February 23, 2016
Established in 2014 by the 1983 Meat Judging Team and Mark and Celia Miller to provide scholarships to undergraduate students are members of the Meat Judging Team that exhibit exemplary spirit and motivation to fellow team members.
tags : CASNR NewsCenter
February 23, 2016
Established in 2011 by Sam Miller, Monty Paul Miller, and Charles Anderson in honor of Max and Roma Miller to provide scholarships to full-time undergraduate students majoring in food science who have completed a minimum of 60 credit hours, including at least three courses in food science, with an overall GPA of 3.25 or greater. In addition, preference is given to students who have completed elective courses in chemistry or math beyond the minimum degree requirements.
tags : CASNR NewsCenter
February 23, 2016
Established in 2014 by the Miller Family and Dr. Leslie Thompson in memory of Sam Miller to provide scholarships to full-time undergraduate junior and senior students majoring in food science who have completed a minimum of three courses in food sciences with a minimum GPA of a 3.0. In addition, preference is given to students who have completed elective courses in chemistry or math beyond the minimum degree requirements.
tags : CASNR NewsCenter
February 23, 2016
Established in 2014 by Frances Morrison to provide scholarships to members of the Meat Judging Team who demonstrate an attitude of servant leadership.
tags : CASNR NewsCenter