Texas Tech University

Teaching Consultations

Schedule a teaching consultation

The Teaching, Learning, & Professional Development Center offers confidential teaching consultations for faculty members and teaching assistants. Consultations may range from a review of a course syllabus, to classroom observation, to videotaping of instruction. The consultant will provide detailed feedback to the faculty member or teaching assistant and may provide follow-up consulting upon request. Each TLPDC staff member who provides consultations can offer general assistance as well as insight from their areas of expertise. Consultations can be scheduled by contacting the individual directly or by calling the TLPDC office at 742-0133.

Specialized Consultants

Please take a look at the descriptions below to see who may best support you. Our staff can support a variety of needs. Once you have chosen the person you'd like to work with, simply click their name to schedule a meeting. You can also contact the TLPDC by email.

Artifical Intelligence - New & Experienced Users

Lisa LowLisa is available to help you consider the impact of artificial intelligence in teaching and learning. Schedule a 60-minute virtual or in-person teaching consultation

Lisa Low


Learning Assistants | STEM | Faculty & Student Partnerships

Ken GriffithKen can help with large lecture courses, courses with STEM related content and planning active learning strategies to support student success. Ken is also available to help you consider the impact of Learning Assistants in your classrooms.

Ken Griffith


Setting Expectations | SoTL | Managing Large Classes

Suzanne TappIf you'd like to talk about teaching large online sections or large face-to-face sections, Suzanne would love to chat with you! She is also currently using TopHat in her classes and using the transparency in teaching and learning (TILT) framework for assignment design and transparent teaching methods.

Suzanne Tapp


Communicating with Students | Course Management | Building Rapport

Mitzi ZiegnerMitzi can assist you with instructional strategies for your face-to-face or online classes, clear communication, building positive teacher student rapport, effective course management tools, incorporating authentic learning experiences and building and maintaining learner engagement in a teaching and learning environment.

Mitzi Ziegner

Teaching, Learning, & Professional Development Center

  • Address

    University Library Building, Room 136, Mail Stop 2044, Lubbock, TX 79409-2004
  • Phone

  • Email
