Online Degrees Texas Tech
Texas Tech GPIDEA FAQs
- How do I know which courses to take each semester?
- Your first point of contact for course information and degree planning should be with your TTU GPIDEA Program Director. They will be able to guide you on the right path towards completing your degree and graduation. You can also review the GPIDEA Course Planner to see the projected course schedule for your program and review course availability for enrollment.
- How do I enroll or drop a course?
- GPIDEA courses are billed differently than TTU courses. Therefore, it is vital that
you remain in communication with your TTU GPIDEA Campus Coordinator. Your TTU GPIDEA Campus Coordinator is responsible for enrolling you and removing
you from GPIDEA courses.
However, as a student of Texas Tech University, you will still need to adhere to all TTU deadlines. Please review the TTU Academic Calendar, so you can be aware of enrollment deadlines, reimbursement dates, and withdrawal deadlines.
- GPIDEA courses are billed differently than TTU courses. Therefore, it is vital that
you remain in communication with your TTU GPIDEA Campus Coordinator. Your TTU GPIDEA Campus Coordinator is responsible for enrolling you and removing
you from GPIDEA courses.
- If I am taking a course from a partner university, how do I complete coursework?
- Once you have been admitted to Texas Tech University and you have worked with the
TTU GPIDEA Campus Coordinator to enroll you in your courses for the semester, you
will be contacted by the teaching university. Their GPIDEA Campus Coordinator will
assist you with getting set-up in their university's learning management system.
Please note, differing universities may use different learning management systems besides Blackboard. Therefore, please familiarize yourself with the GPIDEA Learning Management Systems (LMS) website, for quick how-to guides and helpful tips.
- Once you have been admitted to Texas Tech University and you have worked with the
TTU GPIDEA Campus Coordinator to enroll you in your courses for the semester, you
will be contacted by the teaching university. Their GPIDEA Campus Coordinator will
assist you with getting set-up in their university's learning management system.
- If I am enrolled in a course from another teaching university besides Texas Tech University,
will I need to pay the teaching institution a tuition fee for the semester?
- Not at all, since you are enrolled through Texas Tech University, the only bill you
will receive while studying through GPIDEA, is with Texas Tech University. While students
are enrolled and taking courses, we do not want payment to be a complicated matter.
Therefore, please review our, "How to Guides for eBill Users" for more information on payment plans and payment information.
Remember to view the GPIDEA Course Cost site to see what your expected tuition fees will be. It is the common price all participating universities must adhere to, whether you are an in-state or out-of-state student. You will have NO additional TTU tuition fees for a GPIDEA course. The common price is all you will be charged. However, this does not include application fees, late enrollment or late payment charges.
- Not at all, since you are enrolled through Texas Tech University, the only bill you
will receive while studying through GPIDEA, is with Texas Tech University. While students
are enrolled and taking courses, we do not want payment to be a complicated matter.
Therefore, please review our, "How to Guides for eBill Users" for more information on payment plans and payment information.
- If I am taking a course from another teaching institution how will my grades transfer
over to my home university, Texas Tech?
- Your teaching institution will post grades to our secure GPIDEA database system, ExpanSIS
at the end of the semester. The TTU GPIDEA Campus Coordinator will then submit these
grades to your TTU GPIDEA Program Director to upload into our Texas Tech database
system. We pride ourselves on adhering to the utmost standards when transferring student
data, and we assure all student information remains confidential.
Please note, as class dates differ between teaching universities, so do grade submittal deadlines. We do post our students' grades into the Texas Tech database as soon as they are uploaded to ExpanSIS. However, please note the deadline for grades to be uploaded does vary, and some grades might come in after the TTU deadline.
If you do have any concerns or are under a tight deadline due to graduation, please stay in contact with your TTU GPIDEA Campus Coordinator during this process.
- Your teaching institution will post grades to our secure GPIDEA database system, ExpanSIS
at the end of the semester. The TTU GPIDEA Campus Coordinator will then submit these
grades to your TTU GPIDEA Program Director to upload into our Texas Tech database
system. We pride ourselves on adhering to the utmost standards when transferring student
data, and we assure all student information remains confidential.
- Will I be graduating with an "online degree," or what institution will be on my diploma?
- You will be graduating with a Texas Tech University diploma and your academic transcript will be from Texas Tech University. Please remember to contact your TTU GPIDEA Program Director when your degree completion is near to ensure your intent to graduate has been submitted and you have secured all courses needed to graduate.
- Will I be able to participate in a commencement ceremony?
- As a student of Texas Tech University, you will have the opportunity to participate in our commencement or graduation ceremony. More information regarding commencement can be found on our TTU Commencement website.
Please be sure to also review the GPIDEA website for additional GPIDEA FAQ's you may have specifically geared towards the Great Plains Interactive Distance Education Program. We are here to assist with any question you may have as you embark on your educational journey with Texas Tech University. Therefore, please feel free to reach out to our TTU GPIDEA Campus Coordinator.
Great Plains Interactive Distance Education Alliance
College of Health & Human Sciences, Texas Tech University, P.O. Box 41162, Lubbock, TX 79409-1162 -
(806) 742-3031 -