Thank you for your interest in pursuing your family's education online with Texas Tech University's TTU K-12 and Worldwide eLearning.
TTU K-12 offers online options for students in kindergarten through 12th grade.
To help students finish this year strong or get ahead for the next schoolyear, TTU K-12 offers more than 150 credit by exams, individual courses, and a full-time diploma program to serve students from anywhere at any time. Self-paced and flexible, courses are approved by the Texas Education Agency, and they can help students make up credits, work ahead, or even earn an official Texas high school diploma.

There isn't a right way or a wrong way of how one chooses to do school, everyone has to choose what is best for them. Although our school journey is different from how we always imagined it would be, we believe joining TTU K-12's program has been one of the best decisions we have made for our family. ~Milena Smith
Mom of Paloma, Margo, Eleanor, and Filomena, TTU K-12 students

Particularly in the military, we understand that you have a job, and there are times when you are not able to complete work as we ask of you. We make allowances for deployment, and you can take a little as one course a semester and stay enrolled.
Our top-ranked online graduate engineering programs allow you to tailor your education to your specific requirements, regardless of your branch of service. ~Stephen Peterson, Ph.D.
Texas Tech University is a Carnegie Tier One institution that boasts more than 100 bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree and graduate certification programs fully online.
Our online programs are taught by the same faculty teaching at our main campus in Lubbock, Texas and the degrees/certificates earned are identical, making it possible for you to complete or advance your education from wherever you are!
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Texas Tech Online
Texas Tech Plaza | 1901 University Avenue, Suite 513 | Lubbock, Texas 79410-5095 || Mailing: Box 45095 | Lubbock, TX 79409-5095 -
Office (806) 742-5944 || Student Support (806) 853-5153 or toll-free (844) 897-0537 -