Texas Tech University

Texas Tech University awarded Cochran Fellowship

Drs. Sanja Živković and Olga Murova from the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resource's Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics were selected to host five fellows from Serbia to study food processing industry associations and cooperatives in the United States. This award is part of the 2016 – Cochran Fellowship Program administered by the Foreign Agricultural Services Division of the United States Department of Agriculture. The Serbian fellows are expected to visit Texas Tech University for two weeks in July where they will attend course seminars, participate in field observations and industry visits.

The Cochran Fellowship Program offers short term training opportunities for agriculturalists from middle-income countries and emerging market countries working in both the public and private sectors. Training programs are offered by U.S. universities through a competitive grants process. Qualifications for the award include national competitiveness of the department and expertise of the faculty principal investigators.