Texas Tech University

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Making changes can be hard. According to American College Testing (ACT), one in every four college students leaves before completing their sophomore year -- and nearly half of all first year students will either drop out before obtaining a degree or complete their college education elsewhere.

But wait! That is not meant to scare you or take away any of the joy, excitement, and anticipation you feel about going to college. Quite the opposite. This website is all about the things you need to do to not only survive your first year of college, but to thrive in college. 

Some of these tips are critical during your first weeks, while the others are meant for longer-term guidance and survival. Whatever you do, be sure to be yourself and try to enjoy your college experience as much as possible. Expect to feel some stress and homesickness, but don't let these issues wear you down.

Physical and Mental Health

It's no secret that many college students spend most of their time on campus stressed out. Balancing classes, tests, projects, extra-curricular activities, and work is enough to make anyone feel overwhelmed, especially with final exams right around the corner. 

Having stress in your life is unavoidable, but there are steps students can take to mitigate its effects on their lives and health.

Texas Tech is committed to offering students opportunities to maintain healthy bodies and minds. TTU students should take advantage of:

First-Generation College Students

Your parents didn't graduate from a four-year college, and that means that you're the first in your family to really learn about college through the experience of being there.

First Generation Transition & Mentoring Programs help you explore with purpose and succeed with panache. Pegasus is the mythological horse that can fly. You are the one in your family who will go beyond what you've dreamed. You are now cleared for takeoff.