Skyviews Grand Reopening Recap StoryNov 15, 2021 Skyviews Restaurant Reopens with Gala, Dinner Series, and Lunch Servicetags: Hrm, Restaurant Hotel & Institutional Management
Nutritional Sciences Faculty Awarded Grant for Innovative Insparin Drug Technology ResearchNov 11, 2021 Dhurandhar and Hedge have secured a significant outside investment for research on a therapeutic drug to treat or prevent Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, or Fatty liver disease.tags: Ns, Staff, Nutrition, Research
Human Sciences Faculty and Staff Honored with Mortar Board Apple Polishing AwardOct 18, 2021 Texas Tech Universitytags: Faculty, Staff
Family and Consumer Sciences Education Welcomes Two New Assistant Professors of PracticeSep 28, 2021 Amanda Holland and Melanie Schmitt bring teaching and field experience to FCSE departmenttags: Faculty, Family Consumer Sciences Education