Adam Martin
Political Economy Research Fellow
Adam Martin is Political Economy Research Fellow at the Free Market Institute and an associate professor of agricultural and applied economics in the Gordon W. Davis College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources.
Adam's research interests focus on the intersection of philosophy, politics and economics and include Austrian economics, economic methodology, economic development, and public choice. He is the co-editor of three volumes of Advances in Austrian Economics (with Daniel D'Amico) (Emerald Insight): Assessing Austrian Economics (Vol. 24), Philosophy, Politics, and Austrian Economics (Vol. 25), and Contemporary Methods and Austrian Economics (Vol. 26). He has authored several articles in peer-reviewed scholarly journals including Journal of Economic Methodology, Public Choice, Journal of Institutional Economics, and The Independent Review.
Adam also serves as vice president for the Society for the Development of Austrian Economics (SDAE), a research fellow at Independent Institute, and a fellow with the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) Public Choice and Public Policy Project. He regularly serves as a faculty member for international student programs hosted by The Fund for American Studies (TFAS).
Adam earned his Ph.D. in economics from George Mason University. Before joining Texas Tech in September 2014, he served as a lecturer in political economy at King's College London. At Texas Tech, Adam teaches undergraduate courses in Economics, Ecology, and Ethics and The Economics of the American West, and a graduate course in Institutional Anaylsis.
For more information about Dr. Martin, please visit or his Social Science Research Network (SSRN) page: Adam G. Martin.
Recent Publications
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