Texas Tech University

Updates from the TTU Soil Ecology Lab



Ph.D. students Raavi Arora and Marina Scalioni Vilela both won 3rd place in the graduate student oral presentation session at the 2023 Soil Survey and Land Resource Workshop hosted by NRCS and Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension in Bryan, TX. Congratulations, Raavi and Marina!



Amanda Flausino de Faria, a Ph.D. student at at the Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA) in Brazil, just arrived to join the lab for a one-year sandwich Ph.D. program. Welcome Amanda!


Maria Scalioni Vilela, a Ph.D. student at the Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA) in Brazil, just arrived to join the lab for a one-year sandwich Ph.D. program. Welcome, Marina!


Congratulations to PhD student Raavi Arora for winning 3rd place for her oral presentation in the annual PSS Student Research Symposium hosted by the TTU Department of Plant and Soil Science!



Welcome to our newest team member, Dr. Flavio Henrique Vasconcelos de Medeiros! Dr. Medeiros is an Associate Professor of Plant Pathology at the Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA) in Minas Gerais, Brazil. He and Dr. Fernanda Medeiros will be joining TTU for a one-year sabbatical starting this month.


Raavi Arora (MS, Punjab Agricultural University, India) just joined the team as a Ph.D. student this month. Welcome, Raavi!


Congratulations to PhD student Billi Jean Petermann for winning 1st place in the annual PSS Student Research Symposium hosted by the TTU Department of Plant and Soil Science! Billi Jean presented her research titled "Biological Soil Crusts and Conservation Agriculture Soils".


Congratulations to undergraduate lab member Jonathan Peters for receiving the Professional Soil Scientists Association of Texas (PSSAT) 2020-2021 Scholarship!



Congratulations to undergraduate lab member Hazzel Ramos for winning 1st place in the undergraduate Soils and Soil Quality division poster competition at this year's virtual ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings! Hazzel presented her research titled "Success of Commercial Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Inoculum in Colonizing Cotton Roots".



Welcome to our summer intern, Dariam Marte de Jesus! Dariam is an undergraduate student from the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez.


Rael successfully defended her thesis and will soon be starting her Ph.D. program at Ohio University. Congratulations, Rael!


Rael and Meagan attended the SSSA meetings in San Antonio, and won 2nd and 3rd places in their respective graduate student competitions. Great job, you two!

(pictures at posters)



Billi Jean Petermann (B.S. Dickinson State University) joined the lab as a Ph.D. student. Welcome, Billi Jean!



Meagan Riley (B.S. Texas Tech University) joined the lab as an M.S. student. Welcome, Meagan!


Rael Otuya (B.S. University of Wyoming) joined the team as the first graduate student in our lab to pursue her M.S. degree. Welcome, Rael!