Texas Tech University

Coronavirus Update:
March 13, 2020

Dear Faculty and Staff:

Since the President's announcement on 3/12/2020 that TTU will teach all courses online beginning March 30, a lot of information has already been shared with the University community, and is located at the websites below.

To assist with the efforts underway to convert course material for online delivery, we would like to reiterate that the software tools listed below are available for FREE for university use:

Please use the institutional tools outlined on our “remoteaccess” website or your licensed departmental tools. Institutional IT resources have already been vetted to ensure compliance with mandated and best data security practices in order to protect student and institutional data, and information resources.

When a personal software tool or social media account is used for course delivery, student and TTU data may be jeopardized and the institution may also be in violation of state and/or federal data protection laws. These tools may include Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and free or personal versions of vendor-provided tools that are already available through the university (e.g., OneDrive, Adobe, Zoom, etc.).

Raider Rooms will be available for instructors to use to deliver online classes. If you are not currently teaching in a Raider Room with distance education technology and would like to schedule one, please visit http://www.depts.ttu.edu/odpa/SPI/EISM/events/index.php. For students who are planning to be on campus in the Residence Halls, our computer labs will still be available.

For more information or questions, please contact IT Help Central at (806) 742-4357 (HELP) or via email at ithelpcentral@ttu.edu.


Sam Segran
CIO & Vice President for IT

Office of Communications & Marketing