Funding Opportunities
The College of Media & Communication offers a variety of internal funding opportunities that are highly competitive and are awarded based on merit, need, and other specific requirements. Learn more and apply below.
Uniform Call for Applications
Uniform Call for Applications for research funding from (1) the Bill and Avis Ross Graduate Research Award for Mass Communication, (2) the Formby Mayes Student Research Endowment, and (3) the Graduate Student Research Funding award.
- Uniform Call for Applications
- Award pool varies yearly
- Biannual call
- Fall 2020 deadline is Sept. 18.
- Spring 2021 deadline is Jan. 29.
Thomas Jay Harris
Graduate Student Fellowships
- Thomas Jay Harris Graduate Student Fellowship Application
- Two awards; up to $3000/ea. for AY 2018-2019
- Applications due Fri., April 19, 2019
Graduate Scholarship Opportunities
Graduate students can apply for internal college graduate scholarships for the 2019-2020 academic year. The deadline for applications is Fri., April. 19. Evaluation of scholarship applications is based on the following factors:
- Graduate Scholarship application
- Most recent resume (MA students) or curriculum vita (Ph.D. students)
- One letter of recommendation by a faculty member who can
comment on your academic achievements/potential - Statement of career goals (not more than 500 words) that provides a clear description of why you deserve a scholarship or how you would use a scholarship to further your academic goals
For information on scholarship for current graduate students, search the
College of Media & Communication's scholarship database at:
Email all application materials to:
Coy Callison, Ph.D.
Professor & Associate Dean for Graduate Studies
(806) 834-5344
External Funding
Apply online to the The LAGRANT Foundation (TLF) Scholarship
College of Media & Communication
Texas Tech University, Box 43082, Lubbock, TX 79409 -