Texas Tech University


[Date changed–posted 4/26/23 (last revised 11/30/22)
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Operating Policy and Procedure

OP 34.02: Pass-Fail Option

DATE: April 26, 2023

PURPOSE: The purpose of this Operating Policy/Procedure (OP) is to ensure understanding and a standardized approach in handling the student pass-fail option.

REVIEW: This OP will be reviewed in March of even-numbered years by the Vice Provost for Academic Innovation and Student Success with substantive revisions presented to the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs by April 15.


1.  Pass-Fail Option

Undergraduate students may take up to 13 elective semester hours toward satisfying degree requirements in which they will be graded on a pass-fail basis. Courses specified in the catalog as available only with pass-fail grading and courses taken in excess of degree requirements are not included in the 13-hour restriction.

a.    A college may further restrict the pass-fail option but may not broaden it beyond elective courses.

b.    No student on probation will be allowed the pass-fail option.

c.    A student must declare the intent to take a course pass-fail no later than the last day on which a grade of W is automatically given for courses dropped. A student who has chosen to take a course pass-fail may not subsequently change to a letter-graded basis. A grade of F in a pass-fail course is included in the student's grade point average.

d.    The names of students taking a course pass-fail will not be made known to the instructor.

e.    Courses taken in the declared major or minor shall not be taken pass-fail unless required by the department. The department of the major or minor will decide whether courses taken under the pass-fail system before a student has declared a major or minor shall count toward satisfying the degree requirements.

f.    Pass-fail options for graduate students are determined by the Graduate School.

Operating Policies & Procedures