OU Campus Classroom Training Transcript

OU Campus Training Omni Update Hello and welcome, we are going to kick off training today. I know you guys are super excited. I know software training is nothing but invigorating and so you’re all super excited to stay awake through the next 3 hours. Right I know I know I know. So we are going to be training today in a training environment, it is your own environment and it is something I will not be taking down. So while you may not be in the system immediately you can use this environment to go in and log in through the system in the way that we do today and the same pages that we use today. Log in and play around in the system to keep yourself familiar and get more used to it so you will have some time to be hands on and to do something’s today but then you will have time afterwards where when you have you know a few minutes to log in play around and remind yourself of what is available to you. There will also be some support options available including a reference document that’s about 67 pages that’s currently online and available for you guys to download and you can print it out, I just didn’t want to print out 67 pages for everybody and then have you guys not want to use it so your welcome to do that as well. So what we’re going to do today is we’re going to go through OU Campus. We are going to do an introduction to what OU Campus is. Look at some of their support resources that are available to you and then we will talk about dependency Manager. Dependency Manager is a way to manage dependent links and I’m going to explain more about that. We will look at the difference between assets and snippets. So assets are global elements and snippets are content template and I’m going to explain more what the difference is between them. People often get them a little bit confused. Then we are going to do end user training with hands on. So I’m going to take about a minute or two at the beginning just to show you how easy it is to log in edit a page and publish it. Then we will do it again with all of us actually going through that process of logging in and what not each with your own designated page. Feel free to interrupt me at any point in time with questions, I like questions, they make me have to use my brain and if you don’t use it your neurons die off and really there’s no point in being around right. So the more we use our brain we better off we are. What I’m going to do is I’m going to start off by numbering you guys so just remember your number. We’re going to do 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. So that’s going to be helpful on the next slide. So the next slide here we are going to go ahead and pull up a page in the system. You’re going to go to CMSprod.ttu.edu/omidev/_training/example. Where you see the pound symbol, replace the pound symbol with the number I just gave you and then enter in the dot php. So ultimately I’m going to bounce off of this for a second. Ultimately you should get to a page that looks like this that says training at OU Campus there at the top. So I’ll give all you guys all a minute to get there. Let us know if you have any issues with getting to that page. Okay so everyone got to this page right. So now that you guys all got there congratulations now you’re just going to pay attention to me because I like the focus and the attention to be on me. That’s just the kind of person that I am. We’re going to go through some slides we’re not going to do anything with that page quite yet. So let’s talk a little bit about what OU Campus is. OU Campus is an easy to use Content Management System. Content Management System is just exactly what it sounds like. It’s a system where you manage your content. So no fancy names here, there are a plethora of Content Management System. There are some consumer Content Management Systems like Joomla or Go Daddy has an area where you can do that or what not and then there are one’s that are more focused that us on Universities and Colleges. You guys have been using Luminis. So the idea here is really just when you want to manage your web pages when you want updates to them or create new ones or whatever the case might be. Where do you do that, you do that within the CMS and that’s what the OU Campus is. You edit the pages by accessing them via a direct edit link. Now I would tell you what your direct edit link is but you would go and you would click on it right now because I can tell you’re all impatient and you want to get going and as I said attention here on me. So you guys are going to just have to wait until I’m good and ready to tell you, but I promise I will tell you or you wouldn’t be getting into the system today. There is a workflow process that can include approvers and publishers that can be put into place. This is not something that is currently really in place for you guys, that may change over time and it may change depending on what department you are in and the needs of your department. So the idea here is today everybody can publish, but you may go in later and find that you may have to send a certain page to somebody to have them to review it prior to it being published. So that workflow process can be put into place by the admins. The system will also only allow you to navigate to areas to which you have access as well as to see tools to which you have access. So the toolbar we are using today has a limited subset of tools and may have less tools then what you’re used to using in another system or what you expected. Doesn’t mean those tools don’t exist, it means that your admin has chosen not to activate those tools for you at this time. If you have questions about that you can let me know and I can let you know if the tool exist but your admin would have to be the one that would dictate the granting of that tool. So we utilize a WYSIWYG editor, WYSIWYG stand for “what you see is what you get” so it’s similar to editing in any kind of word processing editor and we utilize this WYSIWYG editor that should hopefully have pretty familiar icons. It’s got a bold button and an italics button and things that you should be fairly used to seeing so you should be fairly used to using them. So there maybe some that are a little different and some of the processes maybe a little different so I’m going to go through those with you today. You also custom templates and from my understanding you guys would use the tier 4 template. That will be your standard template that you’ll use. There is also a tier 2 a tier 3 a tier 5 a tier 6 and a biography page. We are not going to look in great detail at all the templates, we are going to focus on the tier 2 because that’s what we’re going to log into cause that’s the one we happen to have and tier 4 that’s what we’ll create when we create a new page. Plus we’ll also create a biography page because that one’s edited a little differently so we’re going to do all of that today. You can kind of get a little bit familiar with the other templates over time. They should be templates that you’re familiar with using right now if you edit pages already. The idea with the custom templates is they are there to make the page design uniform so that when a visitor comes to the site they see the same thing from page to page to page. It may have a little bit different layout or something like that but it’s going to be using the same styles and what not. Finally pages are developed on a staging server and appear only on the production server when desired. So the idea here is that sometimes when you’re editing your content and you want to save it, your fear is that when you do that save now the public can see it and if it’s not ready for the public to be able to see it, what do you do? Our environment does not do that so when you save a page you can actually preview it within the system but the public cannot yet see that page. So that’s done all on a staging server and that staging server actually currently resides with us in California and then when you decide that the page is ready for the public to see you publish it out and that goes to the production server and then that’s visible to the public. So to talk about this a little bit more we have this image here. So what happens is when you want to log into a page to edit you find that page on your website and so that’s going to be right here. You’re going to log in here, this is the production server. When you’re ready to log in you get redirected down to the staging server. So you get redirected down here. I relate the staging server to kind of being similar to a dress rehearsal for a play. Everything kind of looks the way you expect it too and flowing the way you expect and you can see how stuffs going to interact with each other but the public hasn’t yet been able to see it. When you’re ready for it to be opening night you are going to publish your page out you’re going to open the doors or whatever you’re going to think you’re going to do then that then gets the page pushed to the production server and makes it visible to the public. Now it is possible and you guys don’t have this configuration set up right now so I don’t want to spend too much time confusing you but it is possible to have more than one production server. So you may have or need to either have people that are not in OU Campus review pages prior to them being published. Or you just need to see how they interact with server sight scripts or something like that before being published and in that case you can actually publish to an interim production server and then to the live production server. That requires an entirely different IT set up and another server system and all of that so that would actually be a completely different system. However, if your department has a situation where you’re doing the edits but a faculty member or somebody needs to be able to review them prior to them being made public. The administration can add those people as non-editor users to the system where you can send them the page and they can review it and either send it back to you or publish it out themselves. So there is flexibility in terms of the availability for the users. You guys have any questions about kind of this overview of OU Campus or the server configuration.

OU Support Site

So there is support available and there is actually a variety of support but I’m going to start right now is to focus on the support site which is found at support.omniupdate.com. There’s no login required or anything like that. Everyone is welcome to go to support.omniupdate.com and get what they need to get. On here you’re going to see help documentation and you’ll also see tutorials and video tutorials. We will be releasing a new version of the products sometime between March and June probably and so depending when you guys actually get into the system it may look a little different than it looks today but it will likely be after you guys have gotten into the system so I wouldn’t worry too much about that but at that point in time we are going to be redoing all of our video tutorials and our support site and what not to be pertinent to that new version of the system. So right now the video tutorial may be a little out of date but for the most part they are okay but what are good are the training Tuesdays. The last Tuesday of every month we have a free webinar. It’s at 1:00pm central/standard time and the topic varies from month to month. We had one yesterday on creating RSS feeds and then applying pages to those feeds and so every month we have this free webinar it’s about a half hour in length. We then place the videos of these webinars on the support site. So you can go back and watch any of the ones that you were unable to attend and you can attend any in the future but if you can’t attend it you can always watch the video online. There’s also the permissions chart, most of you in here will probably likely be a level eight, some might be level sixes, there might be some variances in-between but those different user levels come with different permissions and so if you’re curious as to what permissions you have based off of your user level you can utilize the permissions chart. So what we’re going to do know is I’m just going to take you over to the support site so that you can look at it. So this is what the support site looks like. If we hover over each of these different options you’re going to see some quick links there. There’s also the ability to get to those areas straight here from the left hand side. Up here at the top you have a link to the help desk. You have a certain number of named users that can contact our support team. So if you guys have questions you go to your web team and they will answer those questions for you if you can’t find the information there on the support site but if they cannot answer it they will contact us through this help desk icon. However, everyone at the University can be part of our Omni Update Community Network. It does require registration I’ll show you a quick snap shot and I’ll show you what that page looks like in just a second but the idea here is it’s almost like a Facebook for OU Campus. So the idea is all the different schools can have people that are in the OMNI Update Community Network. You can post questions on their forums. You can post ideas that you’ve had that worked out nicely. You can see pictures and videos that people upload and kind of interact with other areas. So all you need to do is by invited, your web team can invite you to join the Omni update Community Network and the support team can also do that for you. There’s also a feature in request option. The main users that are part of our help desk are the ones that can request a new feature and vote on features that are currently in the system. However, you guys as users of the system can say you know what I would really need in this system to make it work for me is x, y and z. They can then take that information and if that feature doesn’t already exist they can request it and then other members of the OU Campus community will vote on it and help our development team prioritize what features we release. So if we go into an area, I’m going to scroll down here we have this training Tuesdays. I’m going to go into the training Tuesday’s area. We go into an area you see the content here in the middle. For the training Tuesday’s you can see all the different training Tuesday’s that we’ve had and you can simply click on all the name of the training Tuesday to launch that video. Once you’re in the main content area you can use the navigation on the side to navigate to the area you want to get to in order to pull up that content. You’ll notice that on the right side we have in this section so these are other relevant pages in this section and then related content. Pages that may be related to a different audience for instance and admin audience. Some of our pages are paginated in that case on the right hand side you’ll see on this page and that will take you through the different pages of this particular topic. There also in most cases is next page found at the bottom that allows you to then scroll through the pagination as well. It’s also helpful to understand that you can hide these bars and make your content region bigger so if I just click on that arrow my content area gets bigger as I click on that. So just don’t forget about those arrows because if your side bars go away you may wonder how you are going to navigate to the next area, you’re going to need to get those sidebars back. You also have search here, you can do an advanced search or a simple search. I would say that search is your friend. Don’t forget about search because there is a lot of content on here and sometimes way more then you ever wanted to know. So you just find what you are looking for and just click on the link and in this case I’ve brought up the permissions chart. So you can see that there are 11 user levels zero through ten. Zero does not have any editing rights and ten is going to be your admins kind of your high level admins. In between are going to be the contents and kind of junior admin levels. Anywhere that you see a check mark that means that particular permission is available at that user level. So five and above can modify the page properties. Anywhere that you see a diamond means that that permission can be granted to that user level. So users six and above can upload files but users one through five can be given that permission. If you don’t see either a checkmark or a diamond that particular permission is not available to that user level. So if you’re a level eight you’re going to look in the light blue column and see what options you have available to you. Any questions on the support site, permissions chart, training Tuesdays? Alright, so to get to support.help you’re going to go to the help link here to link to the support site with OU Campus. You can also get to in contact support, there will be links at the bottom of some of the pages that will link you directly to the help documentation for that particular task or page and then there is help text next to some of the fields that gives you help on that particular field. You’ll also notice that in your particular instance that there is an add-ons tab so we will look at that when we’re in the system. The add-ons tab is going to have things like your web guidelines it’s also going to have the link to the user document that you can print out. Don’t forget that your administrators are available to assist you as well and then there is the Omni Update Community Network and this is kind of a splash of our home page there. So it’s at ocn.omniupdate.com registration is required. You can connect with peers from other schools or post questions or guidance, things that have worked for you and get the latest news from Omni Update. Our CEO is super big on videos, he just loves them, and so we will a lot of times post those videos in there and you can get stuff like what’s happened at our conference or whatever and pictures from that as well. Any questions?


So for today’s training we’re going to focus on two tabs. The dashboard tab and the content tab. The dashboard tab contains the workflow. The workflow is kind of like a mailbox for the system so it has an inbox and outbox and the ability to compose messages. The messages that are sent to the inbox here for the workflow will also be sent to your campus email address as well so if you’re not actively maintaining this workflow box here that doesn’t mean you’re going to miss messages of things that you need to do. Most of those messages if not all of them should be going to your campus email as well. However, the current projects is something that I would like for you guys to actively maintain. Current projects shows the pages and assets checked out to you. When a page or asset is checked out to you no other users can access that page. It’s the same thing as when a book is checked out of a library. You may go into the library catalog and find out that that book exist in the library but when you go to find it someone else already has possession of it and wait for them to return it. Having something checked out in OU Campus is the same way. You can see that that page exists and you can preview it or you can look at the log for it or something like that but you can’t edit it and you can’t publish it and you can’t make any significant changes to it until they release it. When you publish a page the page is checked back in so that’s one method of releasing it. Another though is to simply click on the light bulbs. You can see down here there is a light bulb and that checks the page right back in as well. So if you have a page checked out that you don’t need to edit or you didn’t realize that you had checked out and haven’t been editing, you can click on that light bulb and just check that page right back in. There are some other icons that you may see here. So for instance there is a thumbs up symbol that indicates that someone sent you that page for review. So someone said please review this page and you now need to take an action on it. That action can include publishing it, declining it for publish or sending it to another user. The other thing you might see is a calendar icon. The calendar icon indicates that you have either scheduled a publish or scheduled an expiration on that page. Once that schedule action occurs that page will be removed from the current projects list. Any questions on current projects? Make sure you check the current projects list before you log out. You would be surprised at how often you get possession of a page and don’t realize that you have it and someone says hey I would like to edit that page and you’ve had it for two months and you’re like I had no idea. Check the current projects just make it part of your habit. Broken pages will show any pages that have a broken link on them due to the deletion of a page or a broken asset and I’ll explain a little bit more about what that is. The broken link is only going to be for pages managed within OU Campus so it’s going to be pertinent to our dependency manager that I’m going to explain on the next couple of slides. Setting some preferences you’ll be able to change your name and email and the password you guys won’t even see so ignore that portion. Everything else on this page will be read only so you can see your user level you can see if you have an approved and you can see all of those different things but it is going to be something that is only available for read only. If you want to change any of those permissions you have to ask your admins. We are going to spend the majority of the time in the content pages view which is where the folder structure is. You can get to the pages you want to edit by actually navigating to them on the live site and then clicking the direct edit link. So you don’t necessarily have to navigate through the folder structure but you are going to want to get familiar because you can see here there are different available icons here. These things do different stuff for you, modify page properties, set reminders etc. So you want to get familiar with the folder structure because that’s where you’re going to be able to control those elements. You also want to get familiar with the folder structure because it’s where you are going to create new pages and where you can upload files which you can also do through the WYSIWYG editor and we will look at both of those today. Also, in content you will see assets this is where you create and maintain assets so update those assets and republish them out and I’m going to explain more in just a moment about what an asset is. Then you see the recently saved. This is a list of pages that have been recently saved and by whom. Then recent publishes is a list of pages that has been recently published and by whom. You would be surprised at how many people that just don’t care about these two lists. They just don’t care what everybody else is doing they only care what they’re doing. So it’s unlikely in reality that you will ever really care about clicking sand seeing who published what page when unless something has gone wrong. This is more something that the admins generally care about. 24:05 Alright so let’s talk a little bit about Dependency Manager. Now I’m super creative so when I created this slide I called my page, page A. I know you guys are just amazed that I’ve come up with such a fascinating name. So I have a page here called page A and page A has 100 other pages in the system that link back to it. So 100 pages in the link and when you click on that link it takes you to page A. If page A is moved or renamed the fear is that now those 100 pages will now have a broken link on them. Dependency Manager manages that for you and updates those links to now point to the new page name or location. 24:44 So if page A is moved or renamed the 100 pages pointing to it will automatically be updated. If the page A is deleted those 100 pages are going to show up in that broken pages list because now they have a broken tag on them. When I say tag I mean a dependency tag and this is really the most important part of Dependency Manager. You guys as users need to get very familiar with pressing the browse button next to the link URL field and not just typing the URL in. The case where you should type in a URL is when you are linking to a page outside the OU Campus system. So you’re linking to a page on CNN or you are linking to a page on the Health Sciences Center or you’re linking to a page somewhere else then you can or a site not manage in OU Campus then you can type in the URL. Otherwise, you always want to click the browse button to find the page to which you want to link. That will insert this dependency tag and following the dependency tag underneath it you can see that there’s the path to the page we are linking. So we’ll still tell you where you’re linking but you will have that dependency manager tag in there in case the page is renamed or moved. Okay questions? Does everyone know to click browse, you won’t forget? I cry silently at my desk every time someone manually types in a URL so I’m just like you guys know that ahead of time. 26:15 Alright so page directory is renamed or moved I’ll explain too tool will be automatically updated. Broken links due to deletion will be in the broken pages list. Make sure you use that dependency tag by browsing for the page that you want and it currently does not manage binary files. This will change with our next version of our system or it will manage them so continue to use the browse function to insert links to binary files because they will still be there you just won’t see a dependency tag. Binary files are anything that you kind of upload to the system, images, PDF’s, documents, PowerPoint’s anything like that. It also does not manage links to pages outside of OU Campus and it will not manage pages outside of OU Campus so it’s only going to manage what’s in OU Campus. Alright so let’s talk about assets versus snippets. Assets are a global element so anything’s that’s going to be the same across the site. The number of students the Presidents name, a source code, a form an image gallery. Anything like that is going to be an asset. It’s going to be a protected piece of content. Since it is protected it means that you cannot edit it within the WYSIWYG. When you insert through the WYSIWYG you’re inserting a place holder only. Those these are created and edited in the asset manager and just like pages they do require publications. So you must publish these out in order for these to be visible on the production server. When you publish as asset any pages using that asset are published as well to have the updated asset on them. So you have the number of students at the University on 100 pages and you go ahead and you change that asset because the number of students has changed. Publish that asset out and those 100 pages are automatically updated with that one click instead of having to go to each individual page to update that number. Alright, the asset types include web content which has a mini WYSIWYG editor, text only and source code type assets. You’ll also in the future get access to forms and image gallery type assets maybe not everybody but some of you will. So if you want to have a form on your page you’re going to use a form asset. You want to have an image gallery on your page you’re going to use an image gallery asset. So the assets are created and maintained in the asset manager. There is an icon in the WYSIWYG that looks like a lego with a link in front of it. You’ll click on that, that will bring up the asset chooser. You can filter by tags, asset types, site and just different tags that are associated with the asset. That inserts a place holder on the page. You can see here that I have a place holder with these hash marks behind it. Okay there is another one. Once the page is in preview mode or publish those render to the actual content. Alright, so the idea here again is that you’re inserting a place holder content that when it’s been updated it updates the page as well. Any questions? So snippets, snippets are a little different. These are a piece of content they are a content template. So an example is a table design, it could be an image with a caption or something like that. So let’s take a table design for a second here. We have an athletics roster. So we have one for football one for soccer and one for baseball. The structure of the table should be the same for each of those pages but the content is going to be different. The same people don’t play on the baseball team that play on the football team in general and the stats that you want to include in that table are going to be different. You’re not going to include the same stats on a baseball table that you’re going to include on a football table right, different positions and everything. So given that you want to have something that easily allows you to put the structure in there but is modifiable and that is a snippet. So it’s inserting that chunk of code but then you can change it to meet the needs of that page. So snippets are modifiable within the WYSIWYG editor so you can change them. Snippet code becomes a part of the page because you can modify it but what you’re essentially doing is you’re copying from a source file and you’re pasting on to your page. Alright, you may not realize that but that is what you are doing. Therefore, if you update the snippet file, if I change the background color of my table the pages that have had that snippet that have had it inserted into it already go unaffected they are not changed. The pages that are using that snippet in the future are the pages that will be changed. 30:44 To create a snippet a file needs to be uploaded to the system. This is generally done by an admin but can be done by any level of user that has upload rights. It’s usually and include for an HTML file and it cannot include server sight or client site code. No job descript no PHP code none of that can be included in the WYSIWYG it’s just going to strip it out anyways. Then this is where you have to bring in your admin so even if you try to upload this file it doesn’t automatically become a snippet a level ten admin has to say okay yeah sure I will make that file usable as a snippet and then that shows up in the snippet screen. So the file is uploaded and level ten says sure you can use that as a snippet and then you use the snippet icon and the WYSIWYG which is next to the asset icon. You choose your snippet using the dropdown options of category and snippet and then it gets inserted onto the page and you can see it doesn’t have any hash marks so I can just got ahead and use that snippet automatically. Questions? So if you have an idea for a snippet you can let your web team know. Your web team of two and they will do their best to accommodate your need for a snippet. Alright, so a couple of things to remember. Only one person can end at a page at a time. Please remember to check the current projects list before logging out and make sure that you check back in anything that you don’t need. You can enter the system with any direct edit link. That doesn’t mean that the system is stupid and is going to say, hey sure you figured out what a direct link is on page, fine go ahead and edit it. You have to have access to that page so if you do not have access to the page already the system will not grant you magical access just because you knew the direct edit link. So pick a page you should be editing when you click the direct edit link. If you want to save the page and continue editing use control S or for Mac users command S. Use the save button it’s actually going to do a save and close and it’s going close the page and take you to a preview of the page instead of leaving you in the WYSIWYG editor. I like to live on the edge and just not save as I go and then when everything blows up and the power shuts down I just sit and cry at my desk. I’m very good at that but some people like to be a little bit more proactive and save their work as their working on it. Don’t forget about your keyboard shortcuts. We are also going to look at a compare feature which is like track changes in Word. It’s going to show you the differences between what’s currently published and what you’ve been editing. Alight, okay so let’s go ahead and do this today. What I’m going to do first though is I’m going too just quickly and I just want you guys to just watch me quickly run through this try not to keep up cause I’m going to do it fast. I’m going to quickly log in, I’m going to log in, edit a page and make two small edits, save that page, preview it and publish it. You’ll see how quick that goes granted I’m going to make two quick edits so it might not take very long.

Direct Edit Link

So here is my page right here. The direct edit link is the date at the bottom of the page right here at the last updated. Every single page is going to have this last updated text on it and that date is always going to be your direct edit link. So I’m going to click on that and in this case because I have not signed in yet I’m going to go ahead and find the college and then I’m going to sign into eraider and it’s going to log me into the system. When I get into the system what I’m going to do now is I’m going to go ahead and click on the main content area to edit this area. I’m going to make a couple of quick edits. Just miner little things here just so we can see how that’s done. I can also use the WYSIWYG options here at the top and once I’m done I’m going to press the save button. That’s going to automatically take me to a preview of the page. I can view my changes and then I can publish the page. Before I publish it out I can check the spelling links and accessibility add in a version description and click publish. Once it’s done publishing I’m going to simply click on the third link that says view in new window and there’s my page along with a couple of minor changes that I made. Any questions? So what we’re going to do is now what I want everyone to do is you’re going to get to this page here. So you will each have your page up. You’re going to want to include example at the end of it. Its training, the word example and then the number 26 (or the number assigned to each person) .PHP. So go ahead and click on the date at the bottom and go ahead and sign into the eraider. So find Texas Tech University and sign into eraider and then that should take you to this screen here where you see the page and then a green edit main content area. 37:04 Once we get there we are going to stop. If you don’t get there let us know. Okay so now that we have gotten here we want to click on this green edit main content area. Now it is possible that you will have a page that has more than one green button on it. So then you’ll choose the area that you want to edit but for now we are going to click that green button there. Now what you will notice is that when we log in there’s all this white space here and there seems to be some margin set that is moving our content down. The reason for that has to do with some backend programming that is happening and there should be an image here but the image doesn’t show up unless we pre-checked the page out. A page doesn’t get checked out unless you manually check it out or you go into the editable region. When you are in the edible region it has check it out but it hasn’t pre-checked it out. So everyone that sees this right now I want you to go ahead and click the save button and what you’ll notice is that there are some icons here at the top. So now we have that page checked out. I’m going to show you for just a second what the page would look like if we didn’t have it checked out. That’s what the icons at the top would look like so you can see there is a big green check out button. When a page is checked out to you there is not only different buttons at the top but when you’re in the folder structure view you can see that there is a yellow light bulb next to it. So now that we have done that go ahead and click the edit button again so that’s the edit button right there at the top of that set of buttons and again click on the edit main content area. You will notice it looks a little bit different. Now we have a background image. Did everyone get there okay? That background image is meant to show us the context of how our content will lay out on the page. So it’s a static background image our page was called training on OU Campus this one says main heading and that’s because it’s just showing us a static background image and then has margins set so that the text lays a certain way and then wraps appropriately. Alright, so just helping us have a context for editing our content. Any questions? So now we are going to start editing this page. The first few buttons I’m going to show you, you don’t need to click on so you can just watch. The first one is save don’t click on that because that will take you again outside of the WYSIWYG editor and we don’t want to do that right now. You can always go back in by clicking the edit button. The next one is save as and if you click save as it’s the same thing as clicking on save as in Word. It’s creating a copy or another version of this page right and I’m really going to say another copy of this page because we use versioning in the system a little differently. So it’s actually creating a copy of this page. You’re taking this content and just making a duplicate of it. There is something very important about the save as and that is this .PCF. Does anyone know what this .PCF stands for? It’s an extension that we made up and the fact that you guys don’t know is fine and the fact that you were close is pretty good there. It’s the publish control file so you were pretty close. The idea is in our system the way that your templates are created is with what’s called XML and XSL. So where editing is actually an XML file it’s a data file and then we’re using an XSL file to transform the content. So the XSL is where the header, the footer or the styling and any job descript and any server site code and all of that stuff is coming from. So if you change this extension and save this with a PHP extension or some other extension all of that is going to be gone because it’s going to have no way to communicate back with the XSL file. So the PCF is telling the system that this file should communicate with an XSL file. So if you do decide to do a save as or anytime that you’re naming a file and you see .PCF leave that .PCF file alone and change only the file name and/or the path leading up to the file but the .PCF should always remain. This will be important for creating new pages as well. The next one is your undo all changes. This will undo everything since the last time that the save button was clicked or control S was used. So this next one is you’re auto draft so as I said earlier I like to live on the edge and I just don’t save as I go because I’m crazy like that I know it’s just wow but so what does happen is that my system every minute or so is going to spin this little icon and it’s saving my work. So as soon as I start editing this page approximately every minute that will spin. What it’s doing is it’s saving a version of my page to the browser cache or internet files depending on what browser you’re using or how it’s configured. So if the power was to go out or the browser shut down or if I closed the browser accidently, I can go back into the page into this editable region. Click that icon and it will restore my content to the last saved version. Kind of like auto draft in word does. Couple of caveats here, you must use the same computer you were using to edit in order to restore. You also must use the same browser. If you were editing on Firefox you must restore in Firefox and if you were editing in Chrome you must restore in Chrome and so on. It saving the version to the local systems browser cache and each browser has its own. Number three you must also have your browsers cache turned on. If you like to turn it off and you disable all of that then or you set it to clear every time the browser closes then it’s not going to do you much good. Alright, so make sure that cache is turned on and then that will work for you. Next we have cut, copy and paste. The paste is a paste in plain text only. So don’t got and spend a lot of time formatting your page in word or think you’re going to copy something from an existing browser page and paste it in there and it’s going to look just the same it’s going to strip everything out and paste just the plain text. You’re going to have to use the tools available to you to format your page and if the tool you want making your text purple is not there it’s because your admins don’t want you to make your text purple. Alright, that would be why the tool is not there. So they are giving you the tools they want you to use as opposed to giving you the plethora of tools that makes these rainbow colors crazy pages with giant font on them alright. The other thing to notice for those of you that like using Firefox. No harm no foul Firefox is beautiful and awesome I’m using it myself right now but these three icons cut, copy and paste do not function in Firefox. For these three functions and these three functions only use your keyboard shortcuts. If you don’t remember your keyboard shortcuts simply hover over the icon and it will pop up with a little thing and it will tell you what your keyboard shortcut is. Super easy to get that shortcut for you. For a Mac users just replace Ctrl with command. Next we have find and find and replace. That’s for this editable region only undo and redo. Now we get to have some fun and we’re going to do a spellcheck. Next to the spellcheck if you click on the little black arrow you will notice that there are five languages in which you can spellcheck your page. It will default English but if you have a page that is in Portuguese go ahead and spellcheck it in Portuguese. If you want to spellcheck your English page in Portuguese you can do that to I suppose I don’t really know what the point would be but to each his own. For now we are going to go ahead and spellcheck our page in English and so to do so go ahead and click on the ABC icon and it will underline with a red squiggly line any words that are marked as misspelled. Now in the first sentence it says creating pages in OU Campus is easy and there’s a red squiggly line under that. If I click on that I’m not going to see anything. That’s actually being marked as misspelled by my browser not by the dictionary or the spell checker in OU Campus. So if your browser has a spellchecker there maybe some conflict of words that maybe inside the OU Campus custom dictionary that are not in the browsers custom dictionary. I generally disable that I just reinstalled Firefox so it’s not disabled. I haven’t gone and done that but I just generally disable it because it does throw me a little bit off. Alright, so the words that are marked as misspelled by the system go ahead and click on the word. What it will do is it will pop up with a list of spelling suggestions. If you have the ability to add words to the custom dictionary, you will see add to dictionary. Otherwise you can ignore the word. Be careful when adding words to the custom dictionary that is not your custom dictionary. That is the custom dictionary for the entire site. So go ahead and fix the spelling of the errors that you find and you will notice when you fixed your last error the spellcheck icon which is currently highlighted will actually turn off and no longer be highlighted and that’s how you know there will be no more spelling errors on this page. Well at least in this edible region. Alright, questions concerns. Everyone thinks that’s fabulous and awesome? So next is erase all formatting so you can see here the second sentence in the second paragraph has some bold and italicized text in it. If I highlight that sentence and you guys can do the same if you’re so inclined and I click on the icon that looks like an eraser. It’s going to actually remove all of that formatting and make it back into plain text. So if you want to remove formatting that’s how you would go ahead and do that. You do have a bold and italics button so go ahead and make something bold or italicized do whatever you want to do and that’s going to help us when we do the compare functionality later. You can also use your keyboard shortcuts for those as well so you can use Ctrl B or Ctrl I. So next we’re going to talk about lists. So I already have a list here on my page. If I go ahead and click enter I can add another list item. Alright, pretty simple there but if I want to create a new list I need to put my cursor somewhere and create a new list. So I’m going to go here to the very bottom and I’m going to type in create a new list because again I’m super super-duper creative and I know your just all jealous and wish you could be just as creative as I am. So I have my curser there at the bottom and you can see that blinking. What I’m going to do is click on the numbered list option here at the top and it’s going to give me a number one. Now I can go ahead and add in my list items. Opps I guess I should be hitting enter that would be helpful. Add my list items. Alright, if you decide you no longer want a numbered list, you don’t like that, go ahead and highlight that whole list and then click on bullets and it will change to bullets. You can also click off of the list entirely by clicking the list and it will change it. So you want to have the whole list highlighted though to either move the list or change the tight list type. If you want to make an outline you put your curser at a particular list item and click the indent or outdent options next to it and it’s going to create an outline type list. Questions? Everyone get a list, everyone’s happy? The next ones are superscript and subscript, please use those sparingly, everything shouldn’t have a superscript or a subscript. You know they should be used when appropriate probably mostly for certain departments and not just everybody everywhere wanting to make their page all crazy looking. You have left center and right aligned and then we come to the link options.


Now you’ll notice if you try to click the link option right now that it does nothing. Alright, to have the link option to be active and available to you, you will need to make a selection that will be made into a link. So find some text and go ahead and highlight it and you’ll notice that the link options activate. Click on the first link option which looks like a link and does anyone have a guess at what we’re going to do now? Woo hoo that’s right we’re going to browse, don’t go clicking or typing in the URL, I want you all to browse. So go ahead and click the browse option here. I do want to talk about the browse window for just a moment once it all loads. At the top which you’ll notice is that you have this bread crumb. That Hansel and Gretel movie is coming out so you can just stick it in your brain that it’s like Hansel and Gretel how they tried to get back and it didn’t work for them because the birds ate it. Luckily there are no birds here. So no one’s going to eat our bread crumbs so we can go back. For you guys in particular sites maybe valuable so when you click on sites it’s going to take you to the sites list. Now your contents not been migrated in yet but you can see here that there is an example that there’s an info tech, there’s an ITTS, there’s a Philosophy and those are different sites so since each of your departments is going to have its own OU Campus site if you need to link inter-departmentally then you’re going to click on sites and go into the appropriate site and then you’ll go down their folder structure from there. Otherwise, the second option in the bread crumb which in this case is Omni dev which is what you guys can go ahead and click on. That second option on the dev is going to take you to the root of your own site. So that’s how the bread crumb works it’s just kind of going backwards depending on how far down you are it’ll be a longer bread crumb. So from here go ahead and find a page that you want to link to. I’m going to click in faculty and link on Alex. Choose one of the pages that say .PHP so just choose a PHP page I don’t care which page you pick just make sure it ends in PHP for me and then click on select file. So you’ll see that when I did that it put in a dependency tab and then listed the entire path to that page. So I can still see what the path is and I can feel confident in my selection of the path but I have that dependency tag so if I decide later to rename Alex to Alexander it’s going to still preserve this link because the dating will be updated on the link as well. Alight, questions on that? Alright, the next option is target and in target you have open in this window or frame or the other selection you may sometimes choose is the second one which is open in a new window underscore blank. For this selection we’re going to leave it as is, open in window or frame but when we link to a PDF or a document later we are going to choose the second selection. Also, if you’re linking to an external website like CNN or something like that you would want to open in a new window as well. Make sure you include a title, it’s not a required field but it’s something I would strongly recommend. The title is going to produce and ALT tag which is going to make your accessibility standards or the page more accessibility compliant because then if people are using screeners or what not then it’s going to be able to read that ALT tag. 54:35 So go ahead and put in a tag and click on insert and you will notice that text now that you had selected has become a link. If you click anywhere inside of that you’ll notice that the icons at the top reactivate. So if you need to change the attributes of that link you can click on the link icon. Otherwise, you can click on the un-link if you want to remove the link. Removing the link doesn’t remove the text it just removes the actual link itself. Alright, any questions? So now we’re going to do that again but we’re going to make a different text selection. So I’m going to go here and I’m going to select this text right here and I’m going to go ahead and click on insert edit link and I’m going to go ahead and I’m going to click on browse once again but this time what I want you guys to do is you’ll notice that when we get into the folder that there is a folder called documents. So find that folder called documents and click on that. Now there’s a whole bunch of stuff in here and we’re going to ignore what’s in here and we’re going to pretend like the document that we need has not already been uploaded. So we need to upload the document. We don’t want to have to leave the WYSIWYG and leave what we’re doing to do that. So we want to do it here through this interface. Alright so each of you should have a document on your desktop. So what we’re going to go ahead and do is click the upload option and then you’re going to click on browse and then you’re going to find that document that you have on your desktop. Alright, now before you click upload and save this, all of you have a document named text. Trying to upload that to the same folder so you think that’s going to work? Probably not so what we’re going to do is we’re going to rename it so you can pick a unique name and we are going to type that unique name in here and then you’re going to put in the extension so my case it’s a PDF but in your case it’s going to be a doc x 56:54 so you’re going to put dot doc x 56:58 if you don’t put the extension then the file will not upload. You’ll get an invalid extension error or an extension missing error or something like that so make sure that you rename the file and put the extension. Keep in mind that generally what we recommend for file names for files that you upload is that they be lowercase and I believe that you guys are being allowed for uppercase that they use hyphens to separate words and numbers but nothing else. You’re not going to use any other special characters and you’re not going to use spaces. Now the document that you’re uploading may have that in the naming that’s why we have this name field 57:34 here so that you can always overwrite the name of the file that you are uploading with the unique name that you choose alright. There aloud from a web perspective from a search engine optimization perspective there not recommended. It’s recommended to use hyphens rather than the underscores. The system will allow you to do that because it’s part of the expression that’s being checked against so it won’t error out for you but just for a search engine optimization perspective hyphens are better. Alright, any other questions? We create files with underscores specifically because we don’t want them found as easily so some of our system files that we use for your templates and stuff have underscores so there just harder to optimize from a search end perspective. You may not care as much for your documents or images or whatnot if they are searchable on a search engine. So in those cases it doesn’t matter as much but definitely for naming of actual files like pages and stuff and I would stick to hyphens. Alright, so once you have your file selected and the new file name selected or new file name entered you’re going to go ahead and click upload and then you should see a message saying that it was uploaded successively to Omni Dev. Anyone get an issue? Everyone got it? Go ahead and click okay and if you don’t see your file in here just because we’ve uploaded so many simultaneously, if you don’t see it in here just click on this documents and it will refresh and if you do see it in here just go ahead and select the document that you just uploaded and click on select file. Now you will notice in this case we don’t have a dependency tag again that will change once binary manager comes out we still want to get into that routine of doing it though a browse and then it also takes you to the documents you have already uploaded in. For this one go ahead and choose the underscore blank and then again give it a title and click on the insert option. So now we have inserted another link again and if you need to edit it you edit it just the same way but not only do we insert a link but we did it while uploading a file at the same time so we’ve kind of killed two birds with one stone there. Alright, so moving right along what we’re going to do next is created a mail to link and the difference between a regular hyperlink and a mail to link is there’s a different syntax and so to do that we actually have a different icon. So I’m just going to go ahead here and I’m going to say for more information contact support. Now I’m contacting support and I’m not putting the email address visible although in most cases my suggestion to you would be if you are creating a hyperlink for an email address is to actually list out the email address because if somebody’s using a web based email system like Hotmail or Gmail or something like that when they click on the hyperlink it’s going to try to open something from their computer like Outlook Express or something from that nature and it’s going to be harder to get that URL. So I’m going to go ahead and highlight the word support and I’m going to make this a link to an email address by clicking on this middle icon here that looks like it has an envelope behind it. The interface is a little different here. I’m going to put my email address here in the recipient email and if I want to put in a mail subject I can. That is only going to be used when it opens on a computer based system like outlook and there again using a web based email system like Gmail or something where they’re logging in through a web interface it’s not going to use that mail subject. Just click insert here we’ll fix that in a different location. So we will go ahead and click insert. So go ahead and click on the one you just selected and click that first mail icon. You’ll see that this says mail to here and then what we want to go ahead and do is under the class choose the class link mail. I’ll also go ahead and put in a title. So if you want to apply a class to a particular link you will need to do it through this interface. Otherwise, you can do the mail to link and just leave it without the class applied but go ahead and click update and what you’ll notice is that it added that little mail icon next to it for that particular class and you’ll notice that in that drop down there are a bunch of them that say link and I’ll explain a little bit more about how those are being generated in a moment. Any questions? So is everyone having a good time creating links? I know it’s hot in here to its hot and it’s after lunch. You guys are probably fading on me fast. I’m going to try to keep you guys as interested as possible but what I want you guys next to do is to see if any of you understand the word anchors. Hopefully you understand the word anchors that thing that comes off the front of a boat and keeps your boat in place. No but do you know what it is relating to a web page? Anybody? So it’s a link to a specific location on a page also referred to sometimes as a bookmark so you’re book marking a part of your page maybe and you want to be able to link to that specific location. The easiest way I can explain this is from a FAQ’s page at the top of the FAQ’s page you have a bunch of questions right. Click on a question and it take you lower on that page to that specific question were the answer also is and you can link back and forth. So that’s how the FAQ’s work is with anchors. So we are going to create an anchor and what we are going to do is put our cursor in front of new list here and then click on this anchor icon. When you click on the anchor icon you create an anchor. Keep these rules or best practices in mind. You want to make it lower case no special characters, no spaces and you want to make it easy. Easy is going to be really valuable to you in multiple situations. So in this case since the first word of my header here is called new, I’m just going to name my anchor new. So you just create some sort of text in that anchor area and click on insert. Any questions so far? Alright, so what we’re going to go ahead and do now is we’re going to highlight some text. I have some in this paragraph here at the top. So I’m going to go ahead and highlight this text here and I’m going to click on the insert anchor icon. I sorry insert link icon, wow I’m losing my brain too and so we click on that insert link icon you’ll see that the second option now is insert anchor. So you choose the anchor that you just created and you will notice it put it pound and the name of the anchor in the link URL field. You could have manually typed in pound and the name of the anchor if so desired but just in case you can always go in and choose from that drop down. Alright, any questions so far on this anchor selection? So what we’re doing now is we are basically telling the link at the top that we highlighted that we want to link down to the new list that’s halfway down the new page. So when you click on that link it’s going to drop you lower on the same page. If you are in a different edible region so there are a of couple templates. Your tier four template and your tier five template where you can turn on three columns. The third column is the right hand column that’s got a background color to it. I want to say its green, no what color is it? I don’t know my colors. Oh cream, so it’s some color it’s some color. So that will show up in the side bar. So let’s say you wanted to create a link in that side bar to an anchor that’s in your main content area. In that case you wouldn’t see the anchor’s drop down. You would actually have to manually type in pound and then the name of the anchor. Alright, so it’s valuable to understand that syntax of pound and the name of the anchor. It’s also important to keep those anchor names real nice and short and easy so that if you do have to type them in you can recall what it is. I have terrible short term memory just like in one ear and out the other so unless I write it down I can’t remember. So I keep things as easy as possible. Alright, any questions. Alright, so one last thing about the anchors is there are times when you may want to link from one page to an anchor on a different page. So I want to link from the athletics page to an anchor on the soccer page talking about some awesome soccer game. Alright, so I create the soccer story and I put the anchor there and I save that page and I publish it out and everything’s fine and dandy. Nobody is none the wiser that 1:07:54 anchor even exist. Then I go to my athletics home page and I highlight the text that’s going to be a link and I click on browse and I find the soccer page and I’m just going to pick a page at random because I don’t actually have a soccer page in here and then at the end of this dependency tag to the soccer page I added pound and the name of the anchor. So if you want to link from one page to an anchor on a different page first find the page then at the end of the dependency tag type in pound and the name of the anchor. Alright, any questions? So make sure that if you have your anchor in there, make sure you put in a title. We always want a title when we are creating a link and then click on insert and you now you now have a link to the anchor that we created at new list. So we are going to move right along onto the next row and the next row currently says paragraph but if I click on new list it now says heading two. This is called your format dropdown it’s going to allow you to format your block level elements. Does anyone have an idea about what a block level element is? Alright, so if we were to look at the HTML of this page right before creating, there would be what’s called a paragraph tag. It would be a carrot a pea and a closing carrot. 1:09:27 Then at the end of this there would be a closing version of that tag and that’s what’s creating a paragraph. So when I click enter it’s inserting those p tags for me. That’s called a block level element. It means everything within that area belongs to that paragraph block. So the other options in this first dropdown are also block elements and what they do is they replace that p tag with whatever you’re defining. So if I go here for this example and I say look at this I’m going to make this big like new list and I highlight just that and I choose H2 it doesn’t care that I highlighted just that. It cares that I’m in that block and it just replaces the whole block with an H2 tag or a heading 2 tag. So this is not a way for you to be able to circumvent styles it is going to apply to the whole paragraph. Headings should be used sparingly so you should mostly have paragraphs on your page. The next thing though is a styles dropdown. Now this will grow and currently this styles dropdown includes just styles for links. This is also what we saw in that class dropdown. If you want to apply a style to a link, you want to do it from within the link interface. If you want to apply a style to an image, you want to do it within an image interface but otherwise there will be styles in here. Let’s just pretend for a second that you have a style, a red bold that makes your selected text red and bold. That style would show up in this dropdown and then you would be able to make this selection and apply that class or that style to that. The styles that you will see in this dropdown are defined by your administration and they are styles that are unique to you guys as a University. So another school’s not going to have the same list that you see here. Alright, questions on that?


Alright, so the next thing then is to insert an image. So go ahead and put your cursor about where you want your image to be and then click on the insert edit image icon which looks like a mountain scene and again we are going to click browse. We want to be in that habit of clicking browse even though this is a binary file and won’t have a dependency tag we want to stay in that habit. So we are going to go ahead and click browse. For today’s training purposes you will notice that when we click browse it’s going to drop us into the training images folder. For your site it’s going to drop you into the images folder that is appropriate for your site so it maybe that each directory has an images folder or maybe a central images folder, whatever is appropriate it’s going to drop you there but for today’s purposes we’re going to go ahead and choose and use the images here in the training area. So you can see that there’s a bunch of images already in there. You may not know what these images all are. Luckily there is a show thumb nails here at the bottom. So you go ahead and click show thumbnails and it’s going to show you all the different thumbnails of all the images that currently exist in the system. Alright, well the image that we want is not in here so we pretend. So we’re going to upload it just like we uploaded a document. So go ahead and click the upload button there at the bottom and you should see an interface the same as what you saw when we uploaded that document earlier. Go ahead and click browse and you should have an image on your desktop that you can use. 1:13:16 Now again you are all going to be using the same image so my recommendation is that you go ahead here and you rename this image. Make sure you include the extension. So once you have browse for an image and you have renamed it go ahead and click the upload option and once it has been uploaded it will tell you uploaded successfully to Omni dev. 1:13:52 I always use pictures of my dogs. So now what we’re going to do is we’re going to edit an image which is a different process. Now earlier this worked for some and didn’t work for others and even I had some issues. It requires Java running on the system and sometimes it requires the most recent version of Java so depending on what’s happening this may or may not work so we’re going to try this out. What we’re going to do is we’re going to select the image so you can select the image you just uploaded and if you want to select another image that’s fine as well just pick something and then click on the edit image button here at the bottom. So once you have a selection you will see an image selection button. Now if we are lucky it will launch and this is what we should get. 1:14:53 So if Java is not supported on the system you are on right now that’s okay just go ahead and watch what I’m going to do and it will get rolled out appropriately to your actual systems and what not. So this is the image editor, it is also possible to get to this image editor during the upload using the upload and edit that you see at the bottom there. When you want to edit this image you simply can resize the image using percentage. You can also resize the image using pixels. You can crop an image by dragging a box around the area to be cropped and clicking on the crop button. 1:15:38 You can rotate the image and then once you’re done you’re going to click upload as. A majority of you will see an active overwrite button. My advice is to not click that overwrite button. When you do that you’re overwriting the image on the server for everybody. So if somebody else is using that on their page you are actually changing their page layout alight. So you should always rename it and then you click okay and it’s going to create another version of this image on the server. 1:16:14 Any questions on that? So let me give you some guidelines for uploading images. They should be 72 DPI. Generally we recommend that they be no larger than about 200 x 200 pixels because otherwise they take up a good majority of the page. You may have some web guidelines that dictate you know XY and Z image should be this big or a banner image should be this big or whatever the case maybe and that’s fine but as a general rule of thumb we generally recommend about 200 x 200 pixels. 1:16:47 We also recommend that it not be larger than 50 kilobytes in size. So you can see that this one right here is 408. My images are not web ready and I’m too lazy to make them so but the image I just edited because I had cropped out so much taken the pixels down all that is down to 11 kilobytes. So this is going to be a quick and easy image to have displayed on the page. So generally 50 kilobytes you still get a good quality image and it’s usually big enough without taking forever to load especially on a slower connection. 1:17:21 So go ahead and pick an image from the available images. Either the one you uploaded or another one. Whatever you decide you want to do and click on select file at the bottom. Once you’ve done that you want to go ahead and insert an image description. This is going to serve as your alt tag. 1:17:41 The title is optional since you have the image description you have an alt tag you meet the accessibility requirements so title is not necessary but if you want to include a title you can as well. Then before we insert this go ahead to the top you’ll see general and then appearance. Click on that appearance tab and here you can change the alignment of the image. You’ll notice a preview of it on the right hand side. The most common selections are left and right so you can see when I select left the text wraps around the image on the right and vice versa. You can also change the displayed dimensions of the image. The displayed dimensions are different then the server dimensions. The server dimensions are how big the image actually is on the server. The displayed dimensions here are how big it looks on the page. So it has no effect on the actual server image and therefore no effect on any other pages where the image maybe residing. 1:18:39 So you can go ahead and change that. I would also recommend adding horizontal space so that some spacing around the image so that the text doesn’t touch it. Usually between 3 and 5 pixels is sufficient and then going to go ahead and click insert and it’s going to insert that image with the text wrapping as defined. Once you start making something that small larger you lose the integrity of the image so you always want to go smaller. 1:19:26 Once you have an image on your page you can click on that image. Clicking on the image activates the image and activates the button here at the top. So that gives you an opportunity to edit those image elements. Don’t use the white boxes to change the size of the image. Use that appearance tab but you can click on that image and drag it elsewhere and that will move the image so if you want to move it around you can do that. Any questions? 1:19:57 Did everyone get an image inserted? Did the image appear as you had expected it to?

Inserting Media

Alight then so the next thing we’re going to do is open another tab in your browser so go up to the top depending on what kind of browser you are using the tab functionality will be different 1:20:16 so just click on opening your new tab and go to YouTube and then once at YouTube find a video. You can use a Texas Tech video an Omni Update video or any other video. I would suggest maybe not linking to one that somebody might find offensive so pick a nice friendly video. Once you have that video up I want you just too simply copy the URL from the top. That’s all we’re going to do, we don’t need to do anything else here on this page. Just copy that URL and go back to OU Campus. Now we are going to insert that video so we want to first start by putting our curser approximately where we want that video to appear and then we’re going to click on the media icon which looks like a media reel. Once here you’re going to go ahead and paste in that URL that you just copied. That’s all you’re going to do is in the file URL field you’re going to paste in. 1:21:22 If you go into the dimensions you can change the dimensions if desired. You’ll notice that the type changed to iframe so the system knew that this was a YouTube video so therefore should be inserted as an iframe and it inserted that type for us. So once you have the file URL in there the dimensions as desired go ahead and click on the insert button and it will insert that video. Now in the WYSIWYG editor it will always appear as a yellow box. So the video or media will not preview in the WYSIWYG editor it will only preview from within the insert media screen that we were just on and the preview of the page once we save the page. In the WYSIWYG it’s just saving a place holder because it can’t actually execute the code that displays the video. Alright, any questions on that? The other thing I want to just mention about inserting media is we inserted a YouTube video just simply because in my experience that’s been the most common. People upload stuff to YouTube and then they want to display it on their page. That doesn’t mean that’s the only thing you can do. There are times where you may have media that you need to display that is not a YouTube video or that has not been uploaded to YouTube. In that case you can use the browse functionality to browse to where the media might be and link to it from there. 1:22:48 You can also upload using the browse function just like we did with documents and images. You’ll also though in that case have to choose the appropriate type of media so is it a windows media file or is it a real media file or is it a flash file. Whatever it might be you’ll need to choose that appropriate type. When you select a type under the advanced field you will see the option at the bottom that pertain to that type so windows media will show and windows media player options. If I choose real media, then under advanced I’m going to see the real media player option alright. There are some advanced options right now. I believe most of those are having some issues so we’re working on getting those fixed but there are some advanced options. You can also set the alignment of the video by clicking on it and using these here at the top. Any questions on the media? 1:12:45 So the next thing then is the insert horizontal line. So that just inserts a line wherever your cursor is separating the page so if you think again about FAQ’s, you have question, answer, line, question, answer, line. That’s just a horizontal line it’s pretty simple. After that you have a line break so we know if we click enter it creates a new paragraph but sometimes you want to keep the text together but maybe you just want to have a line break. I’ll so that a lot when I want to display an email address or a URL. So in that case you just use shift enter on your keyboard or you can use this icon this line break and it will keep it together. Line breaks are not block level elements. They’re inline styling essentially and so it’s not going to create a new kind of paragraph element. You’re going to be in the same paragraph you’re already in. 1:24:40 There’s also a special characters element so if I can up here and I go into where it says YouTube where I want to add the trademark symbol I can put my cursor there and click on special characters and choose the TM 1:24:51 here from the special characters list. If there is a special character that’s on your keyboard like the ampersand 1:24:55 you can go ahead and use your keyboard but otherwise this is a method by which you can insert those. Alight, this next one toggles on and off visible characters so here we have new list. Before that we have this anchor icon that’s invisible on the live site. This if we click it off will toggle that and hide it. We click it on again it will show it. So that’s just showing or hiding the invisible characters. Any questions so far? Everyone’s doing fabulously? Awesome, we’re almost though the tool bar. I know you guys are just so anxious to move on so we’ll get through this pretty fast. We have three more to do. We have snippets, assets and tables. 1:25:43

Inserting Snippets

So let’s move on to a snippet. So you’re going to put your cursor right around the area you want that snippet to show up and then click on the insert snippet icon. That’s this one right here next to assets. Now in the category these were all test categories so the only one that really has anything in it is the table for, oh you did. So we’re still going to use the table for training because it’s the one that has something in it. So that’s going to make more since to us. So we go into the table for training and then we go into the snippet selection and we choose the snippet. So snippets will change over time. You’ll notice that you have these different categories and then you’ll choose the snippet from the dropdown that you desire. 1:26:32 They will preview here so if the name isn’t quite clear enough it will preview and it will also give you a little description of what that’s meant to be used for. So choose the test one for table’s for training and go ahead and click on insert and it inserts that snippet for you. Now remember that snippets are editable, they’re not assets so we can go in and we can start making changes to this table. So go ahead and make some changes. I’m going to go ahead and make some minor changes and since this particular snippet happens to be a table, not all snippets will be, I’m going to go ahead and I’m going to also explain the table icons while we are in here. So as long as you’re inside the table you’ll notice that the different table icons become active so up here at the top the rest of these tools are now active. If I click out of this table those tools are not active. So you must be in a table in order to use those table tools. 1:27:43 When I’m in the table the first table tool is how I would actually insert a table or how I can modify the table I’m already in. So you can see I can change things like the self-padding the self-spacing the border the height the width etc. Under the advanced tab you’re going to see things like the background color, the border color things like that. The next one is your table row properties so if you want to change the row you can go in here and change things like the row type, is it a body row and header row a footer row. The alignment the height under advanced the background color etc. Then you can apply that to the current row, all odd rows all even rows or all rows in the entire table. The next one is the cell now the cell’s closest to the content therefore it’s going to take precedence so if you change the background color for the row and you change the background color for the cell, you’re going to see the background color for the cell. So here again we have alignment, we have width and height and again you have your advanced options. Then you have update the current cell, all cells in the row and all cells in the column or all cells in the table. 1:28:55 We can add a row before or after, delete a row, add a column before or after, delete a column and split and merge cells. When you want to merge cells, you can either select all the cells you want to merge and then click merge or you can simply click on this and it will ask you to choose the number of columns over and rows down that you want to merge together. When you do a merge in a table in here it’s going to function like a merge in a table in word where it’s going to keep all the content from all the cells then you’re going to sift through what you’re going to keep. 1:29:33 Whereas excel would actually take the content of the upper left most cell and then delete everything else alright. To move around in the table make sure you use your keyboard arrows or your mouse. Tabbing will tab you out of the table entirely.

Inserting an Asset

Alright, questions? Alright, we’re almost done here we’re going to go ahead and we’re going to insert an asset now. So go ahead and put your cursor where you want that asset to show up and click on the insert asset icon here and then from here you see that there are four assets. There’s actually more on the system I just hid most of them because they’re all text assets and I didn’t want to give us too much to kind of shift through but when you do have a bunch of assets you can filter. So if I want to filter four plain text assets I can choose that or enter in a tag and it’s going to show me just the assets that are marked that way. Keep in mind that this will show you assets for all sights so remember each of the departments is essentially going to have its own site. You’re going to see the assets for that site unless the asset itself was marked specifically to only be used on that site. 1:30:45 I’ll explain that more when we go to assets. So you really are going to want to use these tags and things like that to try to figure out what you’re trying to insert because you don’t want to enter an asset with a similar name to another one thinking that it’s yours. The tags will help you and you can sort by sight you can sort by type and you can also sort by tags that are actually just associated with the asset. So some of the assets will preview that’s going to actually be rare. Most of the assets will show something like this where is says the asset gives you the asset name and it says it cannot be shown in the WYSIWYG. That’s inserting simply a place holder so when I select that asset it’s going to give me this box that says here’s where your asset is going to go but you have to wait until you save this page to see that asset. 1:31:33 You can also insert some assets like plain text assets in line with text. It’s still going to give you that little box there telling you that that’s and asset so you know you can’t edit it but it will display if it’s something like a plain text asset so that it makes since in the context. So once you’re done with that go ahead and click the save button at the top because we’ve used all the tools available so we’re going to go ahead and click the save button and that’s going to take us to a preview of this page. So everyone can look at their page and see what they’ve done. They will be able to see the asset rendered. They will be able to see a preview of their video. They will be able to see their snippet. Everything that you guys have done you will see in the context of your page. You’ll also notice that there are two tabs here at the top. This second tab multi browser is going to show you a list of browsers and you can choose to render a preview of the page in each of these browsers. 1:32:48 It can take up to three minutes to generate that preview. It’s basically just generating a JPEG image of the preview. It will open in a new window and you can always bounce back to your web view page as well alright. Any questions on how to edit a page? I mean we went through a lot of tools here today so everyone’s good? Want to keep trucking along? Anyone need to do some jumping jacks or anything?

Navigating OU Campus User Interface

So up at the top we have these buttons, go ahead and click on the edit button. What you’ll notice here is when I click on the button granted it takes me into where I have those edit buttons that I can link to those editable regions but I actually meant to tell you guys to click on the properties button so my bad opps but you will notice there is no properties button anymore I lost it. 1:33:46 Does anyone have a guess at how we can get back into that split screen view where we had those buttons at the top? Yep, so click on that little arrow here at the top left. He gets a little shy, he can get lost in a crowd very easily. You want to keep good tabs on him, become friends with him, maybe take him out for drinks or something and then he will become your friend and help you get into your folder structure view and your page view with the page action tools here at the top.

Page Properties

So now that we’ve gotton back here, go ahead and click that properties button that I wanted you guys to click before. Here in the properties button you will see things like the title, the author, the keyword, the description, you may see a main heading element. Do any of you see a main heading element? Okay good cause you should so I probably have this page checked out when I did the find and replace 1:34:42 which is why I’m not seeing a main heading element. The main heading is where you’re going to change the title of your page so what displays on the page where it says training on OU Campus you’re going to change that. The rest of the things we see here, the title, the author, the keywords and the description that’s Metadata 1:35:02 so it’s what gets fed to like your search engines and what not. I’m going to show you some different metadata from the tier four and tier five pages because those one’s allow you to change between a two column layout and a three column layout. So in a few minutes I’m going to show you that metadata and how I’m sorry those page properties and how those page properties are a little different.

Compare Versions

We looked at preview the next one I want you guys to click on is compare. So if you want to make changes here and you want to press save like change your main heading that’s fine. Otherwise go ahead and click on compare and what I want you guys to do when you click on compare is I want you to click on the Omni dev, the very first one that has the green background. This is going to give you a page comparison and what you will notice is that there are different color options here. Anywhere that you see blue with a squiggly line underneath, that’s indicating that that was a style change. You added a link, you deleted a link, you added bold, italics, something like that or you deleted that. You made some sort of styling change to that particular element. Anywhere that you see red with a stripe through means that you have deleted that content. It currently exist in the live version of the page but you deleted it for this version of the page and green with an underline means that you added an addition so that currently does not exist in the live version. You added it and it now exist here. 1:36:32 Any questions on that? This is going to be really useful for people that are doing a review of content before it gets published. It’s also helpful for you guys just to make sure that you know what you’ve changed if anything. If you click compare and you choose something other than the live version. It is going to give you a source code comparison. So this is going to give you a source code comparison of this page and show you what’s changed and what’s the same. Any questions on that? So the next thing we are going to do is the page check option. So when you edit a page you can check the spelling links and accessibility of that page. To do so you check on the page check option and then you click on the arrow in front of the option or options that you want to run and it will show you if there are any errors. I generally click on new window I’m just it’s kind of my thing. You can also click on more but essentially what it’s going to do is it’s going to show you those differences so here or show you those issues. So here we have spelling errors for these email addresses. I’m not concerned about that so I’m going to ignore those. For my links it’s actually showing me that I have a link that couldn’t be validated and that is the mail to link which will never be validated because the only way to validate an email address is to send it in email really and so you will never see a validation there but we don’t have any broken links so we’re okay on that one. 1:38:15 Then for accessibility there is an error and it’s actually with the search option at the top so it’s not even something that I could fix. It’s needing a label element, I’m not going to worry too much about that, I can let the admins know and they can try to fix that but it’s not a piece of the page that I have access to edit at this time so I’m not too worried. Any questions on any of those kind of review options that are available? Okay so next we’re going to go ahead and we’re going to actually create a backup of this page. So there’s two ways to create a version for the version history of a page and your pages right now probably have two versions in them if you were to click on revert. We’re going to add another version to that and we’re going to do that by doing a back-up. When you publish a page a version is created automatically but if you want to create a manual version, saving a page does not do that.

Backup & Versioning

Creating a backup does so if you want to create a back-up of a page prior to sending it to someone for review because you are worried they are going to undo something that they shouldn’t. Go ahead and click that back-up option and then put in some kind of just description here. 1:39:26 Once you’re done go ahead and click on the commit option at the bottom and you’ve now just created a back-up of this page. If you wanted to revert to a previous version of the page you would click on the revert option and you would be able to see your newly created version here. You can see who created the versions and what was done here. You can always go in and preview a previous version and if you want to switch to a previous version you go ahead and you click on the version number you want to switch to and you press okay. So in this case the idea here is let’s say you have a homecoming page, that homecoming content gets updated after homecoming to maybe some other event. Homecoming comes around the next year and instead of reinventing the page and building the content out again, you can actually just go into your version history. Find the page from last year, revert to it, update it with the new information and publish it out and you don’t have to redo everything every time. 1:40:52 Really forever, there is a way to delete it out but it really requires the admin contacting support and asking us to do it for them. So for the most part it just stays in there forever. It’s only bad when you get into situation with my training where I have thirty versions and I don’t know what any of them are because I’ve just made random stuff the whole time but otherwise it’s nice. So the idea here is that you have this version history that you can go back to and you can also create versions that you’re going to revert to overtime if you want because right now you have the time to do the editing but you won’t later. Things like that so it’s going to store every publish and every back-up. So another thing you can do is send a page to a user and we’re not going to complete this action now but I’m going to show you. So you can click on send to user and you would choose someone from the dropdown and enter a message to them. The idea to sending a page to a user is that it’s actually going to transfer the checked out status of the page from you to the person to whom you transfer or send it to. So if I had the page and I sent it to you, you would now have possession of that page and so therefore I can no longer make any more edits. So it’s for somebody that’s going to be reviewing the page or something like that. If you don’t need someone to review it but you’re not ready for it to be publish and you don’t want to think about it anymore then you can click on schedule and schedule this page to publish it in the future. So you choose a time and date, click schedule and then it will schedule in the future. 1:42:34 The other option is to publish it right now so if you guys want to publish your pages you go ahead and you click on publish now. If you hadn’t already run a spell check, link check or an accessibility check you could do so. You can put in a version description, I always advice when you can put those in. Then once you’re done you go ahead and click on publish and it’s going to publish that page out. Once it’s done it’s going to give you three options to view the page. You can view it in the frame, you can view it in the window or in a new window. I usually still need to do some other stuff in OU Campus so I always view it in a new window. Leave my other OU Campus screen open and I’ll be able to see my page as it’s set up with all of my new information. I used to have a print of that and it took so long I would print before I went to bed and it would be like finishing up when I got up in the morning. No joke, it was ridiculous. There weren’t any graphics on the page. 1:43:56 Alright, any questions on any of that? Go back to your OU Campus tab and you’ll notice that the page now has a big green checkout button at the top. As I said earlier when you publish a page it checks the page back in. So you can either manually check a page back in or you can publish it and it gets checked back in. If you wanted to take possession of that page again you would need to click the checkout button there and then that would give you back all those other buttons at the top. Those of you that are level eights also see an access button. Use that sparingly, that is where you would change the group of people that has access to this page. You can only change it to a group of people that you belong to.

OU Campus Folder Actions

So let’s go ahead and click on the green arrow that’s pointing towards the right once again so we can get into the full folder structure. There’s a few things I want to point out in here. So if you have a page checked out you’re going to see this yellow light bulb. 1:45:02 If somebody else has a page checked out they’re going to see this red block and you can hover over it and find out who has that page checked out. If you see a grey light bulb that means you can click on that light bulb and actually check that page out. When you have a page checked out you will notice there are different tools available to you then when you don’t have a page checked out. If someone else has a page checked out you can still set a reminder on that page. You can preview it, maybe change the access, the log and copy it. If the page is not checked out to anybody level eights will be able to rename it, move it and recycle it as well. Users under a level eight maybe granted recycle capabilities. Only users level eight, nine and ten have the ability to rename, copy or move a file. 1:45:53 The other things though are when you have a page checked out, you also have revert and backup, publish, page check, compare, preview and properties. So those are all those different things that we just looked at are also assessable here from the file folder structure view. There is also this option which I skipped over which is your expire option. Expires not used that often but it can be. Usually what people do is they just update their page and schedule to publish instead of scheduling it to expire. When you make a page expire you can do one of two things. All users that have publishing rights can set a page to expire and replace the content with content from another page. So basically you’re saying take content from page A and paste it onto this page and now you have two pages with the same content. User levels eight, nine and ten can actually set the page to expire and be deleted and that is a permanent delete. There is no recycle bin for that, there’s no way to pull that page back if you decided to permanently delete it. 1:47:01 So usually my suggestion is if you want a page to be recycled or deleted go ahead and manually recycle it. That way if you ever need that page back you can get it back. I’m just not that huge of a fan of permanently deleting anything ever. So the other thing is though if you want to delete a directory and you have delete capabilities here don’t do that. Go into the directory, recycle the pages and then go back and delete the directory because then the pages can be restored if necessary. So I am always err 1:47:36 on the side of caution go ahead and recycle rather than delete when you can. Okay any questions? Alright, so let’s talk a little bit more about what other options are in here. Level eights, nines and tens as I said have the ability to rename, copy and move. When you move you choose the move option and then you choose the folder to which you want to move it. There’s a bread crumb here at the top or you can navigate down into folders and then you click choose next to the folder you want to move it into. You can do the same thing with copy but this is going to create a copy of it rather than actually moving the file. Then there is also the ability to rename something again leave that .PCF alone but you can rename this to something else. If you use rename or move it will update any pages that are pointing to it as long as dependency manager is being used. The other thing is that you will notice is even pages that are checked out have this little alarm clock icon so you can click on that alarm clock and go ahead and pick a page. Click on it now and when you click on that alarm clock icon you can schedule a reminder. There are two types of reminders that can be set. A scheduled reminder or a stale reminder. So you just simply click on the box next to the type of reminder you want to set and then you choose the time and date in the future when you want that reminder to occur. 1:49:54 If you want it to repeat you can actually have it set to repeat and then you put in a reminder message to yourself. So the idea here is let’s say you have your tuition page it should be updated by July 1st you set yourself a reminder that repeats every year on June 24th saying 1:50:22 update the tuition page. The second type of reminder is a stale reminder so in the stale reminder you go ahead and you set a reminder period so let’s say three months and if this page is not updated and republished within three months from that last published date and time it will send you the reminder. If it is updated the clock will start over but the period will stay the same. So once you’re done you click on add new reminder and it will set that reminder for you. As many people as necessary can set a reminder on a page. So if somebody else set a reminder on page nice I can still set a reminder on that page. You will notice that on the index page the reminder icon is now red indicating that there is a reminder set on that particular page. Alright, any questions? Up at the top there is the option to copy, move, recycle and publish that’s multiple pages. You select them by using the check boxes next to the pages. Before we move into creating a new page I just want to talk for a second about the tier four page. So I’m going to show you a tier four page as an example. 1:51:39 So here we have a tier four page and this one is set as a one column. This one actually happens to have both an image gallery so this is an image gallery with thumb nails that then expand. So this is the type of image gallery that could be created for you and a form with different options as well that then could be submitted. So that’s just an example but if I go ahead and I check out this page and I click on the properties what you’ll notice is this is set to have a number of columns set to two. If I want to change this I can set it to three, press save and I now have this new column over here on the side. If I click on edit instead of having just the one main content edit button, I actually also have second edit button above the right panel. So on your tier four and tire five templates you will have this option of having that in the page properties of setting between two and three columns and then you’ll have additional editable regions based off of your selection. 1:52:54 Alright, any questions so far. Alright so if any of you have gone into one of these folders go ahead and back pedal out using the bread crumb at the top.

Creating New Pages

So go ahead and click on the underscore training folder and make sure that’s where you are and what we are going to do now is we’re going to create two pages. We’re going to start and we’re going to create a tier four page first and then we’re going to create a biography page second. So go ahead and click the new button here under the staging tab up at the top and in the dropdown you’re going to click the tier four page. Now you’ll notice that there’s a tier four page and there’s a tier four section. Sections create a new folder and within that new folder a new index page and a properties file which controls the bread crumb. The pages just add a page to the directory that you’re already in. So you’re going to go ahead and choose tier four page and if you really want to use tier four section that fine as well. The difference will be that you will just have to give it a directory name so that will be the big difference is there will be an extra field. Give your page a title. 1:53:55 You can update the author, keywords, description and then very importantly under the file name you’re going to leave the .PCF and change only the word on title but do make sure you change the word on title. You should not have page file names with the word untitled. You can use upper and lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores but try to keep to hyphens. Once you’re done go ahead and click on create, it’s going to create that new page and take you directly to it. From here you would be able to edit the page to change the column layout as well as change the content that’s on that page. 1:54:41 Any questions on that? Okay so back into the folder structure and we’re going to go back into a biography page so go ahead and click new and you’ll notice the second to the last option or the first to last option the one next to the last option is a biography page. Go ahead and click on that one. All we’re going to do here is actually give the page a name you can use your name and then click on create and it’s going to take you to that biography page. Stay there on that biography page because I’m going to show you how to edit these pages which is different then what we have been doing so far. Let me know if you guys have any issues or questions on either of these page creations. Everyone’s doing okay? So what I want you to do is once you’re here go ahead and click the edit button. When you do that you will notice that there are no green edit buttons so we have been clicking on this edit main content area. Instead at the very top there is an orange multi edit button. Biography page is set up as a multi edit so when you click on that orange button it takes you to a form type layout where you can update the content on that page. 1:56:05 I wouldn’t worry about updating everything but go ahead and make a couple of changes. You will notice that some of the options do actually give you a mini WYSIWYG editor. So once you’re done go ahead and click on save at the bottom and it will take you to a preview and you will notice that your changes have been applied. So in this case we don’t have control over the layout or the styling of the page. We just have control over the content that’s added into that page based off the fields the admins wanted to make available to us. Any questions on how either of those pages are created or edited? 1:57:09 The tier 2, tier 3, tier 4, tier 5, tier 6 pages are all going to be basically created the same way and edited very similarly. It’s just going to be the layout of how the pages actually look that is really going to change between those different ones. The difference between again the sections and the pages is just really creating a directory name and you’re not going to have a file naming because all of them are going to have an index page as the initial file name. So you don’t really need to worry too much about that or those portions right there so those are really the differences. As they create more page templates in the future you may have different fields you fill out when you make a new page. Just use the help text on the right hand side to kind of figure out what you’re supposed to be doing there alright. 1:59:10

Uploading Files

So let’s now talk about uploading through the interface. I don’t know how much of this you guys need to do because we already uploaded through the WYSIWYG. So if you just want to watch me we can actually do the upload rather quickly. What’s really important with uploading regardless of whether you’re uploading through the WYSIWYG or you’re uploading through the folder structure. Is that you always make sure that you navigate to the proper location before you do the upload. So in this case right now I can use this bread crumb at the top and I see that I’m in a training folder. Well when I upload files I should not be in the training folder I should be in this case the documents folder. That’s where my file should be uploaded so I want to navigate into documents and then in documents here I can click on the upload and I may have up to two types of upload. The standard uploads comes for everybody and so that’s going to allow you to click on browse and find the file you want to upload. 2:00:00 So if I went into my desktop and choose, I could then rename it right here. Again, you always need to include that extension if you’re doing a renaming and I could do that for up to five different files. Once I’m done I go ahead and click the upload button and it’s going to upload that file. Once it’s uploaded and I go back to pages so let me just click on pages here. I’m actually seeing that I don’t see the file. Before you guys panic and think and think that your upload was not successful and that the system was lying to you. Keep in mind that until we have binary manager in place with our next version all binary files go directly to the production server. So while I want you guys to get familiar and to stay consistent to uploading through the staging server to confirm that your upload was done successfully. You’re going to need to click on the production tab here at the top and it’s going to show you all of the files that exist in there. So we have all 2:01:05 uploaded files so there’s quite a number of them in there and you can see the file I just uploaded is right here. Any questions on that? So the next thing then that we want to go ahead and do is go ahead and talk about the zip imports. So again what I’m going to do is I’m going to navigate to the right folder. So I’m going to go into training and this time go into images and I’m going to click on upload once again and I’m going to click on zip this time. This is not a method by which you should be uploading a zip file that’s going to be preserved as a zip. 2:01:49 If you want someone that’s visiting the website to be able to download a zip file uploaded it through the standard upload but if you want to upload a zip file that has fifty images in it or fifty PDF’s in it because you don’t want to have to click browse for each one of those that’s when you use this zip import. So from here you are going to choose a zip file and then you’re going to click upload and then it’s going to actually unzip that file and show you each of the pages individually. Eventually, while it unzips my images I know it’s going to work because I did it this morning. Alright, so once it’s unzipped you’ll see this structure here of your unzipped files. Keep in mind that if you have a zip file that has sub folders in it. Let’s say that you have fifty images and you’ve separated them into graduation, homecoming and something else. Those folders will be preserved in the unzipped file and in that point in time up at the top here you may see an option that says ignore containing folder and when you click on ignore containing folder it’s ignoring the top level folder. 2:03:07 So if you had zipped all the files into a folder called images and then had subfolders in it, it would ignore the images folder and upload them directly into whatever you were just in. If you need to rename them you just simply click on the name and then you can type in a new name here. You’ll also notice that when you’re next to an image or a file I guess, in the case they happen to be images but they’re not always. When you’re next to a file there is a little red icon that shows up. If you don’t want to import that particular element you just click on that it says okay don’t upload that one. So then you can click extract when you’re done and it’s going to upload all of those. Most of these already exist in this folder so it’s going to throw me some errors. If I try to upload the right now so I’m going to not do that but it’s going to upload those into the folder that was defined. Alright, any questions? So those are your two possible methods of uploading. Remember that just like with the documents you do need to check production for any files you may have uploaded that are image type files cause those will be related to binary’s. Also keep in mind if you want to play in the system a little bit once we’re done here we still have a little bit to go but if you want to play in the system a little bit you can do that and if you try to upload a document or an image right now to the training folder as opposed to the training documents or the training images folder you will get thrown in error. 2:04:30 I have set it up so that only certain extensions can be uploaded into the training folder or only certain extensions can be uploaded into the documents folder and it’s very likely that your administrators will so something similar and that helps control where things are placed so you don’t have a bunch of chaos. Chaos can be fun in some instances like at a party but there not as fun on a web page on a web server. So were going to go back up to the top and we are going to go back to staging here and I’m going to go backwards into training. One other thing here I want to mention there is a search here. This is a search only and it does not find and replace and it is also a content only, search does not search code but it will search through the system and try to find whatever you might type in. So before we move on are there any questions about anything we have done here within this view or how to edit or create new pages.

Creating Assets

Alright then, so the next thing we’re going to do is talk about creating assets. So go ahead and under content there is the word assets a link there. Go ahead and click on assets and that takes you into the assets screen. Obviously, you will see that there are a bunch more assets that were not available. Like I said I made them all unavailable and I didn’t want to create a bunch of chaos now we’re in chaos. So we have a bunch of test assets we are going to pretend don’t exist right now. What I want you guys to do is create a new asset and to create that new asset I want you to go ahead and click on the new button. There are three asset types for you to choose from. In the future two more additional assets may become available. Image gallery and managed form and in that point in time you will get more information in how to create those if you need to create an image gallery or a form or something when those become available. Today what we’re going to do is we’re going to focus on web content, plain text and source code type assets. So pick one I would say probably plain text or a web content because unless you know some source code to enter in there it’s probably not going to do you as much good. So go ahead and pick one of those types of assets. I’m going to choose web content. All of the assets start the same and the first thing that you need is an asset name. Remember in the asset chooser when you want to insert this on a page you have the tags and the name to go off of. So make that name as clear as possible. 2:06:46 So type in something there into the asset name. A description is optional so if you want to put something here in the description field you could do so and I want to take a second to talk about lock to site. As I mentioned earlier assets are available cross site. If I create an asset in the athletics site and I am editing a page in the administration site and go to edit or insert an asset I’m going to see that athletics asset. You may not want that to be the case. You may want that athletics asset to stay only in the athletics site. In that case you click this lock to site and that means that it will not be seen on any other sites when someone tries to insert the asset. The other thing you can do and I said go ahead and do that because we don’t really want these test assets being seen all over the place so go ahead and lock those to the site. The other thing you want to do and you always want to do this is insert tags. Tags are really going to help you when you’re trying to filter in and find the asset that you want. So put in at least two tags that make since for this asset. Different from the name of your asset. Use these as more of a description. Separate them with a comma, you will notice if you type in something that’s already in there it’s going to pop up that and you can just select that one or you can add new ones by just typing them in and separating them with a comma and then you’re going to add your asset content. Now if you chose a source code you’re going to have a source code editor. If you chose plain text you’re going to have a text box and if you chose web content you’re going to have a WYSIWYG editor. So just add a little bit of content it doesn’t have to be anything drastic. You can see here in the web content one I can insert snippets, images and media. Anything that I might need to insert and once I’m done I’m going to go ahead and press save and it’s going to take me to a preview of the asset. 2:08:50 Alright, once you have that you will notice that assets can be edited, they can be previewed, you can revert an asset, you can back-up an asset and you can publish an asset. Assets must be published in order for them to render on production so go ahead and click publish now and publish out your asset and in this case we have that asset published. So if we went back to the pages and edited one of the pages that we had I would say not your biography because you can’t really do much there but let’s say 2:09:27 the other page your tier four page you had you can edit that page. So go ahead and edit it all I want you to do is just add this asset that you just created. So just go into assets and you can filter if you want. Choose the asset that you want to insert and then insert that asset, press save and publish this page. Now once the page is published if you went into a new window verify that your asset is displaying. If anyone is having an issue we will come. So go back in content pages and look for the page that has a light bulb lit next to it. That’s your page or look for the page name. Make sure you’re in the training folder if you have navigated into documents or something you will need to use the bread crumb to get back to the underscore training folder at the top of the folder structure and add your asset and publish that out. 2:11:16 So are you in the editable okay the last one in the second column looks like a Lego that’s your asset. Just think of assets as building blocks so look for the Lego because you’re going to build something out of it. It’s a piece if you know it’s a piece of the puzzle. Okay did everyone get their page published and its rendering? So know what we’re going to do is leave this page open like it is and make sure you have it open in a new window. So go back to OU Campus and go back to assets. So click on content assets again and find the asset that you just inserted onto your page. Someone stole mine cheaters. Lucky for me have admin privileges and I’m going to steal it right back. So go ahead and find your asset and make a change to it. Whatever you want to change, change it. You can add something you can change it entirely you can swap it out but just make some sort of change and go ahead and press save and publish on your asset. Don’t go back to pages and all we’re going to stick right here in the assets. 2:14:58 Alright, so once you’ve published it out. Go back to the page you have open in your other tab. Now you are going to have to refresh it because it’s kind of sitting there and whatever it was but go ahead and go back to that page. Now we haven’t touched our page at all remember, we only did our asset so go ahead and click on that and you should see your asset update on the page you had before. So remember it didn’t only published out the asset it published out any pages that were using it with that updated content. It’s also helpful for things like you can do an admissions table or whatever and you just drop that table on your page when that tuition gets updated by the tuition department or whoever is in charge of that it gets updated on your page as well and you don’t have to worry about maintaining that information and updating any pages that contain that information. Any questions? 2:16:11 So just a couple of last things that we have today. We had the recent saves and publishes. Let’s go to the dashboard tab I’m going to do add-ons last so go ahead and in the dashboard tab you may or may not have a message in your inbox. If you sent a page for review it would show up in your outbox and you can compose messages. No big deal you know pretty basic stuff that you have going on here. Anywhere that you set a reminder, send a message to somebody you’ll see something that has a check box that pre-checked that says send to, email, or send to external. That is going to send the email both internally within the system here also externally to their campus email. So you definably want to keep that checkbox checked. Click on current projects and you will be able to see any pages you have checked out. If you want to check a page back in you just click on the light bulb and it checks that page right back into the system alright. The only times you can’t do that is if it’s a thumbs up and in which case you have to take an action on that page or a calendar in which case you have to wait for the scheduled action to occur. 2:17:19 Broken pages will show you any pages that have a broken link or broken asset on them. You’ll only see pages to which you have the ability to update so you’d want to update those. Settings and preference, if you want to update your name or email information you can definitely do that. Everything else you’ll see is read only so it doesn’t mean that you can go and decide that you’re going to be an admin and you’re going to make yourself a level ten but you can see what your user level is. You will also notice that there is help text at the bottom or link to help text at the bottom and help text next to the fields. We also have the help at the top here. Log out will log you out of the system. Change site lets you change between sites so if you actually do work in both administration and athletics then you can actually go in a make changes to those between changing site. Current user will take you back to the settings and preferences screen. 2:18:13 Go ahead and also you can look at the add-ons. Add-ons are ways that we can bring external content in to make it readably available to you, kind of like bookmarking. So here you can see that the first one we have are web guidelines so this is just linking to the web guidelines page. As this page gets updated you’ll have the most recent information in here. There is also an identity guide that you can link to. There’s a raiderlink and this one’s going to open in a new window. So when you click on that it opens actually a new window to take you there and then this one right here OU Campus info currently has the reference guide so this is where you can go to download that word document, that sixty-seven page work document that covers a lot of the functionality that we covered today so you can download that and it will be available to you. Any questions? 2:19:15 Everyone’s fabulous and lovely and you just thought this was the most invigorating and funnest thing ever? So what we’re going to do is you guys have some extra time, I would encourage you if you have some time in our too tired now after all of that fun excitement is just kind of play in the system. Create some more pages and go ahead and upload files or add links or images to get yourselves more familiar with kind of navigating around though the system and what not. From a teaching perspective that’s what I wanted to cover today. I don’t know that there’s anything else that I need to go through with you guys but if you have questions for either me or Jeff you’re welcome to let us know and we will answer those questions for you but defiantly take the time that we have to kind of play around if you want. It’s also possible if you just want to practice just seeing how the system will work and building out your pages and see how that would function from that perspective of using the templates that already exist. That you can go into the training folder and start to kind of build out some content in there. From a migratory perspective it would require my company kind of migrating that content into the actual site or really you can start to use it and eventually they may be able to move that content into its own sub site. From an approval perspective okay I’m going to go in here. Don’t watch what I’m doing. I’m actually logging in as a different level user. I have three in your system right now so if I went in and I wanted to edit a page. This particular user I set up with an approver which means that I can’t publish so I can check a page out so let’s go ahead in here and I’m going to check this page out and make some edits. So whatever it is I need to do on my page, I make my changes and I press save. The difference being is at the top here I don’t have the published schedule or sent to user, I just have sent for approval. 2:26:06 When I click sent for approval it prepopulates with my approvers name and I enter in my message to that approver and press send and if I look at this page now in this screen it actually has two chat bubbles here telling me that it’s pending someone’s approval. From the perspective of that admin that admin’s going to get an email so I would get an email if I went into my email system. I’m also going to get a message in the dashboard with that request to approve so you can get to it from either place. You can either click on the link that comes via email or click on this and this will actually take you directly to the page by just clicking on the link and then you can review it. From a reviewing perspective you have publish, schedule, sent to user, decline and keep and decline and revert so as long as the user has publishing rights they’ll see decline and keep and decline and revert if they have been sent to page for review. Decline and keep, keeps the changes but declines it from being published and allows you to send a message to the user saying go ahead and make these changes. Decline and revert declines the changes, reverts it to the last version stripping everything they’ve done which is part of the reason why sometimes people like to do backups because that has happened accidentally. If you click decline and revert accidentally you’re going to want to navigate away from this page. You don’t want to skip message and revert now or send a message from this page just go ahead and send a message from the dashboard workflow screen. Okay, and so that’s how you can actually get that page back to somebody to decline it or you can publish it if it meets the criteria. So that’s as easy as it is to do, it’s really just the extra review and then the decline buttons are the only extra elements. 2:27:55 If I ever get the time to actually read it we have an approver guide that actually goes through all of these steps. I just have to review it before it can be put out. Any other questions? Concerns? The way you guys are in our system because your staging server actually resides with us, when we do updates you will get those updates immediately, you don’t have to wait for some cycle or something like that so if we do an issue or a bug update or we do a new feature update you guys get that immediately. The only caveat to that is going to be our next version our version ten and just because we are going to roll that in stages because it’s a completely different environment we are going to migrate people over as requested over a period of time. Otherwise, all other releases and updates you guys get immediately so a message goes out to everyone that’s part of our OCN 2:32:15 or Omni Update Network so again if you want to join in that network you’ll get emails saying hey we just released this version 9. whatever and here’s what’s included and you guys can actually see all the stuff that’s been included in there. Which is possible more possible then our stuff just getting lost. From just a perspective of the way that we do content we do a backup daily so our servers are backed up. We actually have multiple servers running so if one server goes down everyone just get moved to a mirror server so you guys shouldn’t experience a lot of downtime unless we specifically say we did. We moved some servers to one location to another and there was downtime because we physically picked up machines well our IT manager physically picked up machines and moved them so but otherwise there’s very little downtime and we generally will announce that at least a week or two before and it’s usually in the middle of the night when nobody is working on the system anyway. Well if you guys have questions or want to play around more in the system you’re more than welcome to ask us questions or let us know otherwise, I don’t really know that I have any more to teach you today. Might be able to pull something out of my brain but I’d have to make it up. 2:34:11

Jan 23, 2023