Misak G. Avetisyan, Ph.D.
Email: misak.avetisyan@ttu.edu
Phone: 806.834.6156
Office: 258 Holden Hall
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas 79409-1014
Ph.D., Economics, Purdue University, 2011
M.A., Applied Economics, Ohio University, 2006
M.S., Environmental Studies, Ohio University, 2006
M.S., Engineering Management, State Engineering University of Armenia, 2001
B.S., Power Engineering, State Engineering University of Armenia, 1999
Research Interests
- Environmental and Resource Economics
- Transportation Economics
- Energy Economics
- Economics Analysis of Natural and Man-made Hazards, and Energy Security
- International Economics
Courses Offered
ECO 5319 Advanced Topics in Environmental EconomicsECO 3336 Environmental Economics
ECO 5356 Advanced Topics in Energy Economics
ECO 3356 Energy Economics
ECO 3312 Intermediate Economic Theory
Selected Publications
Avetisyan, M. and D. Lektzian (forthcoming). “The Effect of Economic Sanctions on
Domestic Production, Trade and Transportation of Sanctioned Goods,” Urban Economics, Real Estate, Transportation and Public Policy, Donald Siegel and Jeffrey Cohen (Eds.), World Scientific Publishers.
Avetisyan, M., and T. Hertel (2021). “Impacts of Trade Facilitation on Modal Choice
and International Trade Flows,” Economics of Transportation 28, 100236.
Avetisyan, M. (2018). “Impacts of Global Carbon Pricing on International Trade, Modal Choice and Emissions from International Transport,” Energy Economics 76, 532-548.
Roberts, B., Rose, A., Heatwole, N., Wei, D., Avetisyan, M., Prager, F., Charles Baschnagel, and I. Maya (2017). “Economic Impacts of Changes in Wait Times at U.S. Ports of Entry”. In A. Abbas, M. Tambe, & D. Von Winterfeldt (Eds.), Improving Homeland Security Decisions, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pages 277-323.
Rose, A., Avetisyan, M., Rosoff, H., Burns, W., Slovic, P., and C. Oswin (2017). “The Role of Behavioral Responses in the Total Economic Consequences of Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Air Travel Targets,” Risk Analysis 37 (7), 1403–1418.
Avetisyan, M., Heatwole, N., Rose, A., and B. Roberts (2015). “Competitiveness and
Macroeconomic Impacts of Reduced Wait Times at U.S. Land Freight Border Crossings,”
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 78: 84-101.
Rose, A., M. Avetisyan, and S. Chatterjee (2014). "A Framework for Analysing the Economic
Tradeoffs between Urban Commerce and Security against Terrorism," Risk Analysis 34(8): 1554-1579.
Roberts, B., Rose, A. Heatwole, N., Wei, D., Avetisyan, M., Chan, O., and I. Maya
(2014). "The Impact on the U.S. Economy of Changes in Wait Times at Ports of Entry,"
Transport Policy 35: 162-175.
Avetisyan, M., T. Hertel, and G. Sampson (2014). "Is Local Food More Environmentally
Friendly? The Greenhouse Gas Emissions Impacts of Consuming Imported vs. Domestically
Produced Food," Environmental and Resource Economics 58(3): 415-462.
Avetisyan, M., T. Hertel, and G. Sampson (2013), “Food Miles Debated,” Nature Climate Change 3(9):781.
Cristea, A., D. Hummels, L. Puzzello, and M. Avetisyan (2013). “Trade and the Greenhouse
Gas Emissions from International Freight Transport,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 65(1): 153-173.
Avetisyan, M., A. Golub, T. Hertel, S. Rose, and B. Henderson (2011). “Why a Global
Carbon Policy could Have a Dramatic Impact on the Pattern of the Worldwide Livestock
Production,” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 33(4): 584-605.
Avetisyan M., D. Bayless, and T. Gnuni (2006). “Optimal Expansion of a Developing
Power System under the Conditions of Market Economy and Environmental Constraints,”
Energy Economics 28(4): 455-466.
Department of Economics
Texas Tech University, Department Of Economics, P.O. Box 41014, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.2201 -