Texas Tech University

Edward Hellman, Ph.D.

Professor of Viticulture & Enology

Email: ed.hellman@ttu.edu

Phone: (806) 834-1681

Department of Plant and Soil Science 
Texas Tech University at Fredericksburg
2818 East US Hwy 290, Fredericksburg TX 78624

Academic Advisor

Ed Hellman


Edward Hellman is Professor of Viticulture and Enology and is based at the at the Hill Country University Center in Fredericksburg, Texas. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Horticulture from the University of Illinois, and his Ph.D. in Plant Science from the University of Arkansas.

Dr. Hellman plans and conducts research and Extension educational programs in viticulture in support of the Texas grape and wine industry. His educational program offers workshops, symposia, field days, and on-farm research demonstrations to instruct growers in improved grape management practices. He has created an award-winning website, the Texas Winegrape Network, as a comprehensive information resource for grape producers. Dr. Hellman recently launched a Viticulture Certificate program awarding continuing education units (noncredit) jointly offered by Texas Tech University and Texas Cooperative Extension. Viticulture research is focused on grape production practices, including identification of adapted grape varieties and rootstocks, and grapevine physiology in relation to the environment.

Research Interests

Dr. Hellman's research program investigates the physiological basis of grape variety adaptation to climate, conducts evaluations of wine grape varieties and rootstocks, studies the distribution of Pierce's disease in Texas using a geographic information system (GIS), and is developing a GIS for vineyard site assessment in Texas. 


  • PSS 4310 Viticulture II: Grape Production
  • PSS 5312 Vineyard Management

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