Research/Academic Showcase

"Hablando de la Salud de la Mujer"
Speaking of Women's Health Conference

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Women’s Health Research Institute of Amarillo sponsored the first bilingual Hispanic women’s health conference in Amarillo in November.

“Hablando de la Salud de la Mujer” is a Hispanic health program of the national Speaking of Women’s Health foundation, which encourages women to take charge and embrace personal, physical and emotional power to enhance their health, well-being and personal safety.

Chair of the event was Marjorie Jenkins, M.D., Co-Director of the Women’s Health Research Institute of Amarillo. Jenkins is also director of the Women’s Health Fellowship Program and associate professor, Departments of Internal Medicine and OB/GYN at Amarillo.

Conference attendees had the opportunity to hear local and national health care professionals talk about health, wellness and lifestyle. Eight different breakout sessions included topics on heart health, financial health, nutrition, sexuality, osteoporosis, diabetes, cancer screening and hair and skin care.

A catered luncheon with door prizes and gift bags was included in the day’s events. Health screenings to check blood pressure, bone density, cholesterol, glucose, vision and mental health were offered as were mammograms.

As one of the major sponsors, the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs brought 25 women from the Lubbock area. Dr. German Nunez, vice president of the department, spoke briefly at the luncheon.

The conference honored three local women for their work in the Hispanic community promoting health care and empowerment of Hispanic women – Felicitas Hernandez Diaz, Sylvia Moreno Maldonado and Yolanda Salazar.

The event was also funded by Northwest Texas Healthcare System, plus many area organizations and businesses.

Jan 15, 2020