Texas Tech University

Complex System Modeling, Control, and Optimization (CSMCO) Laboratory

Research Overview

The Complex System Modeling, Control, and Optimization (CSMCO) Laboratory develops new technologies, methodologies, and algorithms in modeling, simulation, and optimization for system diagnostics and prognostics, risk assessment, and quality improvement. Engineering and physiological systems (e.g., manufacturing system and human heart) involve a great level of complexity. Such complexity emerges from nonlinear interactions of the underlying processes, which makes the modeling and analysis of the system challenging. Complex system modeling and simulation offer a powerful platform for virtual experiments, which have been applied to a broad field of research to overcome practical limitations, develop hypotheses, improve quality, and reduce operating costs. The CSMCO lab creates a rigorous knowledge body in modeling, control, and optimization for an accurate representation of system dynamics, rigorous evaluation of system variabilities, reliable predictions of system response, and robust control of system performance.

Lab Facilities

Remote Health Monitoring system includes an inertial measurement unit (IMU) built with accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetometers to measure a body's force, angular rate, and the magnetic field surrounding the body, a Galvanic skin response (GSR) and Phtoplethysmography (PPG) unit, an electrocardiograph (ECG) unit and an electromyography (EMG) unit. The system collects physiological signals from subjects during physical exercise which can be used to design and develop novel technologies for signal processing and vital sign analysis. The resulting technologies can be applied to aid home-based cardiac rehabilitation to ensure patients' safety and to maximize the benefits of physical exercise.


The simulation system of the biomanufacturing process is equipped with the Eppendorf bench scale fermentor and bioreactor, which can model the therapeutic protein production. Mammalian cells are the dominant production system of high-value biotherapeutic proteins that are effective in curing many diseases such as cancer. The research in the CSMCO Lab aims to simulate the process of mammalian cell growth and explore optimal control strategies for the mammalian cell culture to prevent apoptosis and increase productivity in biopharmaceutical biomanufacturing.


Industrial, Manufacturing & Systems Engineering