Decontamination Wipe From Texas Tech Could Help Coronavirus Cleanup Efforts
By: Glenys Young
FiberTect's structure, with its activated carbon core, can wipe the bodily fluids that transmit viruses.
A decontamination wipe invented by a Texas Tech University researcher to clean up toxic agents also could clean up bodily fluids contaminated with the coronavirus.
FiberTectTM is a three-layer, nonwoven wipe that features an activated carbon core sandwiched between absorbent top and bottom layers.
"It is widely used as the primary dry decontamination method in hospitals and ambulances," said Corey Collings, a training specialist for First Line Technology, which markets FiberTectTM. "Hospitals use it in bulk and in rolls, and ambulances use it in a kit called the FastGrab to do immediate decontamination of patients contaminated with a wide variety of substances."
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