Kristee Young, M.S.

Born and raised in Texas. Started in El Paso and slowly migrated from west to central areas.
B.S. Organismal Biology minor Life Earth Science University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, Belton, TX.
If it is the environment that life depends on I am interested in it. Narrowed to how human interactions affect the environment which in turn has a return impact on the humans. Eg. Controlling the environment for human purpose can cause flooding, fires, and introduce exotic infectious diseases. What is perceived as beneficial to humans can go wrong yet lack of human dimension inclusion in urban research continues to allow the imbalances to occur.
My research experience has been primarily in basic medicine as a research assistant. Projects were immunosuppressive drug induced hypertension, preeclampsia, immunological responses to metabolic disruption, cell death and differentiation. My final project as a research assistant was working with algae for biofuels utilizing metabolic disruption techniques gained from medical research.
Career goals: to act as a liaison between public or private sector managing ecological studies and recommendations. To work in both field and office environments as opposed to static in one.
Department of Natural Resources Management
Goddard Building, Texas Tech University, Box 42125, Lubbock TX 79409 -
806.742.2841 -