Texas Tech University



Savannah Cognasi, M.S. Student


Savannah Cognasi is a MS student researcher evaluating selenium phytoremediation in hydroponic systems. She received a bachelor's degree in Cell and Molecular Biology from Texas Tech in December 2020 and conducted undergraduate research on Mosquito vector control. Her goal is to demonstrate alternative water use in urban agriculture to conserve clean water reserves while nourishing local communities. In her free time, Savannah enjoys hiking, gardening, and volunteering with Big Brothers Big Sisters.



Cognasi, S., Siebecker, M., Williams, C., and Simpson, C. Effects of Se on growth and physiochemical properties in hydroponically produced Indian Mustard. Southern Region ASHS, New Orleans, LA. February 11-13, 2022.

Cognasi, S., Siebecker, M., Williams, C., and Simpson, C. Influence of Se supplementation on Indian mustard grown in a hydroponic system. TNLA Lone Star Hort Forum. College Station, TX. January 9-12, 2022.