Texas Tech University

Free to Exchange

Season One  Season Two  Season Three 

Season Four  Season Five  Season Six 

Season One

01 Economic Freedom, Technology and Innovation
02 A Market for Human Kidneys?
03 Political Capitalism: The Fall of Enron, Housing Bubbles, and the Great Recession
04 Global Poverty, Sweatshops, and Economic Development
05 WalMart, Insider Trading, and Economic Efficiency
06 Stagnation in the Japanese Economy and Shadow Economies
07 The Economic Effects of Immigration
08 Democracy, Dictatorship and Economic Efficiency
09 Intellectual Property in the Fashion Industry and Disaster Recovery
10 The Economic Effects of the Affordable Care Act
11 Economies and Social Change
12 Prosecutor Incentives and Private Governance
13 Economic Systems of The Soviet Union and The Apartheid System in South Africa
14 Youth Unemployment and Water Markets in the American West
15 EU Regulations and the Financial Crisis in Greece

01 Economic Freedom, Technology, and Innovation

November 18, 2014
Robert Lawson, Southern Methodist University
Jeffrey Tucker, Liberty.me

Robert Lawson and Jeffrey Tucker

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02 A Market for Human Kidneys?

November 25, 2014
James Stacey Taylor, The College of New Jersey
Gilbert Berdine, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

James Stacey Taylor and Gilbert Berdine

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03 Political Capitalism: The Fall of Enron, Housing Bubbles, and the Great Recession

December 1, 2014
Robert Bradley, Jr., Institute for Energy Research
Vernon Smith, Chapman University

Robert Bradley and Vernon Smith

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04 Global Poverty, Sweatshops, and Economic Development

December 9, 2014
David Perlmutter, Texas Tech University (Guest Host)
Adam Martin, Texas Tech University
Benjamin Powell, Texas Tech University

Adam Martin and Benjamin Powell

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05 WalMart, Insider Trading, and Economic Efficiency

December 15, 2014
Richard Vedder, Ohio University
Alexandre Padilla, Metropolitan State University of Denver

Richard Vedder and Alexandre Padilla

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06 Stagnation in the Japanese Economy and Shadow Economies

December 22, 2014
Dennis Patterson, Texas Tech University
Kathleen Sheehan, Texas Tech University

Dennis Patterson and Kathleen Sheehan

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07 The Economic Effects of Immigration

December 31, 2014
Alex Nowrasteh, Cato Institute
Stephen Balch, Texas Tech University

Alex Nowrasteh and Stephen Balch

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08 Democracy, Dictatorship and Economic Efficiency

January 21, 2015
Bryan Caplan, George Mason University
Nicolas Cachanosky, Metropolitan State University of Denver

Bryan Caplan and Nicholas Cachanosky

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09 Intellectual Property in the Fashion Industry and Disaster Recovery

January 13, 2015
Edward Lopez, Western Carolina University
Daniel Sutter, Troy University

Edward Lopez and Daniel Sutter

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10 The Economic Effects of the Affordable Care Act

January 21, 2015
Robert Lawson, Southern Methodist University
Gilbert Berdine, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Robert Lawson and Gilbert Berdine

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11 Economies and Social Change

January 26, 2015
Edward Lopez, Western Carolina University
Matt Kibbe, FreedomWorks

Edward Lopez and Matt Kibbe

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12 Prosecutor Incentives and Private Governance

February 3, 2015
Bryan McCannon, Saint Bonaventure University
Edward Stringham, Texas Tech University

Bryan McCannon and Edward Stringham

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13 Economic Systems of the Soviet Union and the Apartheid System in South Africa

February 9, 2015
Peter Boettke, George Mason University
Peter Lewin, The University of Texas at Dallas

Peter Boettke and Peter Lewin

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14 Youth Unemployment and Water Markets in the American West

February 2015
Scott Beaulier, Arizona State University
Ryan Williams, Texas Tech University

Scott Beaulier and Ryan Williams

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15 EU Regulations and the Financial Crisis in Greece

March 3, 2015
Enrico Colombatto, University of Turin
John Charalambakis, BlackSummit Financial Group
Scott Beaulier, Arizona State University

John Charalambakis and Enrico Colombatto

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