Texas Tech University

PSS Newsroom

celebrating achievements, exploring research, and keeping up with Plant & Soil Science

PSS researchers developing novel method to help High Plains growers protect their vineyards

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PSS researchers developing novel method to help High Plains growers protect their vineyards

The hot, dry, and windy conditions of the High Plains can carry herbicides miles from the application site, and for perennial species such as grapes, this potential volatility and drift exposure may affect plant productivity and yield for many years. Researchers from the TTU Department of Plant and Soil Science are hoping to help...

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Recent Stories



April 30, 2024

Simpson recognized at Faculty Honors Convocation

Among the faculty members honored for their achievements and contributions to the university at the university's annual Faculty Honors Convocation was PSS's own Catherine Simpson, who was recognized with the Hemphill-Wells New Professor Excellence in Teaching Award...




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