Internship Report Guidelines
This assignment is designed for you to reflect upon the professional internship experience that you just completed.
Report Objectives:
- To gain the most from the internship experience through reflecting on the experience and articulating knowledge gained.
- To develop a short professional development plan that builds on the internship experience.
- To evaluate the internship.
This assignment should be completed and emailed to the Internship Coordinator before the final examination week of the respective semester for graduating students. Non-graduating students may request an extension of the report deadline up to four weeks after the term in which the internship was served.
Major Sections of the Report:
- Cover sheet
- Essay on Value of the Internship
- Objective Completion
- Professional Development Plan
- Evaluation of Organization and Manager
- Evaluation of Reporting and Supervision
- Your Internship Objectives and Plan
- Letter of Evaluation from your Supervisor/Firm
Report Format:
The internship report should conform to the fol1owing guidelines:
- The length of the report should be 10-15 pages long for a standard 6 credit hour internship (Note: Internships for additional hours will be assigned a longer paper)
- 12 pt. font, double spaced, standard 8 ½” by 11” paper.
- Use references as necessary.
Revised October 10, 2022