Texas Tech University

Registration Services



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Many of our partners need full event planning and management, while some just need basic registration services for an event or program to allow their registrants a place to register for the event and pay by credit card.


To get started,

Contact us at

 continuinged@ttu.edu 806-742-4049

Or begin with one of the forms above.


  • Customized online event registration
  • Event marketing and promotion
  • Online credit card payments
  • Processing of credit card charges
  • Online registrations
  • Enrollment confirmations
  • Comprehensive participant lists
  • Attendee rosters and databases
  • Modification and access control
  • Mass email capability
  • Notification emails to registrants
  • Upload materials and pictures

Merchant ID Setup

Please submit your application at least 6 weeks prior to needing your Merchant ID in order to receive all approvals and obtain Merchant ID numbers from the Texas Tech credit card processor. All paperwork must be submitted to Cash and Credit Management Services (CCMS) to receive approvals from Accounting Services and the Office of the CIO. PCI DSS training and policy certification must be completed by each employee who processes, transmits or has access to sensitive payment card information in a merchant department, including those who supervise these employees. Please direct all questions about training or merchant setup to CCMS at cash.credit.services@ttu.edu or 806.742.3271.

A Step-by-Step Guide
To Planning A Short Course or Conference

Step 1:

Begin planning your course or conference months ahead. This is especially crucial if you plan to apply for supplemental program funding through grants or corporate sponsorships.

Step 2:

Set the tentative dates, time, location and other details of your program:

  • Date, time, and place of registration
  • Course or conference fees
  • Registration deadlines for early bird discounts, late fees, authors, etc.
  • Elective items: Special events, meals, tour
Step 3:

To obtain the most effective service through our office, contact us within the following time frame:

Short Courses: 6 – 9 months prior to the proposed date
National Conferences: 12 – 15 months prior to the proposed date
International Conferences: 18 – 36 months prior to the proposed date

Step 4:

Develop a preliminary budget giving consideration to the following items:

  • Expected attendance
  • Course or conference registration fees
  • Early bird discounts, late fees
  • Sponsor income
  • Vendor income
  • Type of facilities and equipment desired
    Note: This MUST be reserved prior to entering the event in Event Registration Services.
  • Speaker honoraria and travel
  • Costs for the special events such as welcome receptions, awards banquets, field trips and tours, social gatherings and committee meetings

Download the Guide


Office of Continuing & Professional Education