Dr. Phil Gipson
Research Interests
My research and outreach programs focus on responses of wildlife populations and plant and animal communities to environmental change and impacts of human activity. My publications deal with life history and competition among game animals, livestock, and mammalian predators, and their adaptations to environmental change. I use manipulative experiments and observational techniques to evaluate impacts of military training, hydroelectric development, oil and gas development, and production agriculture on wildlife. One of my new research initiatives evaluates habitat enhancement practices to improve range, brush lands, and forests for both livestock and wildlife.
I served as Department Chairman 2008-2011 and am a member of the Wildlife Damage Mangement Working Group.
Courses Taught
- NRM 2301 Introductory Wildlife
- NRM 4320 Natural Resource Policy
- NRM 5100 Graduate Seminar
Recent Publications
Tyson, M. A., D. Rollins, W. B. Ballard, and P. S. Gipson. 2012. Coyote diets on the rollng plains quail ranch, Texas. Quail VII National Symposium Proceedings. In Press.
Flock, B. E., P. S. Gipson, R. D. Applegate, and W. B. Ballard. 2012. Distance - based habitat associations of northern bobwhite in Kansas. Quail VII National Symposium Proceedings. In Press.
Conard, J. M., P. S. Gipson, and W. B. Ballard. 2012. Factors influencing survival of female elk in a harvested population. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management. In Press.
Kamler, J. F., U. Klare, W. B. Ballard, M. C. Wallace, and P. S. Gipson. 2012. Comparison of coyote diets in continuous and fragmented short-grass prairie in the Texas panhandle. Texas Journal of Science. In Press.
Althoff, D. P., K. A. Blecha, P. B. Woodford, and P. S. Gipson. 2012. Use of low-level aerial photography for delineation of biological and physical features of a tallgrass parairie. North American Prairie Converence. 22:31-38.
Conard, J. M. and P. S. Gipson. 2012. Foraging ecology of elk in a tallgrass prairie ecosystem. Southwestern Naturalist. 57:92-96.
Jeffress, M. R., C. P. Paukert, B. K. Sandercock, and P. S. Gipson. 2011. Factors affecting detectability of river otters during sign surveys. The Journal of Wildlife Management. 75: 1-7.
Jeffress, M. R., C. P. Paukert, 1. B. Whittier, B. K. Sandercock, and P. S. Gipson. 2011. Scale-dependent factors affecting North American river otter distribution in the Midwest. American Midland Naturalist. 166:177-193.
Limb, R F., D. M. Engle, S. D. Fuhlendorf, D. P. Althoff, and P. S. Gipson. 2010. Altered herbivore distribution associated with focal disturbance. Range Ecology and Management. 63: 253-257.
Lemons, P. R, J. S. Sedinger, M. P. Herzog, P. S. Gipson, and R L. Gilliland. 2010. Landscape effects of two canids in northwestern Texas: a multinomial modeling approach. Journal of Mamma1ogy. 91: 66-78.
Rivers, J.W., P.S. Gipson, D.P. Althoff, and J.S. Pontius. 2009. Long-term community dynamics of small land birds with and without exposure to extensive disturbance from military training activities. Environmental Management. 12: 203-216.
Carrera, R, W. Ballard, P. Gipson, B. T. Kelly, P. R Krausman, M. C. Wallace, C. Villalobos, and D. B. Wester. 2008. Comparison of Mexican Wolf and coyote diets in Arizona and New Mexico. Journal of Wildlife Management. 72: 376-381.
Spears, B. L., M. C. Wallace, W. B. Ballard, R S. Phillips, D. H. Holdstock, M. Miller, RD. Applegate, and P. S. Gipson. 2007. Habitat use and survival of pre-flight wild turkey broods. J oumal of Wildlife Management. 71: 69-81.
Gipson, P. S., and J. F. Kamler. 2006. Density and minimum number of meso predators on Fort Riley Military Reservation. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science. 109: 36-40.
Gipson, P. S., C. D. Lee, S. Wilson, 1. R Thiele, and D. Hobbick. 2006. Status of feral pigs, Sus sera/a, in Kansas and Nebraska. Proceedings of the zo" North American Prairie Conference. 20: 74-83.
Gipson, P. S., E. E. Bangs, T. N. Bailey, D. K. Boyd, H. D. Cluff, D. W. Smith, and M. D. Jiminez. 2003. Color patterns among wolves in western North America. Wildlife Society Bulletin 30: 821-830.
Gipson, P. S., T. R. Livingston, G. L. Zuercher, and M. E. Howard. 2003. Responses of opossums and raccoons to bobcat and coyote feces. Western North American Naturalist. 63:1-3.
Gipson, P. S., and J. F. Kamler. 2001. Survival and home ranges of opossums in northeastern Kansas. Southwestern Naturalist. 46: 178-182.
Gipson, P. S., W. B. Ballard, R. M. Nowak, and L. D. Mech. 2000. Accuracy and precision of estimating age of gray wolves by tooth wear. Journal of Wildlife Management. 64: 752-758.
Department of Natural Resources Management
Goddard Building, Texas Tech University, Box 42125, Lubbock TX 79409 -
806.742.2841 -