Jeanette Moya
Student Success Specialist
"Everything will always work out if you believe it will.”
My role as a Student Success Specialist means a great deal to me as I truly care about
the role I would play in students' lives. I want students to know that I have created
a safe space so that they can come to me with any concerns, questions or thoughts
they might have. My goal is to support, guide and empower students so they can become
more confident and self-sufficient. I want to help students find balance in their
academic career as well as plug them into the correct resources so that they can be
successful while at TTU.
I have worked with students for 5 years and this began in graduate school where I
was a Teaching Assistant in Interpersonal Communication. I then moved up as an instructor
in Business and Professional Communication and then Public Speaking. Currently I am
also a dual credit adjunct instructor of Public Speaking at Estacado High School in
their early college high school program through TTU. I really enjoy teaching and helping
students gain confidence when it comes to speaking in a public setting.
When I am not working, I really enjoy playing my guitar and singing as well as writing
songs. I also really enjoy binge watching my favorite TV shows. I really love TV and
streaming! Some of my favorite shows are Supernatural, The Office, Buffy the Vampire
Slayer and Cobra Kai.
Years in Higher Ed4
Years at TTUAsk me about:
What I would be doing if I wasn't so good at my job.
An action movie or TV star. I love action movies and television shows and I really love watching women who kick butt and are strong. Hence some of the shows I mentioned have women like this, such as Buffy, Sam and Tori from Cobra Kai, etc. I always tell myself if I could act and knew martial arts and stunts, I would totally be doing that! It just looks so cool and fun!
The best lesson I learned in high school.
Be who you want to be. My freshman year of H.S. I found a genre of music that resonated with me and who I was. Of course, that genre is rock, but my style began to change. I began to wear heavy eye liner, black painted nails, converse, a chain on my belt loops – very rock n' roll and people looked at me differently everywhere I went in and outside of school. At first I thought “maybe I should change back my appearance” but I realized “this is who I am” and I fully embraced it! It was a moment I realized I should always be “me” and I have no regrets!
The best thing I was involved in during my undergrad.
The best thing I was involved in were some of my writing classes, which include: writing for series television, fiction novel writing, writing for film as well as playwriting. I truly enjoyed being part of those courses cause they didn't feel like school at all! I even got to pitch a TV series idea to a panel of professionals! It was so much fun and I really enjoyed sharing my TV idea with others. Being creative is a great passion of mine.
Who I would like to swap places with for the day.
I would like to swap places with my dogs for a day, just to see what their lives are like and what is going through their head when I am talking to them. I would also just like to lay around the house, do nothing, receive treats and just be super cute all day! I think it would be a grand ol' time. I'm not sure if I would like to have to go potty outside though (hehe) or to be told “no”.
My Academic Journey
My academic journey began at South Plains College in the department of Creative Arts. My major was in Commercial Music because I wanted to be a professional singer/songwriter. After three years of trying to “make it” in the industry, I decided to go back to school. I became an English major at TTU and while I was in there, I received my first and only F. I was mostly an A, B student and this devastated me, but I realized it was not the end of the world as I still graduated with a good GPA, and I was still able to go to grad school and earn a master's degree in Mass Communication. I also went on for my Ph.D., but life happened, and I was not able to complete it. But I hope to go back eventually! In my experience I have learned that grades do not define who you are as a person and that your path might change, but it will work out. You can always get back on the horse and ride into the sunset. It might take a little longer, but that's okay!
My Background
Was a first gen college student.
Took time off during degree.
Grew up in a rural area.
DancingStudent Engagement
Drane Hall 1st Floor, Box 45020, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
806.742.5928 -