Texas Tech University

Lindsay Rice Greenlee, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Practice; W&GS affiliate; Director of Undergraduate and Online Studies

Email: lindsay.greenlee@ttu.edu

Phone: (806) 834-1599

Office: 304, Lab: B10A-B

Lab Website:  Gender and Identity Affirmation (GAIA) Lab
Dr. Lindsay Greenlee

Research Interests

The goal of my current research is to examine how social dynamics can affect individuals working together or with human or machine teammates. Broadly, my research is designed to facilitate the use of social psychological theories to optimize human-human and human-machine teamwork. Specifically, my research focuses on three main areas: team dynamics, collaborative decision-making, and the effectiveness of teams.

Selected Research

  • Rice, L. & Greenlee, E.T. (2019). Understanding distress: An examination of the role of stereotype threat in vigilance tasks. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of HFES.
  • Rice, L. & Greenlee, E.T. (2019). The effect of evaluator masculinity on dyadic hiring decisions. Gender Issues, 36(2), 136-151.
  • Greenlee, E. T., Funke, G. J., & Rice, L. (2019). Evaluation of the team workload questionnaire (TWLQ) in a team choice task. Human Factors, 61(2), 348-359.
  • Rice, L. & Barth, J.M. (2017). A tale of two gender roles: The role of implicit and explicit gender role traditionalism and occupation stereotypes on hiring decisions. Gender Issues, 34, 86-102.
  • Rice, L., Barth, J.M., Guadagno, R.E., Smith, G.P.A., McCallum, D.M. & ASERT. (2013). The role of social support on students' perceived abilities and attitudes toward math and science. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 42(7), 1028-1040.

Teaching Activities

  • Undergraduate Research and Statistical Methods