On December 8, 2021, the Office of International Affairs invited Fall international graduates, as well as their families, friends and mentors to a reception in honor of their graduation from Texas Tech University. The reception celebrated the graduation of international undergraduate and graduate students from over twenty countries.
We also wanted to celebrate our students from a virtual platform as well! We sent out emails to all graduating International student asking them to submit photos of themselves and photos that represented their time at Texas Tech.
We were really excited to receive such wonderful photos from our students that visually told their stories about their time here at Texas Tech. It was such a joy to see them grow not just in their education but in their personal and cultural journeys as well. Any student who submitted photos, was celebrated on our Instagram page with a special "virtual shout out" graphic that displayed their photos along with their stories and quotes from their graduation surveys.
This is an event we truly enjoy hosting every semester. We are always sad to say goodbye to students, but also excited to see them moving on with what we know will be successful and exciting futures!