Texas Tech University

Welcome to the Home Page of: Michael Galyean

Michael Galyean
Paul Whitfield Horn Professor
Texas Tech University
Department of Veterinary Sciences
e-mail – Michael.Galyean@ttu.edu

Research Responsibilities:

  • Beef Cattle Research

Research Areas:

  • Animal health and nutrition interactions
  • Feed intake prediction and management
  • Nutritional effects on growth and carcass merit of beef cattle
  • Metabolic disorders of finishing beef cattle
  • Digestive physiology of ruminants

Free Downloadable Files:

Diet Formulation and Net Energy Programs

  • TTU Diet Formulation Spreadsheet
    This Excel spreadsheet, which allows up to 40 feeds to be used, also is based on the principle of trial-and-error formulation. It contains the complete NRC (1996) feed library and provides output of all major nutrients and trace minerals, as well as dietary cation-anion balance. The user may archive and retrieve up to 50 formulations within the spreadsheet.
  • TTU Supplement Formulation Spreadsheet
    This Excel spreadsheet allows the user to input concentrations of major minerals and salt, trace minerals, vitamins, and selected feed additives that are desired in a supplement. Given the percent that the supplement makes up of the final diet, the program calculates the percentages of various ingredients needed to meet the specifications. Modest help screens are available throughout the program. The user may archive and retrieve up to 50 formulations within the spreadsheet.
  • Diet Solver
    This Excel spreadsheet uses the Solver Add-In to calculate a diet based on nutrient specifications and ingredient constraints provided by the user. The program will accommodate up to five fixed feed ingredients and seven variable feed ingredients, from which the program selects to calculate the diet. The Solver Add-In must be installed with Excel for this program to run properly. Do not attempt to run this file from the browser. The file must be downloaded and saved to a drive for it to run properly. NOTE - This is truly a Beta version.
  • NEm and NEg Calculations
    This Excel spreadsheet uses a generalized quadratic solution to determine dietary NEm and NEg values based on intake and performance by cattle, using the NRC (1996) equations.
  • TI-80 Series Calculator NEm and NEg Calculations
    This file is programmed in the Texas Instruments Basic language for use on TI-80 series calculators. It uses a generalized quadratic solution to determine dietary NEm and NEg values based on intake and performance by cattle, using the NRC (1996) equations. Note that target endpoints are limited to Choice and Select. If Standard is desired as an endpoint, use the Excel spreadsheet (ne.xls) described above. Once downloaded to a computer, this file can be transferred to a TI-80 series calculator using TI Connect or TI GRAPH LINK software.
  • SAS-Based NEm and NEg Calculations
    This SAS code uses a generalized quadratic solution to determine dietary NEm and NEg values based on intake and performance by cattle, using the NRC (1996) equations. Results are the same as for the Excel spreadsheets described above, but using SAS allows multiple entries to be analyzed at the same time and output data sets to be transferred to other SAS procedures.
  • Programmed Gain Calculations
    This Excel spreadsheet uses the NRC (1996) energy equations to determine the intake needed to achieve a user-defined average daily gain by growing-finishing beef cattle.
  • Fermentation Balance Calculations
    This Excel spreadsheet can be used to calculate values for hexose fermented and CO2, CH4, and H2O produced given molar proportions of ruminal VFA.

Statistical Aids

  • Sample Size Calculations I
    This Excel spreadsheet can be used to determine the sample size needed to detect a difference (specified as a percentage of the control treatment) given the coefficient of variation, a specified significance level, and the power of the test.
  • Sample Size Calculations II
    This Excel spreadsheet can be used to determine the sample size needed to detect a difference (specified as a unit of measurement) given the error mean square for the measurement, the number of treatments, a specified significance level, and the power of the test.
  • Random Number Sequence Generator
    This Excel spreadsheet will generate up to 10 sequences of up to 100 unique random number integers (e.g., integers from 1 to 100 in random sequences).
  • Random Number Generator
    This Excel spreadsheet will generate up to five sets of 100 random integer numbers of up to eight digits in length from a specified range.
  • Contrast Calculator
    This Excel spreadsheet uses treatment means, the pooled standard error of the means, and the number of observations per treatment to test the significance of user-defined single-degree-of-freedom contrasts. Completely random or randomized complete block designs with up to six treatments may be evaluated, and the program also checks for orthogonality of the contrasts.
  • Orthogonal Coefficient Calculator
    This Excel spreadsheet can be used to calculate coefficients for orthogonal contrasts for independent variables with up to five levels (e.g., linear, quadratic, cubic, and quartic), regardless or whether the levels are equally or unequally spaced.
  • Orthogonal Coefficients for Unequally Spaced Treatments
    This Microsoft Word file describes how to use Proc IML in SAS to calculate coefficients for orthogonal contrasts for unequally spaced treatments and/or for unequal sample sizes among treatments. This approach should be used instead of the Orthogonal Coefficient Calculator when sample size varies among treatments. Examples of SAS code and output are included.
  • Resampling t-test
    This Excel spreadsheet uses an iterative resampling process (1,000 iterations) to resample two treatments and determine an empirical t-test P-value (one-tailed) that is equivalent to the standard t-test. Results for the two-sample t-test available in Excel also are included.
  • SAS-Based Resampling t-test
    This SAS code uses Proc IML to implement an iterative resampling process (1,000 iterations, whch can be changed to a larger number if desired) to resample two treatments and determine an empirical t-test P-value (one-tailed). As wth the resampling t-test.xlsm file, the P-value is equivalent to the resutls of the standard t-test, and results for the two-sample t-test (Proc TTEST) also are included. The code was modified from an example provided by Rick Wicklin of SAS (http://blogs.sas.com/content/iml/2014/11/21/resampling-in-sas.html) in a post entitled "Resampling and permutation tests in SAS."

Miscellaneous Programs and Files

  • Converto-Matic!
    This Excel spreadsheet provides a convenient means of performing 65 different Metric-English and English-Metric conversions (length, area, volume, mass, concentration, energy, temperature, and pressure).
  • Breakeven Calculator
    This Excel spreadsheet can be used to calculate a simple breakeven analysis for feedlot cattle.
  • Beta-Agonist Value Calculator
    This Excel spreadsheet can be used to compare Optaflexx and Zilmax to non-treated controls, with profit-loss projections based on either live- or grid-based sales.
  • Implant Value Calculator
    This Excel spreadsheet can be used to compare single implant and re-implant programs to non-treated controls, with profit-loss projections based on either live- or grid-based sales.
  • Laboratory Procedures in Animal Nutrition Research
    This is an Adobe Acrobat (pdf) file of a laboratory manual originally developed for use at New Mexico State University. The manual was updated in 1997 for use at West Texas A&M University. You will need to use the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print this file.