Texas Tech University

Darryl James, Ph.D., P.E.

Professor, Vice Provost for Institutional Effectiveness

Email: darryl.james@ttu.edu

Phone: 806.834.3386

Fax: 806.742.3540

Office: ME North 202

Research Website:

Darryl James, Ph.D., P.E.


Darryl James, Ph.D., serves as vice provost for Institutional Effectiveness with responsibility for overseeing institutional effectiveness for the university. He is the institutional liaison with SACSCOC, supervises the institutional effectiveness team made up of the Office of Planning and Assessment and Institutional Research. He also supports the institutions compliance with THECB, SACSCOC and discipline-based accreditor academic standards. He supports the development of new graduate programs. James' area of expertise is thermal-fluids. He has authored more than 80 technical publications, has generated approximately seven million dollars in funded research as principal or co-principal investigator, has taught 12 different thermal-fluid courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and has consulted for industry and national labs. He designed VorTECH, the US's largest tornado simulator, and has appeared on more than 25 national and international television programs related to tornadoes. His research has focuses primarily on tornadic fluid-structure interaction and renewable energy (solar thermochemical). Dr. James has been the recipient of multiple awards for his teaching and impact on students.

Research Interests

  • Physical Simulation of Tornado−Like Vortices
  • Computational & Experimental Fluid Mechanics
  • Combined−Mode Heat Transfer & Fluid Mechanics
  • Turbulence−Enhanced Heat Transfer

Personal Information

Curriculum Vitae


  • Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, (1992)
  • M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, (1989)
  • B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M, (1988)

State(s) in which registered

  • Texas, No. 99091