Texas Tech University


Art on the campus of Texas Tech UniversityArt on the campus of Texas Tech UniversityArt on the campus of Texas Tech UniversityArt on the campus of Texas Tech University

Your College Transcript

After you complete an OnRamps course, you are eligible to purchase a transcript from your participating university. If you completed your course through TTU OnRamps, follow the directions listed below. If you completed your course through UT OnRamps, visit the UT Transcripts, Grades & Credits.

Steps to purchase a Texas Tech transcript

  1. To complete this task, you will need your TTU R# and TTU eRaider login username and password.
    • If you do not know your TTU R Number, please call TTU Admissions at 806-742-1480.
    • If you do not know your TTU eRaider login username or password, please call TTU IT Help Central at 806-742-4357 or toll-free at 877-484-3573.
    • Note that TTU IT Help Central will ask for your TTU R Number.
  2. If you are currently enrolled in an OnRamps course, you are considered to be a CURRENT STUDENT. You have the choice of requesting an official or unofficial transcript. Before choosing the unofficial option, contact your future university admissions office to determine if your university will accept an unofficial transcript.
  3. If you have completed an OnRamps course but are no longer enrolled, you are considered to be a FORMER STUDENT. If you are a former Texas Tech student, you are only eligible to purchase an official transcript.
  4. To purchase a TTU transcript, please visit the website for the TTU Registrar:

For any problems with your transcript purchase, contact the Office of the Registrar at registrar@ttu.edu.

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OnRamps Resources

Texas Tech Online

  • Address

    Texas Tech Plaza | 1901 University Avenue | Lubbock, Texas 79410-5095 || Mailing: Box 45095 | Lubbock, TX 79409-5095