2022 Texas ASLA
Merit Award
Caprock Crossing is a comprehensive vision for activating the heart of downtown Lubbock, TX. New businesses and residential sprawl have primarily been introduced outside of the highway loop, leaving downtown neglected and without compelling reasons for engagement. The nine-block development, slated for recreational growth and job opportunities, is designed to embody characteristics of an economically viable and memorable downtown experience, while addressing goals, objectives, and policies for the city of Lubbock's 2040 master plan. It also provides a model for future downtown development and engagement in other growing cities in West Texas.
This urban experience aggregates additions in the high-density residential, commercial, retail, hospitality, and dining sectors. Additionally, 4.3 acres are reserved for the inclusion of Estacado Promenade Park in an area of Lubbock void of any public green space. Green roofs on adjacent businesses boost Lubbock's green and permeable footprint. Local boutiques, commercial offices, grocery stores or pharmacies, and dining on the first level invite pedestrians to indulge their time downtown, while the upper levels will house an assortment of apartment typologies for stakeholders across the socio-economic spectrum. A new hotel and conference center at the eastern edge of the park accommodates Lubbock's visitors coming for university events, business expos, or to explore the diverse options offered by the newly activated “Hub City.”
Many of the park's themes are inspired by the Llano Estacado region in which Lubbock is located, as well as the impressive geology of the Caprock Canyon that cuts through it. From the development's namesake to the morphology of the illuminating lounge seats on which parents can rest while watching their children play, the Llano Estacado's influence can be seen throughout. Overall, Caprock Crossing challenges existing conditions of abandoned urban center environments and establishes a new image for what a West Texas skyline could look like.
Damian Soto
Landscape Architecture
2904 15th Street, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.2858 -