Texas Tech University

foo with Agronomy Minor

This degree program prepares students for careers in managing agricultural firms supplying inputs or marketing agricultural products. Majors in this degree program can obtain a minor in Agronomy.

The Agronomy minor provides basic science training that is used in courses in genetics, crop production, plant breeding, and soil science.

By combining a minor in Agronomy with an Agricultural and Applied Economics degree, the student develops a well-rounded understanding of animal or plant agriculture and the economic/business factors that impact agricultural (and other) businesses.

Potential career opportunities - Chemical and fertilizer sales, seed sales and management, equipment sales, elevator or gin management, commodity trading and farm management.

For course requirements, see Plant and Soil Science Minor.

Note that course prerequisites may include Chemistry; careful planning may allow Chemistry to also fulfill the Life and Physical Sciences requirement.

Additional Information

Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics