Texas Tech University

Media Strategies

The B.A. in Media Strategies provides you with the skills needed to manage entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial media innovations. You will gain foundational communication skills and be exposed to emerging media concepts such as big data, network analysis, and data analytics and visualization.

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Media Strategies Your Career's Insight

Stand Out With MDST

Our Media Strategies degree prepares you to work in professional careers that drive business innovation and entrepreneurial thinking.  

Develop Your Skills

In addition to preparing you to work in tomorrow's jobs that may not yet exist today, a Media Strategies degree enables you to:

► Analyze, interpret, and visualize media research results.

► Identify business trends and opportunities. • Solve business problems and make strategic and innovative communication decisions.

Explore Media Strategies

Majoring in Media Strategies allows you to customize your learning and integrate coursework across media and communication disciplines to drive business success. You will take 67 hours of core media courses and electives across the college.

You will take courses such as Introduction to Digital and Social Media, Business Communication, and Media Insights and Data Analytics. Browse our courses! (link to catalog)

Find Your Dream Job

Your Media Strategies degree will prepare you for careers in digital and social media, media analytics, new business development, and market research. Our graduates are managers of external and internal relations, communication managers, social media directors, modeling analysts, and business owners.

Engage and Gain Real-World Experience

IABC@Tech, a student chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators, provides you with the opportunity to network, participate in conferences, prepare for your career, and add valuable work products to your professional portfolios. Whether you are a distance or an online student, if you are looking to gain “real-world” international communications experience for your resume, IABC@Tech is for you! Follow us on Instagram.

Pi Delta Alpha is a professional fraternity open to all CoMC students. It will connect you with peers and professionals to help you build a strong social network and prepare you for your future career. Learn alongside other CoMC majors through social activities and industry engagement.

Your Career’s (In)Sight.

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