Texas Tech University

Free to Exchange


Season Six  Season Five  Season Four  Season Three  

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Season Six

EPISODE 7 — Does Big Business Mean Big Trouble?

EPISODE 6 — On the Economic Impact of Slavery & Civil War Economics

EPISODE 5 — Economic Impacts of Immigration & Economic Freedom Differences Between Cities

EPISODE 4 — The Future of American Conservatism & the Evolution of Macroeconomic Thinking

EPISODE 3 — Property Rights and Lessons from the American Frontier

EPISODE 2 — From Social Security to a Sharing Economy

EPISODE 1 — Making Sense of Economic Reasoning and Incentives

EPISODE 7 — Does Big Business Mean Big Trouble?

FTE Cowen and Zywicki

Featuring Tyler Cowen, Holbert L. Harris Chair of Economics at George Mason University, and Todd J. Zywicki, Antonin Scalia Law School Foundation Professor of Law, George Mason University.

Dr. Powell and Dr. Cowen talk 'big business' and address common concerns about corporate profits and CEO's being overpaid. Then, he and Dr. Zywicki discuss the much maligned payday lenders and determine whether they are actually providing a valuable service or just taking advantage of their customers.

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EPISODE 6 — On the Economic Impact of Slavery & Civil War Economics

FTE Hummel and Cutsinger

Featuring Jeffrey Rogers Hummel, Professor of Economics at San Jose State University and author of Emancipating Slaves, Enslaving Free Men: A History of the American Civil War, and Bryan Cutsinger, Assistant Professor of Economics at Angelo State University and Assistant Director and Research Assistant Professor for the Free Market Institute at Texas Tech University.

Dr. Powell and Dr. Hummel discuss the role of slavery in the American economy prior to the American Civil War and how important slavery was to the subsequent development of the United States. Then, he and Dr. Cutsinger talk about the economic history of the Civil War and how the Confederacy managed and mismanaged their economy during the war.

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EPISODE 5 — Economic Impacts of Immigration & Economic Freedom Differences Between Cities

FTE Orrenius and Stansel

Featuring Pia Orrenius, Vice President and Senior Economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and co-author of Beside the Golden Door: U.S. Immigration Reform In a New Era of Globalization, and Dean Stansel, Senior Research Fellow for the Bridwell Institute at Southern Methodist University and author of U.S. Metropolitan Area Economic Freedom Index.

Dr. Powell and Dr. Orrenius examine trends in migration to the U.S., the economic impacts of immigration and how immigration policy could be better reformed. Then, he and Dr. Stansel explore how differences in economic freedom between metropolitan regions impact interstate migration and what the economic consequences of these impacts are.

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EPISODE 4 — The Future of American Conservatism & the Evolution of Macroeconomic Thinking

FTE Will and Prescott

Featuring George Will, Pulitzer Prize winning political commentator, syndicated columnist, and author of The Conservative Sensibility, and Edward Prescott, Regent's Professor of Economics for the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University, Senior Monetary Advisor for the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, and co-recipient of the 2004 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.

Dr. Powell and Mr. Will discuss what conservatism means in America today and how political thought has changed throughout American history. Then, he and Prof. Prescott examine how macroeconomic thinking has evolved over the past few decades and how this evolution relates to The Great Depression and more recently The Great Recession.

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EPISODE 3 — Property Rights and Lessons from the American Frontier

FTE Murtazashvili and Candela

Featuring Ilia Murtazashvili, Associate Professor in the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Pittsburgh and author of The Political Economy of the American Frontier, and Rosolino Candela, Associate Director of Academic and Student Programs and Senior Fellow of the F.A. Hayek Program for Advance Study in Philosophy, Politics and Economics for the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.

Dr. Powell and Dr. Murtazashvili recall the emergence of property rights on the American frontier in the 19th century and how this compares with that of modern day Afghanistan. Then, he and Dr. Candela explore the differences in private property rights, their enforcement during the Italian unification, and how they impact Italy today.

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EPISODE 2 — From Social Security to a Sharing Economy

FTE Jansen and Munger

Featuring Dennis Jansen, Director of the Private Enterprise Research Center and the Jeff Montgomery Professor of Economics at Texas A&M University, and Michael Munger, Professor of Political Science, Economics, and Public Policy at Duke University.

Dr. Powell and Dr. Jansen discuss the problem with the social security system, how much is owed, the likelihood that it will be paid to those who are owed, and how this will ultimately affect the economy. Then, he and Dr. Munger talk about how technology has shaped a new sharing economy that will radically change our everyday lives.

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EPISODE 1 — Making Sense of Economic Reasoning and Incentives

FTE S6E01 Landsburg

Featuring Steven Landsburg, Professor of Economics at University of Rochester and author of The Armchair Economist, More Sex Is Safer Sex, and Can You Outsmart an Economist.

Dr. Powell and Dr. Landsburg discuss various ways that economic reasoning can help people make sense of the world around them. From environmental issues to sex, Dr. Landsburg illustrates how incentives are the primary driving force of human behavior and decision-making.

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