address
Address Typemailing and physical address
Address4200 Smith School Road
State or ProvinceTX
Postal Code78744-3292

Contact Voice Telephone512-389-8073
Contact Facsimile Telephone512-389-8300
Contact Electronic Mail Addresscynthia.banks@tpwd.state.tx.us
Hours of Service8 am - 5 pm, Mon - Fri

Resource DescriptionDownloadable Data
Standard Order Process
Digital Form
Digital Transfer Information
Transfer Size3.104

Metadata Reference 

Metadata Date2010-12-10
Metadata Contact
Contact Information
Contact Organization Primary
Contact OrganizationTexas Parks and Wildlife Department
Contact Address
Address Typemailing and physical address
Address4200 Smith School Road
State or ProvinceTX
Postal Code78744-3292

Contact Voice Telephone512-389-8070
Contact Facsimile Telephone512-389-8300
Contact Electronic Mail Addressgislab@tpwd.state.tx.us
Hours of Service8 am - 5 pm, Mon - Fri

Metadata Standard NameFGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata Standard VersionFGDC-STD-001-1998
Metadata Time Conventionlocal time

Metadata Access ConstraintsNone
Metadata Use Constraints
Metadata Security Information
Metadata Security ClassificationUnclassified

Metadata Extensions
Online Linkagehttp://www.esri.com/metadata/esriprof80.html
Profile NameESRI Metadata Profile