Texas Tech University

Placement Requirements


In order to apply for practicum placement at the SCC, a student must have completed a course in counseling techniques (e.g. Departmental Basic Skills Practicum or Techniques in Counseling). In addition, students must have at least 45 hours of direct counseling experiences, a portion of which needs to be with young adults (or late adolescents).  If a student applies for a specific rotation (see "Rotations" below), then s/he must have successfully completed relevant coursework for some of the rotations.

Requirements for Practicum

  1. Concurrent enrollment in a practicum course in your department.
  2. Weekly attendance at 1 hour/week group supervision with the timing being arranged to try to accomodate your schedule. 
  3. 5 - 9 hours of direct individual client contact weekly (see practicum training rotations for more information).
  4. 1 hour/week Walk in Clinic (intakes and crisis intervention)
  5. 1.5 hours of individual supervision weekly.
  6. 1 hour of administrative time for  case notes and therapy prep.
  7. For your first semester at the Center: Attending an orientation meeting which is approimately 8 hours (usually 3-4 hour blocks of time over 2 different days) prior to the start of the semester. Time of orientation will be arranged with practicum coordinator. 

**NOTE: All Requirements are NON-NEGOTIABLE. Each student must attend all training seminars and supervision meetings weekly, and students must be present at the SCC during all client hours.


Reviewed 5/2/23


Student Counseling Center