Texas Tech University

Katheryn Watson, Ph.D.

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I am originally from Houston, TX, and my hobbies include birding, hiking, gardening, and making crafts.

I received my bachelor's degree from Texas State University in 2013, with a major in Wildlife Biology. As an undergraduate, I pursued research with raptor and vulture roadway surveys in central Texas. I also taught biology labs and was president of the Wildlife Society and vice president of the Bobcat Botany Club. I completed my Master's in Biology at Eastern Kentucky University, with a thesis on begging behavior of nestlings and provisioning behavior of adult American Kestrels.

Here at Tech, I am teaching Introduction to Natural Resource Management and am pursuing research with Swainson's Hawks. We are putting GPS transmitter backpacks on adult and juvenile birds to track their movements between the breeding range in Texas and their wintering range in Argentina over a period of several years.